Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 09-22-2007, 05:57 PM   #277 (permalink)
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Harry, so far dateless, watched the two enter the Great Hall with a cold glare. He never thought it would be possible to hate Malfoy even more... and now, he hated Hermione with a strong passion, one thing he never thought would be possible. If they weren’t willing to break up before, they better be now. I gave them enough time.

As soon as he thought that, he saw Dean come around the corner. Odd, he left (Ginny close behind), before him and Hermione, and now Dean was later than the two...?

His thoughts were cleared when he saw Ginny a step behind, her hand in his. Harry was stunned; the two broke up the year before... many times, why are they back together again? Harry’s glare fixated on them as they walked into the Great Hall without a moment’s hesitation.

With no one else to wait for, Harry walked out of the shadows of the hall followed the couple at distance and into the dance, pushing himself into a large group of people. He pushed his way back out and found the food table. He took a handful of cauldron cakes and a cup of punch and sat back down. He scanned the crowds curiously, eating and drinking what he had gotten. When he finished, he cleaned off his hands and left the table, leaving his garbage behind, when he saw Hermione standing alone.

Walking through and around the crowds, he finally stopped behind Hermione and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and faced Harry. Her lightened features darkened in a split second.

“Go away,” she spat.

“No, just listen...”

“No, you listen, you’ve been telling me what to do, what to wear, and even how to act, for months now! You wouldn’t leave me alone, and you’re making that clear now. So just go away and leave me alone,” Hermione snapped, pushing Harry hard on the shoulder and forcing him backwards a few steps.

“You haven’t given me a chance.”

“Since when, four months ago? You’re just as bad now as you were before this summer. I don’t what’s gotten into you, but I don’t want to know it. Now go away.”

“What do you see in Malfoy, honestly? He’s leading you on and into nothing,” Harry said with a hard tone.

“I’m not stupid; he’s more thoughtful than you ever were.”

“Don’t you find it odd that he comes out of nowhere to try and help you break us off? Break up ‘The Golden Trio’? How can you not see he’s playing with your mind and splitting us up so it’ll be easier for his master to kill us?”

“What? He would never do that, and for that matter where’s your proof he’s a Death Eater?” Hermione pointed out.

“The Dark Mark on his arm doesn’t prove anything? The fact his family has been Voldemort’s closest allies since his reign, before and now, and even through his downfall? The one thing Malfoy has always wanted is to see us dead, and now he’s just using you to get that job done.”

“Hermione always said you were a liar, but I never thought you’d call on such strong notions,” a cold voice injected. Harry glared as Draco came up to Hermione’s side.

“And I never thought you’d be so desperate either. Go away,” Hermione added, pronouncing each syllable in the last two words she told Harry.

“Not until you listen to me.”

“I’ve listened to you forever! You’ve given me enough reasons within this school year for me to ignore you for the rest of my life, so honestly, just go,” she snapped.

“What’re you doing here anyways? This is a couple’s dance, not a desperate loner's convention,” Draco said coldly.

Before Hermione could even think, Harry tackled Draco to the ground. Everyone circled around the three, chanting ‘Fight, fight, fight...’ as Harry attempted to punch Draco out.

“GET OFF HIM!” Hermione yelled as she tried pulling Harry off of Draco. When the two rolled over so Draco was on top and punching Harry, Hermione rolled her eyes and backed away.

“YOU’RE A LITTLE CHEAT!” Harry yelled as he rolled on top once more.

“Oh SHUT UP YOU FAT POT-HEAD! YOU’RE AS STUPID AS YOU WERE WHEN YOU FIRST ENTERED THIS SCHOOL!” Draco yelled back as he rolled back on top and full-front attacking Harry, whose nose bled and a black eye formed drastically. Harry weaseled an arm out from under Draco’s hold and punched him in the eye.

“You bruise like a peach, ferret,” Harry said. This threw Draco off-guard (as well as the punch to his eye), and Harry rolled them over again and pulled his wand out.

“For Merlin’s sake, GET OFF EACH OTHER YOU IDIOTS!” Hermione yelled. She was once again ignored.

“Now admit to your plans – you’re just trying to get me, Hermione, Ron, everyone in the Order, all killed,” Harry snarled, pushing his wand onto Draco’s neck.

“You might’ve been saved by love as a kid, but you don’t what love really is, do you?” Draco demanded, still under Harry’s hold.

