Run, Emma, Run! Okay everyone here is the second to last chapter of I'll Stand By You. I hope you all enjoy. And the last chapter will be posted up tomorrow...
Chapter 23:
Days turned into months and Hermione had not seen or heard of Draco.
“Hermione you can’t move there though. You are a witch for crying out loud!” Harry and Ron yelled at the same time.
“It’s New York! My parents live there and there are witches and wizards everywhere you go these days!” Hermione sighed.
“But you don’t really want to go do you?” Harry asked.
“No…but I am tired of people watching me all the time and whispering “She’s the one who left that poor handsome boy on their wedding day”. I mean how did they all find out!?”
Ron cleared his throat.
Hermione shot him a dirty look and said, “I should have known.”
“I am from a big family here! Of course it would leak out, my brothers are Fred and George you know!” Ron said throwing his hands up.
The next morning Hermione packed her bags into a taxi, which would take her to the airport.
“Doing everything muggle style I see” said the taxi driver.
Hermione looked up to see the face of an old man she did not recognize.
“Um…what style?” Hermione said trying to sound clueless.
The taxi driver just smiled and opened the door for Hermione. Hermione got in. Did he know she was a witch? And who was he?
The drive to the airport was long and silent. It took three hours to get there and once there Hermione boarded the plan.
The flight was ten hours in total. And at the airport her parents greeted her with open arms. She would be staying with them a couple of days.
Only three days passed however when an unexpected visitor arrived.
“Hello Mrs. Granger” Drcao said as Hermione’s mom opened the door.
“If you are here to hurt my daughter even more oh trust me I don’t need a wand to cause pain in your body” Mrs. Granger snapped.
“Now I see where Hermione gets her temper from” Draco mumbled.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean is Hermione here? I came to apologize. It took me over two months to realize that I can’t live without her and that I need her more than ever”.
Mrs. Granger’s face softened as Draco said these words.
“She is not here. She got a job at a café as a waitress. She wanted to take time off from the ministry since she knew she would bump into you one day. The café is down the street.”
Draco smiled, “Thanks Mrs. Granger I appreciate it”.
“Oh and if she asks I didn’t tell you”.
“You got it” Draco said as he left towards the café.
“Hello and welcome to the Blue moon café” the doorman greeted Draco.
“Thanks” Draco replied as he entered.
“Your total is $3.74”.
Draco looked over at the cashier. It was Hermione.
“This next song is by Celien Dion”.
Draco turned towards a stage he had not noticed. On stage there was a girl who had a wonderful voice.
Draco moved towards the stage and asked a woman who was sitting near by “Is she taking requests?”
“Yes she is” the woman replied rather breathless. She seemed to be taken away by Draco's looks.
Draco smiled, “Thanks”.
He knew however that she would not have fancied him if she had seen him a few weeks ago as an old man driving a taxi.
Draco waited for the woman on stage to stop singing before making his request.
“Can you sing this song” Draco asked writing down the name on a piece of paper.
“I sure can. Would you like to give a special message before the song?” the woman asked.
"I think the song will say it all” Draco said.
“Alright then.”
Now speaking into the microphone the woman said, “Everybody here is our next song…”
I hope you all enjoyed!
Love you all very much,
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |