Ok, I'm updating

I got bored last night and started another one-shot that I said I'd do a long time ago

But I didn't finish it... I dunno if it'll be one of those that I start but don't finish, one I finish but haven't posted (I actually do have one oneshot that I finished but haven't bothered to post cause I don't like it), or I just finish and forget about it... so it might be up but it might not be. (I'll post a link if I do).
You’ll find out in this chapter. Made up for the length of the last one here... Truthfully! It’s really long... I’m splitting it into two posts (same time, but it’s so long I’m splitting it up so it doesn’t appear too long). Longest chapter of the F.F actually...
Oh, and with the title... you'll see in the second half

I couldn't think of a good one and it was kinda early in the morning (it took me 3 weeks to get past one spot in this chapter, I was desperate), so I used the first, corny thought that came to my head.
P.S: Hermione’s dress -
click here (anyone that clicked the old, this is the new)
Hermione’s hairstyle -
click here
(I loved the hair, couldn’t resist for some reason).
Chapter 22
The Couple’s Dance Fight And Flight
“Hurry up, Hermione! You’re going to make Malfoy think you stood him up at this rate!” Ginny snapped as she pushed open Hermione’s door.
“Hey! I could’ve been changing and you wouldn’t have known!” Hermione snapped back as she brought her wand to her head. She muttered a series of spells, and her hair went from a bushy curly to a flow of natural, medium curls from the root. Ginny was surprised – normally Hermione would ‘straighten’ her hair for such an occasion, never the opposite.
“We’re all girls here,” Ginny responded, rolling her eyes.
“But everyone’s different,” Hermione pointed out. She then pulled all of her curly hair back into a chignon and pulled out a few wisps and strands to frame her face. “Ready?”
“Well it’s kind of redundant for you to be asking me that...”
Ginny smirked, still standing at the door of Hermione’s room.
“So what do you think?” Hermione asked, s spinning around once.
“You’ll shock everyone... again,” Ginny responded honestly. She actually liked the new, pink dress robes Hermione had gotten over Christmas holidays; it had a nice medium/low cut in the front and a cowl neck, along with two thin sleeves, two sat off of Hermione’s shoulders while the other two hung daintily off her upper arm. It was floor length, and had soft ruffles from the waist down. Because of the back of the dress, Ginny was surprised by Hermione’s choice – it was practically lacking of one. The fabric clung right onto Hermione’s lower back, hugged her curves fell down her legs, just slightly hanging away from them.
“The back is too exposing, isn’t it?” Hermione asked flatly.
“No, it’s great that way actually. It’s better than going up to the back of your neck or something.”
Hermione put her hands to her head, thinking.
“Is it the hair?”
“Nothing’s wrong, Mione – you’re as perfect as humanly possible. I can honestly say it’s a bit of a surprise to see you curl your hair
“I knew I should’ve done the straightening instead...”
“Hermione, calm down!” Ginny cut in as she walked into the room. “It’s a change, and change is good. Remember that. And either way, Malfoy will probably be gawking the entire time; you’re twice as beautiful in comparison to the Yule Ball.”
“That was 3 years ago!”
“Exactly. Now can we go?”
Hermione held up one finger, indicating ‘1 moment’, and looked into the mirror in front of her. She lightly ran her finger over her eyelids to blend her eye shadow, and then headed for the door.
“Yes, we can.”
“Finally! Dean sent up at least two girls to check on me...”
“How long has it been, anyways?”
“Since the last girl? About 5 minutes...”
“I mean since people started leaving.”
“About twenty minutes.”
“Damn it...”
“I told you to get ready earlier!”
“That’s funny, coming from you.”
“Watch it!” Ginny growled as she followed Hermione down the stairs. “Oi, watch where you’re going!” Ginny snapped to whoever was behind her. Hermione looked over her shoulder to see who Ginny was talking to and saw Jaimie. She resisted the urge to gag.
“Did you get back together with Harry?” Hermione asked with an edge of venom.
“Merlin, no. I’m going with Ron.”
“What?” Ginny cut in flatly, wide-eyed. She stopped on the stairs suddenly, and Jaimie nearly ran into her.
“It was just a last-second thing...”
“Just out random curiosity... are you trying to get Harry jealous?” Ginny asked.
“Well... not really...”
“Trust me, it doesn’t work,” Hermione cut in plainly.
“What are you talking about? It could’ve never worked better!” Jaimie practically exclaimed.
“Can you take your conversation on flat ground?” a girl behind them snapped impatiently. The three moved off to the side and let the girl walk by.
“Seriously?” Hermione asked, surprised.
“Yeah, I mean... I can’t believe I even liked Harry actually, he’s just so... so...”
“Controlling? Possessive?” Hermione offered.
“Annoying? Paranoid?” Ginny added.
“Exactly! When he wasn’t telling me to do this or that, he was asking about you...”
“Seriously?” Hermione asked again, now stunned.
“Yeah, I know it was weird, I mean... I don’t even remember the last time we said a word to each other actually...”
“When you broke up with Harry,” Ginny said.
“Well not really, I was more yelling at him... but anyways, I was planning on ending it beforehand. Despite how he could be, I could tell he had good intentions, he just came off really... strong.”
“He was never like that last year, though, and that’s what gets me,” Ginny said. “Really makes me wonder...”
“You were with him?” Jaimie asked incredulously.
“Is that a shock?” Ginny asked in a threatening tone.
“No, not at all,” Jaimie responded quickly.
“So if you didn’t like Harry all that much, why do you want to get him jealous?” Hermione asked curiously.
“I could ask you the same,” Jaimie pointed out. Without another word, she walked around the two and disappeared around the corner of the staircase.
“She’s got to be the weirdest person I’ve ever met...” Ginny muttered as she followed Hermione down the stairs once more. They made it to the Common Room ground. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going.”
“Have fun,” Hermione said with a smile.
Ginny smiled and nodded back, and then left Hermione to herself. Hermione caught a few words Ginny said to Dean (‘Worth the wait?’ and some other things Hermione didn’t hear). Hermione headed for the portrait hole, and left the Tower. She walked down the flights of stairs in her 4 inch, pink tinted open toe heels, which she didn’t think would be as hard as it really was – she nearly tripped twice. She finally made it to the stairs that led to the Great Hall, and only hoped that she didn’t trip down this one flight of stairs, it would be the first flight she would make down cleanly.
After a moment, she walked around the corner and carefully made her way down the stairs. She once again found herself being the only girl anyone, and everyone, looked at. As she made it to the ground floor gracefully, she stumbled momentarily and nearly fell forwards. A pair of arms kept her up.
“Lovely entrance.”
Hermione scowled at Draco, who was smirking as he took a tiny step away from Hermione and gave her a one-over.
“I can honestly say I didn’t recognize you at first,” Draco said after a moment, meeting Hermione’s eyes once more.
“Really?” Hermione asked curiously.
“You’re stunning.”
“You look pretty smart yourself,” Hermione responded with a smile. She got closer, and when her lips were so close to his they barely brushed, she said, “Thanks.” She kissed him, and the two walked into the decorated Great Hall.