“You don’t love, people like you never love; you just marry into distant family. You don’t love anyone other than yourself anyways,” Harry snapped, jabbing Draco in the neck with his wand and making him gag momentarily.

Before Draco could respond, Harry was suddenly pulled off of him, seeming to be frozen like a statue. He got up and dusted his clothes off. He whipped his wand out, and just before he was about to let a spell free at Harry, he was frozen to the spot as well.

“This is a DANCE, not a muggle club!” Professor McGonagall said loudly as she pushed out of the crowd of students and into the centre of the circle. “Ms. Granger, what’re you doing?”

“I couldn’t get them off unless I did this,” Hermione responded as she put her wand away. “Sorry...”

The two guys started moving once more. As soon as Draco’s hand dropped and jumped back up, Professor McGonagall snapped, “Don’t even think about it! And you too!” She saw Harry’s wand go up simultaneously with Draco’s. Both wand hands lowered slowly, suspiciously eyeing the other’s until they were back into their pockets. “Now what in Merlin’s name were you two thinking? And... do you even have a date, Mr. Potter?”

Draco snickered as Harry’s cheeks burned.

“She’s... not here.”

“As in not in here this world?” Hermione cut in. Harry glared at her.

“You three, come with me.”

“Three?” Hermione asked, surprised.

“Yes, you too, Ms. Granger. Now come along, you’ve all already taken from the students’ enjoyment.”

“I think they’ve had enough enjoyment to last the ni... ok then, let’s get going.” Harry quickly changed what he said when he saw the escalating expression on Professor McGonagall’s face. Harry grudgingly followed behind McGonagall, and Draco had to drag Hermione out – carefully since she kept tripping.

The four made their way to the main entrance and headed around a corner to where the area was dimly lit and empty.

“Now has gotten into you three?”

“What’d I do? I tried to stop them!” Hermione exclaimed.

“Yeah, do see a scratch on her?” Draco added, his punched eye forcibly closing as it puffed up even more.

“I have no doubt about that, Ms. Granger, but you were only feet away from these baboons. What did you two do to each other this time?” McGonagall demanded suddenly.

“Harry wouldn’t leave me alone,” Hermione responded, glaring at the angry raven-haired boy.

“You never listen to me!”

“Do you wonder why?” Hermione asked, appalled.

“You two are closest of friends, what’s happened?” McGonagall injected. “And... what were you there for?” McGonagall turned to Draco, whose eye was now a purpley-black.

“He wouldn’t leave Hermione alone and was claiming other students to be Death Eaters that they were plotting against Hogwarts,” Draco responded matter-oh-factly.

“That is a serious offense, Mr. Potter,” McGonagall turned back to Harry.

“What? That I can’t talk to who used someone who used to be my friend?”

McGonagall narrowed her eyes at him.

“Well he is! You saw what happened last year, and I saw the Mark for myself.”

“Double detention tomorrow night, Mr. Potter,” Professor McGonagall cut in flatly. “Go back to your dormitory as you have no need to be at this dance.”
Harry grumbled and walked off. As soon as he did, McGonagall turned to Hermione.

“Is that honestly what Potter said?”

Hermione clenched her jaw and nodded. McGonagall then turned to Draco.

“Now... Potter has been acting off lately, but that doesn’t take away from his accusations against you and... any other students?”

“Technically no,” Hermione cut in. “Harry came up to me and started demanding I listen to him, and he said things like ‘don’t you find it odd Malfoy comes out of nowhere to try and help you break us off? How can you not see he’s playing with your mind to break up ‘The Golden Trio’ and have his master kill us?’ and... ‘The dark mark doesn’t prove anything? His family is... You-Know-Who’s closest allies and has been throughout his reign, before and now, and through his downfall... Malfoy always wanted to see me dead, now he’s just using you to get the job done’, etcetera. Then Draco came around and fight pursued.”

“How long has Potter been acting differently and saying things like that?”

“He’s been weird since the summer, and I haven’t really talked to him much so I can’t say,” Hermione responded honestly.

McGonagall then turned to Draco. “Has anything Potter said that you just heard sound true to you?”

“How should I know?” Draco responded.

“You can answer to Potter’s first accusation of you,” McGonagall pointed out.
“Aren’t teachers supposed to be unbiased?” Draco asked.

“Show me your left forearm,” McGonagall said flatly.


Before Draco could continue, the castle went dark. Something tore Hermione away from Draco, and her mind started to grow distant as she felt something impale her head...

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-22-2007 at 05:59 PM. Reason: ading the '---' stuff
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