Run, Emma, Run! There have been big gaps between each of my chapters lately...but I hope you all understand that I am super busy at the moment. So here is Chapter 21...I know FINALLY, right? I hope you all enjoy it! And just to let you all know the story is coming to an end...but I will have a new one up after.
Chapter 21:
“Scar head where are we going!?” Draco yelled as he allowed Harry to drag him out of his house.
“And I thought you out grew your little stupid first grade remarks” Harry smirked.
“Where are we going?” Draco yelled.
“You’ll see now walk faster!”
Harry led the way until both men appeared in front of a huge hall, which was the exact same hall in which…
“I said I would never come an inch with in this hall Potter!” Draco yelled remembering the horrible day in which he lost everything.
“Just go inside Draco. You have not been to church in a long time and trust me…I think you need to be blessed”.
Draco threw Harry the dirtiest look he could make through his tears before walking slowly towards the big marble front doors.
“Stupid Potter, he thinks I need to be blessed well if he was none of the horrible things that have happened to him would have happened!” Draco mumbled as he stepped inside.
Draco went towards the front of the hall and sat down. He put his head in his hands and looked at the ground.
The silence stabbed Draco like a knife. He couldn’t take it especially with all the anger and sadness he held inside.
“WHY?” Draco yelled all of a sudden. “WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE WHAT I GOT? I…oh for merlins sake I turned good! Doesn’t that count for something!”
Draco kicked the bench and turned around to walk out of the church he decided hated him as much as he hated it. But was stopped by a group of people standing by the door.
Harry, Ron, and all the Weasleys were standing there.
“Is this why you brought me here Potter? To see me go crazy with agony?” Draco snapped.
“Hey buddy don’t you dare talk to me like that! I have been through more pain than you in case you forgot!” Harry snapped back.
Draco turned around and was about to take the side door to get out when he stopped dead in his tracks.
There standing by the oak door was a woman in a beautiful white dress. Her hair was in curls and her smile was welcoming. There stood the one and only Hermione Granger, whom Draco had not seen for a year.
“You always did choose to run away from you problems instead of dealing with them” Hermione smiled as she walked forward.
“Hermione? I…no, get away” Draco said.
“What?” Harry and Ron yelled.
“After a year of moaning about not having her you chose to push her away now that you have her in front of you?” Ron said.
“Hey she left me for some other idiot!” Draco snapped.
“The other idiot, though evil, was smarter compared to the idiot I’m yelling at now” Ron snapped back.
“Draco I didn’t leave you for Victor” Hermione whispered.
“Oh yeah and I am suppose to believe that because?” Draco said.
“Because you should know that I love you and that I would never leave you!” Hermione yelled, now in tears.
“Never leave me! Damn it you were gone for a year!”
“I was captured stupid!”
“Then why didn’t you let us help you?”
“Because I wanted to get out on my own! I may be in love but I still don’t want a guy doing everything for me!”
“I’m sorry but no…” Draco said as he walked away pushing Harry and Ron out of his way.
“Draco you are making a mistake” Mrs. Weasley spoke up.
Draco stopped.
“No the mistake was asking her to marry me” Draco whispered.
“What happened to I’ll Stand By You?” Hermione said.
“I kept my promise. You were the one who failed not me”.
“Well guess who is failing now?” Hermione cried.
Draco turned and looked Hermione straight in the face.
“Well then I’m sorry. But you know, I don’t think I should be the one apologizing”.
And with that Draco walked out of the hall.
“Hermione I didn’t…” Harry began.
“It’s fine Harry. It’s just that I feel I came back for nothing”.
Hermione walked to her two best friends and hugged them.
“But knowing you I know you aren’t going to let him walk away like that” Ron said.
“You’re right…I’m not going to”.
Hermione exited out the door and headed towards Draco’s house.
I hope you enjoyed Chapter 21!
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |