Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 09-15-2007, 02:50 AM   #222 (permalink)
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well it's Friday, and I feel like updating...
Here's an update!
I like this chapter honestly
Pre-written message:
Ok, there’s more to this chapter than Draco... in fact you don’t really see him... it starts out with Hermione (and Harry... and Jaimie a bit...) more than anything.
Song I used in the end of this chapter is called All I Need by Within Temptation. It’s the song I’m using for my other F.F and it’s a total Draco song I think! When you see it, you’ll know... (I haven't started that story like I did with What Have You Done, which is the story where I gave a sneak peak for the first chapter)

Chapter 19
All Draco Needs

Weeks passed quietly – Hermione occasionally passed by Harry and Jaimie, but she acted as though they weren’t there. She watched their ‘relationship’ grow, she would see them throwing magical snowballs when professors or prefects weren’t around, they would chase each other through the forests around the Black Lake, they would just walk through the halls together, talking. Hermione felt a stab to her heart each time she saw them together, because she knew they had something she never had with Harry; happiness. His controlling act seemed to have diminished when she left, and that’s what hurt the most.

Snow kept falling through January and February, and a week before Valentines Day, the day Hermione dreaded the most, a notice was put up that nearly made her cry; there was going to be a couple’s Valentines Day dance in the Great Hall on February 14th.


She turned around slowly and saw Harry. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise – she hadn’t heard from him since he (possibly? Hermione wasn’t sure) found out about her and Draco’s ‘plan’.

Everyone who had surrounded the billboard spun around to watch what would happen.

“What?” she asked flatly.

“W-would you go to the dance with me?” Harry stammered.

A quiet chorus of gasps ran through the group, who knew everything that had happened between the two. Hermione’s mouth opened in surprise... she couldn’t believe it! He was...

“What about Jaimie?” Hermione spat.

“We aren’t really serious or anything...”

“And we are?” Hermione cut in, surprised. “I haven’t heard a word from you since Draco sent you to the Hospital Wing! Did you want to make our first conversation memorable or something?”

“No... It’s just... a reason to talk to you and I do want to go with you,” Harry responded honestly. Hermione’s eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“Excuse me?”

Hermione looked towards the source of the voice. Jaimie came pushing through the crowd, looking rather shocked.

“What?” Harry asked.

“Why’re you asking her? What about me?” Jaimie snapped.

“Well you never really made a move...”

“You snogged her, Harry,” Hermione cut in, an evil smile forming on her lips. “She snogged you back – does that not live up to your intentions?”

Harry’s mouth opened and closed jerkily, the words that seemed to be on the tip of his tongue didn’t seem to come out. Jaimie’s arms crossed across her chest and she glared at Harry.

“I thought I left jerks like you back in Russia.”

“You said you were French!” Harry snapped, finally using the ammunition Jaimie gave him.

“You never listened to my story, did you?” Jaimie asked, shocked, her blue-green eyes flashing angrily.

“I heard most of it,” Harry responded indignantly.

“What was the name of the school I went to?”

Harry opened his mouth for a moment, but then closed it.

“Don’t know?” Jaimie sneered. “Whatever you thought we had is over!” She then stormed off.

“No, look... Jaimie! I was going to ask you, but...”

“I thought you wanted to go with me,” Hermione cut in with a sickeningly-sweet tone, a smirk starting to form on her face.


“Make up your mind, Harry. It’d be nice if you did that more often,” Hermione cut in, glaring.

She then stalked off and ran up the stairs leading to her dormitory, tears starting to leak from her eyes. She ran into her room and slammed her bedroom door shut angrily. She jumped onto the bed and buried her face into her pillow, screaming angrily into it. After many minutes, she stopped, and as soon as she did, there was a knock on her door.

“Go away!” Hermione yelled through her pillow at the person behind the door.

“I just heard what happened, are you ok?” Ginny’s voice bounced into the room.

