Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Canada
Posts: 2,438
There's a bit of D/Hr... not much really. It's more in the next chapter and on 
And yeah, near the end when I mentioned... what I mention, Draco is forgetting the beginning of 7th year (aka an early chapter). I decided not to change it cause it was my small mistake...
****** After Anthony gave a short lecture, Hannah inputted a few things and let everyone go once they got their schedules. As Ron grabbed his and turned around to give Hermione hers, his eyes fell on the chair that was semi-hidden under her hair.
“What’s that?” he asked and he handed the schedule to her.
“It’s called hair, Ron,” Hermione responded sarcastically as she took the piece of paper.
“No, that... is that a chain?”
Hermione’s eyes widened – she didn’t want Ron to see the necklace, he’d know full well Draco gave it to her, and with that known he’d beat him up, since it would mean there was more to this ‘plan’ than pretending, and he didn't seem to understand when she and Ginny told him before.
“Yes, Ron, it’s a chain,” Hermione responded quickly as she turned around. As she left, she saw the curious look in Draco’s eyes as they followed her out of the room.
“What’s on it?” Ron pushed.
“A pendant.”
“What’s the pendant?”
“A pendant is the small part that hangs off a chain, usually a design like a cross, na animal, etcetera, which in this case is called a necklace...”
“I know what I pendant is!” Ron responded indignantly. “But what... is it exactly? Shape-wise...”
“It’s a shape,” Hermione responded simply.
“What kind of shape?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I have a right to know.”
Hermione stopped and spun around to face Ron.
“You do not need to know what my personal belongings are all the time, Ronald Weasley!” she snapped. “There’s something called privacy!”
“Malfoy gave it to you, didn’t he?” Ron asked flatly.
“No,” Hermione scoffed, trying her best to lie. She swore she heard a snort of quiet laughter in the distance. Ron’s eyes narrowed on her.
“What did he give you? A pure diamond necklace?” Ron asked, spitting the words. Hermione understood why without a moment's hesitation – it was something Ron’s family could never afford, let alone him. He took it as an insult.
“Granger has a point, Weaslebee; you don’t need to know what she has and what she doesn’t.”
Ron turned around and faced Draco. Draco’s arms were crossed across his chest, his eyes looking down on Ron with a hard gleam.
“Stay out of this, Malfoy.”
“Stay out?” Draco scoffed. “I’ve been in on everything since the beginning of the year, Weasley.”
“Not everything, you ugly git,” Ron snapped. “You got your point across, now leave.”
“He doesn’t need to, Ron,” Hermione said quietly. Ron turned around and looked at her, shocked.
“Wh... what?” he stammered.
“Draco’s right, he has been in on nearly everything...”
“Exactly!” Ron cut in and spun around to glare at Draco. “Nearly everything – this isn’t one of those things you can butt into. You butted in Hermione’s situation enough, you can butt back out.”
“You know what, Ron?” Hermione snapped. Ron turned around again and looked at her, an angry expression planted on his drastically-reddening face. “You can leave if you can’t stand him being around.”
“And the necklace is from me, Weasley,” Draco said. “It was Christmas after all.”
“What Christmas spirit you have, Malfoy – take this diamond necklace, forget the poor, I can afford more,” Ron yelled as he turned back to Draco, whipping out his wand.
“I never said that, did I?” Draco responded, shrugging. “And put it away, we’re not 12 anymore.”
Ron’s face paled at the memory of 2nd year, when Draco first called Hermione a mudblood...
Draco smirked. “We don’t need anymore slugs on the grounds, let alone the train. Now put it away, be a big boy, and walk away.”
Ron’s grip on his wand tightened. A light came out of the end of his wand and shot Draco 10 feet backwards, landing on his back on the floor. As soon as the hard thump of Draco’s land hit Ron’s ears, he put his wand away.
“It’s away, and I’m leaving,” Ron snapped. He turned around and looked at Hermione. He said in a hard tone, “I thought you were my friend, too.” Ron then walked around Hermione and stalked away, leaving Hermione speechless.
She heard Draco grunt as he got up. She started to walk towards him, but she heard a shriek in the distance. Squinting, she saw Pansy running down the corridors, stopping in front of Draco. She tried to help him up, but he pushed her off. Pansy looked down the hall, her big eyes locking onto Hermione.
“YOU!” Pansy pulled out her wand and sent a spell at Hermione. Hermione jumped off to the side and did a non-verbal Expelliarmus. Pansy flew back, her wand dropping to the ground, and she hit an unfortunate person that just happened to leave their compartment when she was flung back.
Draco stood up once Pansy was clearly on the ground and on top of the unfortunate passer-by. He wavered on the spot and blinked hard.
“Are you ok?” Hermione asked as she slowly neared Draco.
“Yeah... that floor is hard!” Draco exclaimed as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Your wand could’ve stopped it from being so hard, you know,” Hermione pointed out, crossing her arms across her chest indignantly.
“Yeah, yeah...”
“Well... I just want to say thanks,” Hermione said slowly, trying to pick her words carefully. “For the gift you gave me – I honestly never thought you could be so thoughtful.”
“Gee, thanks,” Draco responded sarcastically.
“Well being called by the term for ‘dirty blood’ for 5 years doesn’t exactly scream ‘thoughtful’,” Hermione said pointedly.
“4 years,” Draco corrected quietly. Hermione’s eyebrow rose, and then she silently told him they should start walking instead of clogging the halls of the train. “Do you even remember seeing me last year?”
“No, you were to busy planning Dumbledore’s death,” Hermione said scathingly. Draco sighed, but didn’t respond. After a few minutes of awkward silence, they passed by the compartment Hermione had been in originally. As soon as they neared it, the compartment door slid open and Ginny nearly ran into them.
“Sorry... anyways, you might want to change into school robes before the lines at the bathroom pile up,” Ginny said quickly as she pushed between them.
“Well I may as well do the same. See you later,” Hermione said flatly as she walked through the compartment door and slid it shut.
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