Shipper Queen Hippie Quad Chapter 38
It had been a week since Harry left. They haven’t heard from him at all; no letters, no contact, no anything. The whole house has been gray and gloomy. Even the twins weren’t cracking jokes. They just walked around the house, not doing much. Charlie was the only one who wasn’t wearing a depressed look upon his face. He kept on telling his mother not to worry about Harry, and Harry had wanted her to know that. He had been through so much to not return. With all the things he had done over the past seven years, Charlie was positive he would come back safely. He was the only one who had faith in Harry’s return.
Ron has been quiet the entire week, not talking to anybody. The only person who could get at least a few words out of him, was Hermione. She for the past week has tried to hold up a strong front but everybody knew she took Harry’s departure hard. The only time a smile was every visible on her face, was when she was in the presences of Ron. Ginny, like her brother, hadn’t been real talkative to anybody. She only spoke when she had to, unlike Ron who didn’t even respond.
The day the three stood outside, getting ready to go back to Hogwarts, the atmosphere was almost suffocating. Mrs. Weasley held onto the three of them until her husband had to pull her away gently.
“You three be good. Be careful and…and tell me if you hear from…” Mrs. Weasley’s eyes swam with tears and George put his arm around his mother’s neck.
“Like mum said, you three be good. Or me and Fred are just going to have to come down there ourselves.” George teased.
A small smile escaped off of Ginny’s face as they climbed onto the purple triple-decker bus. She sat down in an empty seat up front and Ron and Hermione were taking to the second deck, where it was empty.
As the bus lurched to a start Hermione caught unawares, shot forward. Ron caught her around the waist and gently pulled her back into her seat.
“Thanks.” She said.
“Sure.” Ron replied, looking out the window.
“You ok?” she asked slowly.
Ron turned his head to look back at her. “We should be with him right now. Not on this dumb bus.”
“I know. But what can we do?”
Ron sighed and looked back out the window. “What if he doesn’t come back?”
“He will. He always does.” Hermione said taking his hand. He looked down at her hand, and then his eyes rested on hers. She gave him a reassuring smile and a gently squeezed his hand.
“As long as we believe, he will come back, he will.” She said. Ron let a defeated smile break away from his face, and he squeezed her hand.
As day turned into night, Hermione’s head was seen on Ron’s shoulder, sound asleep. Her hand still entangled in Ron’s.
************************************************** **
As the knight bus called to a stop, Ginny picked up her bag and climbed off. First person she saw was Draco. A big smile slipped onto Ginny’s face as she walked over to him.
“There’s my girl.” He said, wrapping her in a tight hug. Ginny closed her eyes and snuggled into his chest. When she opened her eyes, she saw her brother shooting daggers at them. She ignored him and smiled up at Draco.
“How was your break?” she asked.
“It was awful because I couldn’t be with you.” He said taking her bag. Her stomach flipped as he kissed her cheek. “How was yours?”
“Not bad.” She replied.
“But not good?” he asked.
“My mom was all depressed towards the end because Harry left.”
“He left?”
“Why did he leave?”
“I don’t know. He went somewhere with Ron and Hermione the night of Bill’s wedding and I guess something freaked him out. He left the next morning before anybody was awake.”
“Where did he go?”
Ginny looked over at him, and raised an eyebrow at him. “Why so interested in Harry?”
“I was just wondering. You seem worried about him. That’s all.” He said quickly.
“I’m not. He’s a big boy.” Ginny said laying her head on his shoulder.
Was it that noticeable that she was worried about him? She hoped Draco didn’t notice. She didn’t want him to think she still had feelings for Harry. Which she didn’t. Right?
************************************************** **
That night, as Ginny slept in her warm bed, she had a dream… Ginny stood on top of a hill looking down at two people down below. One was on their knees; the other had his wand pointed to the one on his knees.
“Its all your fault she’s dead. Its all your fault they are all dead. Its all your fault you’re all alone!”
The image disappeared and another took its place… Ginny was standing by herself, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly a shadow popped out of the trees. She jumped and pulled her out her wand.
The shadow stopped and looked at her, waiting for her to do something.
“Who are you?” she asked the shadow.
The shadow said nothing but ran away from her at full speed.
“Wait! Who are you?” she called. She began to chase after him, but the shadow was to fast for her and he soon lost her. Ginny stopped to take a breath and saw something on the ground. She walked over and picked it up. A green colored, snakeskin, scarf lay forgotten on the path. Ginny looked down at it, then looked after the shadow.
This dream also turned into another… ”Ginny.” A voice called.
She looked around to see who had called her, but only saw trees all around her.
“Ginny.” The voice called again.
She turned sharply and saw somebody walking toward her. But unlike the shadow from her other dream, that made her alert and cautious, this shadow made all the nerves in her body disappear. The person’s face was in complete shadow, but she didn’t feel scared of the mysterious person.
The shadow stopped a few feet away from her. A soft maroon color glowed off the shadow’s body. But the glow wasn’t light enough for her to see his face.
As the shadow stood staring at her, he said her name again.
“Who are you?” she asked with curiosity.
“Don’t leave him all alone.” Was all the shadow said.
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