“Oh yeah, I’ve never been better!” Hermione snapped sarcastically, sitting up on the edge of her bed.

Ginny opened the door and said, “I gave Harry a wicked Bat-Bogey Hex just for you. I swear he’ll never go you near you again without the fear of what’ll come from me. Even the people watching from the landing that looked down on the Common Room were freaked out!”

“Thanks, Gin,” Hermione mumbled. Ginny sighed lightly and sat on the bed across from Hermione.

“Don’t let him get to you – you did that perfectly before. Why are you breaking now?”

Hermione scowled, pursing her lips stubbornly.

“Come on, Hermione. It was Malfoy being there, wasn’t it?”

Hermione didn’t respond. She tried her best not to betray anything but stubbornness in her expression.

“Look, you haven’t talked to Malfoy since coming back... you should make up your mind about him soon - he’s getting worse.”

Hermione looked up at Ginny, curious.

“What do you mean? He seemed fine...”

“Oh Merlin, have you even seen him outside of class? He might be all fine in class for all I know, but all I see is him in the corridors, library...”

“The library?” Hermione cut in, surprised.

“He’s been glancing at the occasional book as he walked down the shelves. I don’t think he’s been there for the books, Mione,” Ginny responded, emphasizing the last bit. “That and he looks rather beaten each time he enters the library...”

“Beaten? Like...?”

“Well, Ron has come back from class with the occasional bruises, scratches, groaning... and I know Harry was flung into a tree and out of nowhere a coconut - a coconut of all things! - fell and hit him in the head...” Ginny replied slowly, noticeably thinking about what happened to each of them as she spoke. Hermione’s eyes grew wider with each word Ginny said. Ginny saw this and said, “You really should talk to Malfoy. He wouldn’t have sent you a necklace with your birthstone and his made out of diamond if he didn’t care, you know.”

Instinctively, Hermione started to toy with the petite pendant hanging in front of her shirt. She chewed on her bottom lip lightly, thinking.

“Do I have to drag you there, Mione?”

Ginny looked beyond Hermione and swore she saw a light blonde head disappear, but it was gone before she could even blink. She got up and opened the window and looked down and saw nothing. She looked from side to side – nothing. As she started to look up, she heard the soft swoosh of a broomstick. She chuckled, shook her head and came back inside the bedroom.

“Was that Draco?” Hermione asked, surprised.

“Probably,” she responded. Hermione’s eyes started to widen as she looked at the window, and Ginny turned around and nearly fainted; writing was starting to appear on the window, written so they could read it from the inside even though it was obviously written on the out.

Open the window.

Ginny edged towards the window and pushed it open quickly. As she did, she heard music.

“Odd...” she looked up on the upper mantle of the outdoor part of the window and saw a muggle contraption of sorts glued up there, the quiet music coming from it. She reached up, grabbed hold of it and muttered a spell without her wand. The thing came down at once and into Ginny’s hand. She looked at its screen and saw the words ‘All I Need’ and under it, ‘Within Temptation’, and a song playing. She came closer to Hermione and she turned the volume up using what she called the spinny-thingy on the shining silver contraption. Hermione recognized it as an iPod automatically.

I'm dying to catch my breath
Oh why don't I ever learn?
I've lost all my trust that I'm sure we try to
Turn it around

Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down
For all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down
You've opened the door now
Don't let it close

Here on the edge again
I wish I could let it go
I know that I'm only one step away
From turning around

Can you still see the heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down
For all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear it down
What's left of me
Make my heart a better place

I've tried many times but nothing was real
Make it fade away
Don't break me down
I want to believe that this is for real
Save me from my fear
Don't tear me down

Don't tear me down
For all I need
Make my heart a better place

Don't tear me down
For all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear it down
What's left of me
Make my heart a better place

Tears had fallen from Hermione’s eyes throughout the entire song. She looked at Ginny and saw even she had tears shining in her eyes.

“Give him a chance, Hermione,” she said quietly. “He deserves it.”

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics
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