Ack!! Im so sorry guys. I was so going to post Sunday but my mom accidently erased my chapter
Then I was to busy to type it back up. Its a long chapter, so I hope it makes up for the long wait
Chapter 30
“The wedding was nice, don’t you think?” Hermione said as they sat down at an empty table.
“Yeah it was.” Harry replied as Ron walked over and joined them.
“See it wasn’t that bad was it?” Hermione smiled at him. Ron had been a bundle of nerves before the wedding. He had this crazy idea that he would fall or tear somebody’s dress.
“No. It wasn’t.” Ron said, giving her a light smile. He then caught somebody in the crowd and his smile vanished. Harry wondered whom he had seen. His question was answered when he saw the person walking toward them.
“Hermione.” Viktor Krum said grabbing her attention.
“Viktor!” Hermione said and gave him a hug. “I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too. I vas pleased with the vedding. It vas very beautiful.” Krum said taking a seat next to Hermione at the table.
“Yes it was. So I see you’ve learned how to say my name properly.” She said giving him a playful smile.
“Yeah, I have been practicing.” He admitted.
Harry could almost feel the heat coming off of Ron. He peaked a look at him and saw he was looking hard at the table.
“Oh look! Dancing.” Krum pointed out. Harry would’ve laughed at how obvious he was being but didn’t. This guy was ruining Hermione and Ron’s friendship and he was tired of it. But what he said next, threw everybody off.
“Why don’t you dance with her Ron.” Krum said. Ron looked at him like he was mad, then turned to Hermione.
“Um…you want to dance?” he asked quietly.
“Sure.” Hermione said brightly and stood. She put her hand out and Ron took it. They walked to the dance floor with silly smiles on their faces.
Harry turned to Krum and gave him a confused look. “I thought-“
“That me and Hermione were going out?” Krum finished for him with a chuckle. “No. She has told you two over and over again that we are just friends.”
“Then why did you sound all happy in your last letter?” Harry blurted out.
Krum raised an eyebrow at him and said, “You’ve been reading my letters?”
“Well, we kind of, accidentally, read one of them. She doesn’t know about it though.” Harry said, going a little red.
Krum chuckled at him. “Don’t vorry I wont tell her. But did you say I sounded happy in my last letter?” he asked curiously.
“Yeah it was the one where you asked Hermione if you could come to the wedding.” Harry said.
“Oh.” Krum chuckled again. “That wasn’t my last letter to her. In my last letter, I vas in a grumpy mood. A new chaser has come to the team and he needs help with everything. So I was a little agitated. Plus after reading her last letter I was really down.”
“Why?” Harry asked.
“Because apparently you and Ron vere mad at her and avoided talking to her.”
“Oh, yeah.” Harry said growing embarrassed.
“You have never read any of Hermione’s letters, have you?”
“Vell if you have, I don’t think you or Ron vood have been so mad at her.” Krum said with a knowing smile.
“Because she is in love with Ron.” He said simply. This took Harry by surprise.
“But then why were you all excited when she said yes in that letter we read?” Harry asked.
“Now that I think about it, the letter vas very vague. If you didn’t know vat ve’re talking about you could of easily of easily of misinterpreted it.” He said.
“So what did you really mean?”
“Vell in my letter before that, I think you all were still at the Burrow. I had asked her to admit that she loved Ron. I’ve known that she has liked him for ages but I just vanted to hear her say it.”
“Why did you want her to say it?” Harry asked, finding it a little strange.
“Because she is my friend. I knew if she couldn’t admit to herself that she loved him, they vood never be together.” Krum said catching Harry’s tone.
“Oh.” Harry said finally understanding. Harry could tell he was being entirely truthful. Krum had been good in the long run. Hermione “did” love Ron, not Krum.
“So vat has happened vif you and that Veasley girl? Is it Ginny?”
“Yeah. Her name is Ginny.” Harry said, grateful that he didn’t call her “that red head.”
“So…” Krum said, urging him to go on.
“We broke up at the end of our sixth year.” Harry replied, watching her dance with Fred. She had the most beautiful smile on her face as Fred twirled her around in circles.
“Did she do it? Or you?” Krum asked.
“I did.”
“Because you’re scared right?” Harry turned his head back to Krum. Since when did he become Mr. Therapist?
“I’m not scared.” Harry replied.
“Then why be apart from her? All you have been looking at for the past ten minutes is her.”
Harry immediately took his eyes off of Ginny. “I don’t want her to get hurt.”
“Don’t you think you are hurting her more by staying away from her?”
Harry sighed. He wasn’t enjoying their talk much anymore. He absentmindly began wrapping his finger through his dress robes.
“Vhy don’t you be with her?”
“I cant.”
“She has a boyfriend.”
“That Malfoy character?”
“Yeah…how did-“
“Hermione writes about other things besides Ron too.” Krum smiled. “Why don’t you ask her to dance?”
“I don’t think so. She is still mad at me probably.”
“Ok. I have an idea. Go ask the bride to dance.” Krum said.
“Why?” Harry asked.
“Just do it.” Krum replied already getting up from his chair. Harry watched as he walked onto the dance floor and tapped Fred on the shoulder. He then took over for him and began dancing with Ginny.
“Harry didn’t really get what Krum was planning, but walked over to the head table where Fleur and Bill were sitting happily together.
“Fleur, dance?” Harry asked.
“Sure.” She said and kissed her new husband on the cheek. “I’ll be back.”
“Ok. But don’t tire her out too much Harry. We still need to go on our honeymoon tonight.” Bill said and gave Harry a wink.
Harry walked onto the dance floor and placed one hand on her hip and his other hand went into hers. The song was fast and upbeat, so Harry concentrated on moving his feet fast. The smile that was on Fleur’s face during the ceremony was still plastered on her face as they moved around the dance floor.
“The wedding was nice.” Harry said making small talk.
“Thank you. It waz exactly how I imagined it would be.” She replied.
Harry looked to his left and saw Krum and Ginny dancing closer and closer.
“I’m happy you came.” Fleur said blissfully to him.
“Are you kidding? Ron would of killed me if I missed it.” Harry smiled at her.
The fast song ended and everybody clapped. A slow song replaced the old song and everybody started moving again. Harry slowed his feet and moved with the music, when he felt somebody tap him on the shoulder.
“Vell I must have a dance with the new bride.” Krum said with a mischievous smile. “Switch.”
Harry let go of Fleur and Krum took her hand. He began moving with her slowly around the dance floor but not before he made eye contact with Harry and winked at him.
Harry turned back to Ginny. She gave him an encouraging smile and he stepped forward. He placed both of his hands on her waist awkwardly. She then put her arms around his neck. Then they began rocking with the song.
“You looked pretty today.” Harry said.
“Thanks.” She said quietly, a smile playing on her face.
As the song went somberly through their heads, Ginny rested her head on his shoulder. His breath caught in his throat as her flowery scent wafted around him. He wanted to stay in this moment forever. Not thinking about anything but Ginny in his arms. Nothing about all the things that happened at school, nothing about how Ginny had a boyfriend, nothing about anything. Just him and Ginny.
“Look it’s snowing.” Ginny said lifting her head from his shoulder. Harry looked up to see white specks falling down from the sky. It was the most perfect moment ever. Harry brought his head back down from the sky and smiled at her. She returned his smile with one of her own as they continued moving as one body. Harry wanted this moment to last forever.
Hope you liked it!!