Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 09-10-2007, 11:34 PM   #200 (permalink)
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Ok, here's the first half of the update. I don't feel like posting the rest cause I feel like it... (I feel like this post, it's half of what it should be. Ooh, dark, I know! I've still felt better... *can't wait til bro returns and brings house back to normal by presence*)
Anyways, enjoy I'll update the half tomorrow or later today or sumthin... I dunno... I have this story all done (I started on the sequel and got bored cause I've been writing straight Harry Potter f.fs for awhile so I fell away from it for awhile to take a break).
P.S: Anthony Goldstein was a Ravenclaw prefect – I looked it up because I wanted to be a bit more accurate (with which prefects were which and which ones weren’t). You'll see what I mean.
It's also a bad cut-off but what I had planned before was worse I just ended it at the part I enjoyed writing the most That and it picks up (in the 2nd half) in a not-as-choppy way... yeah... and it's just over 2 pages long on MS Word and the entire chapter is 4 pages (single spaced).

Chapter 18
The Hogwarts Express
(Part One)

The days for the holiday slowly dwindled away until it was time to go back to Hogwarts. Hermione met up with Ginny on Platform 9¾ and joined her in finding a compartment. Halfway down, they found Neville and Luna inside one. They slid open the compartment door. Dropping their things, they sat down across the two and were silent as the train started to move. Hermione toyed with the heart underneath her shirt somewhat inconspicuously. Ginny saw this after a few moments.

“What’re you doing?” she asked Hermione.

“This thing is itchy,” Hermione responded as she scratched underneath the high collar she had on her sweater.

“Then take it off,” Ginny said simply. “It’s pretty warm in this compartment anyways, you don’t need to wear the sweater mum sent you, you know.”

“It’s the first year I’ve gotten a sweater from her, actually,” Hermione said truthfully. When Ginny looked away, she quickly took her necklace out from under the sweater and dropped it down her t-shirt.

“So that was Malfoy’s gift, eh?” Ginny asked as she snapped her attention back onto Hermione, her brown eyes on the chain just barely noticed underneath her hair. “What is it, diamond?”

Hermione sighed and took the sweater off. She saw Neville’s curious eyes on her.

“What...?” Hermione asked slowly.

Malfoy got you a gift?” he asked, stunned.

“Something wrong with that?” Hermione responded in a cool, threatening manner.

Neville’s eyes widened slightly, but he still responded, “You said the two of you were just to make Harry jealous. Why would he send diamond as a joke?”

“It’s not a joke, Neville,” Ginny responded, turning to look at him. “Malfoy’s a bit... deeper.”

Neville’s eyes widened even more. He looked at Hermione, gapping.

“You mean... Malfoy actually...”

“Oh look at the time, I have to go to the prefect meeting further down the train,” Hermione cut in quickly.


“Come on Gin, don’t procrastinate,” Hermione cut in once more, dragging Ginny out of the compartment and down the hall.

“Mione... get... off... me...” she sputtered as Hermione’s hold on her shirt collar tightened.

“Sorry...” Hermione let go. Ginny flattened down the wrinkles Hermione made and looked up at her friend.

“What’s up with you?” she asked, still following Hermione down the way.

“Well I only dragged you out because it would be odd if I went and you didn’t, since you’re a prefect as well, so...”

“Can I go back now and say you’re staying to ask some questions?”

“That would be one fast meeting,” Hermione said as she continued walking. “Besides, there actually is a meeting starting in a few minutes, so we should just get down there now...”

“And get Ron, who always waited for you...”

“No worries, Gin.”

Ginny screamed and jumped three feet in the air. She spun around and started hitting Ron, who had snuck up on her, saying something along the lines of ‘you stupid git, pick up on respect for once...’

“Keep moving, Gin,” Ron said as he pushed her away. She stuck her tongue out at him and followed Hermione looking over her shoulder suspiciously the rest of the way down the corridors. They opened the door that was labeled ‘Prefects’ and sat down in three open seats that were next to one another.

“Welcome back, and I hope you all had a...”

The door swung open again. The Head Boy, who had started talking, looked towards the door with a hard expression. Everyone followed his lead, curious, and saw Pansy rushing in. She giggled and sat down.


The door was pushed open again, and a 5th year Hufflepuff came in, panting.

“Sorry... couldn’t find... compartment... someone told me... front of train...”

“Well we’re in the back if you haven’t noticed. It hasn’t changed,” the Head Boy said in a flat tone. “Now, I hope you all...”

The door swung open once again.

“Are there any more people coming?” the Head Boy yelled, clearly frustrated.
Draco, who had been the on to enter this time, blinked in surprise, and responded in a calm tone, “Not that I know of.”

“Anyways,” the Head Boy said through gritted teeth as Draco sat down a seat away from Pansy. “I hope you all had a happy Christmas, and...”

The door opened again, and the other 6th year Gryffindor prefect walked in silently.

“For Merlin’s sake, Malfoy, you said there were no more!”

“I said ‘not that I know of’,” Draco responded simply, emphasizing what he said earlier. He simply smiled at the Ravenclaw Head Boy, who glared back at him.

“You,” the Head Boy snapped. “Anyone else? Like our Head Girl, Hannah?”

As soon as he spoke those words, Hannah Abbott, the 7th year Hufflepuff, pushed the door open. She looked up with a smile, but her expression fell as soon as she saw the look on the Head Boy, Anthony Goldstein’s, face.

“Anyways!” Anthony snapped loudly. “Welcome back from Christmas holidays, yadayada. We’ve been given our timetables for patrolling this semester. They’re on the table over there.” He pointed towards a table in the far corner of the enlarged room. “Take one per person.” Anthony looked at Ron, whose ears went red, as he spoke – Ron had a bad habit of not picking one up and completely relying on Hermione for telling him when they were to patrol.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 09-10-2007 at 11:36 PM.
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