Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
bleh, I'm bored and at home 'sick' (well I am sick, not faking, but it was worse in the morning), and I feel like updating.
I'm pretty sure all of you will love this update
This chapter officially has no name (that I can think of at least). You can name it for yourself if you want, but I've got nothing.
Enjoy  The end is... well yeah.
Countdown so far - 7 more days til my birthday! Chapter 20
The next day, Hermione set out, with the silver iPod, to find Draco. She walked down the deserted halls to the Great Hall for breakfast, and found Harry already there, sitting in the middle of the table with Ron next to him, Jaimie at least 6 people away from him on the same side. She looked around for an open spot that wasn’t near him, and was successful when she found a spot on the opposite side of the table at least twenty seats away, the spot in front of her empty. She started putting food on her plate and eating casually, savouring the taste.
Ten minutes passed, she looked up and across the room. She saw him, Draco, look down quickly and continue talking with the group of people next to him. She looked back down as well, after a moment in hopes he’d match her gaze, and continued eating. She kept her head down, but looked up and saw him looking again. She dug into her pocket and pulled out a headphone. She made it clear what it was to Draco by pretending to examine it, and she looked at him quickly. He matched her gaze for only a moment, the intensity burning into her, and then looked away. She dropped the headphone on her lap and finished her breakfast. She slid the headphone back into her pocket and got up and walked away. She turned left as soon as she left, hoping to make it clear she was going to the library.
Making it into the room of books, she meandered down to the back of the library and behind a shelf. She started searching for a book to read, looking around and walking slowly. She heard movement and looked to the centre of the library and saw Draco standing at the end of the rows, just looking at her. She waved her hand beckoningly and he walked down the way towards her.
“Where’d you get this?” she asked as she pulled the iPod out.
“I saw your blue version of it... I went down the muggle London during Christmas holidays and bought one along with this thing they call a ‘lapmop’ or whatever and started to put songs on it after figuring out its use,” he responded quietly to make sure no one else could hear him. “It definitely comes in handy.”
“Did you have fun sticking it to my window?” Hermione asked with a light smile.
“That message was much more enjoyable to put up,” Draco replied sarcastically.
“Why did you not want to be seen?” Hermione asked curiously.
“You haven’t said a word to me in well over a month; I honestly didn’t think you’d want to see me in your window if you don’t want to talk to me in public.”
“Look... I’m sorry about everything... I’ve just felt so lost and confused and... overall down in the dumps for the past while, thinking about Harry’s change ever since Christmas, you...”
“So you have been thinking about me,” Draco cut in with a smirk.
“More the things I’ve heard you’ve been doing and imagining it more than anything,” Hermione responded simply.
“If you’re talking about Potter and the tree, he had it coming,” Draco said, automatically jumping into a defensive mode.
“I never said it was your fault,” Hermione pointed out. “And with Ron...?”
“He managed to use a spell that somehow semi-Splinched my wand arm,” Draco explained. “I was just getting him back.”
“You got him back all 5 times, I’m sure,” Hermione drawled sarcastically.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding and smirking at the memories.
“It’s just... why have you suddenly started trying to beat them up?”
“It’s the final year, I might as well have fun before you can get arrested for doing such things for my reasons,” Draco responded with a shrug. Hermione looked back at him in a condescending way. “And they caused my problems in the first place, I just showing them what it’s like.”
“What problems? If it wasn’t for Harry, we wouldn’t be here right now, would we?”
Draco shrugged. again “Ever since I sent him to the Hospital Wing, he’s been acting against me somehow, and then Weasley just made things worse on the train.”
“Well you did jump in...”
“But he could’ve used his head just that once and walked away.”
“You could’ve too,” Hermione cut in. “But whatever... the past is the past. It’s now that matters. And speaking of now, here’s your iPod.”
She handed Draco the iPod. As Draco slowly pulled his hand away to put the iPod on his pocket, his eyes were locked onto hers. Hermione moved closer and said, “I’ve also been thinking about the last time you came into my dormitory...”
Draco’s features lit with a half-smirk, half-smile.
“And it has been a couple months...”
Draco pulled her closer to him and claimed her lips. As Hermione started responded, her arms wound around his neck, and she made him tilt his head so he had better access to her mouth. Her finger grazed their way up his neck and ran through his silky platinum locks. He deepened the kiss, and Hermione followed. Moments later, she pulled away and leaned her forehead on his.
“I definitely felt something that time,” she whispered. **I also found out I’m better at writing snogging scenes when handwriting them. Everything else I’ve ever written (kissing wise) before that chapter was typed. I found this out at 4:30am on July 31st (yes, I wrote this chapter back then. I finished the story sometime in mid/late August), and I shall continue doing this when the times come... so basically I’ll have a notebook full of nothing but kissing scenes... 0.o**
__________________  Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-17-2007 at 09:11 PM.
Reason: forgot to centre the title...