Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 08-31-2007, 06:49 PM   #153 (permalink)
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There’s no perfect title for this chapter...
So at 2 in the morning, I came up with what there is now. You can tell I was bored, let’s just leave it at that If you hear the song (by Carl Douglas) and read all the dueling parts, it’ll actually fit (‘Everybody was kung fu fighting... in fact it was a little bit frightening...’ well those are the only fitting parts of the song that patch this cause the rest is about cats and China-men but whatever!)

Chapter 15
Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting!

Ginny looked behind him and saw Jaimie a few steps behind. She glared at the other girl and turned it to Harry.

Harry chuckled slowly and then said, “Hasn’t Hermione told you how she came across this place?”

“Obviously,” Ginny scoffed.

“Did she also tell you it was supposed to be a secret?” Harry responded, turning to look at Hermione. “Of course, if your mouth isn’t on Malfoy’s its spreading lies.”

Ginny jumped in front of Hermione and held her back to stop her from attempting to attack Harry. Hermione whipped out her wand, and Ginny backed away a few steps, still blocking her route to Harry but keeping her distance from both. Hermione’s wand then moved to Harry.

“If your mouth isn’t sucking off that French dog of a girl, it’s yelling out demands!” Hermione snapped. Jaimie gapped.

“All your mouth ever does is waste the air, Harry Potter!” Ginny jumped in, turning her wand on Harry as well.

“All your mouth does and ever will do is keep moving!” Harry snapped as he whipped out his wand.

“Why are we talking about mouths?” Ron exclaimed over the three. They all turned their attention on him, along with their wands. “Now put your wands away...” The three put their wands back in their pocket. As soon as they did, they all started talking and yelling at once. “AND SHUT UP!” Ron yelled. The three stopped.

“For Merlin’s sake, shut up! All of you!”

Ron stared at Jaimie in shock, who came out from behind Harry. She pushed him out of the ways so she could get through. Everyone’s eyes followed her, either curious or angry, until she stopped and spun around to face them.

“What the hell is wrong with you four? You’re all friends, or at least were. And what’s even more pathetic is that it’s all happened because of a small change...”

Small? Merlin, you have even worse self-awareness than I thought!” Hermione cut in. “Just because you’re petite in stature, it doesn’t mean it makes you a small change! You are the one that tore Harry and me apart in the first place! Tension was already at its peak before you came, you just broke it,” Hermione had advanced slowly towards Jaimie and stopped in front of the French girl. Hermione poked her upper torso with her wand and said, “So don’t tell me you’re ‘a small change’,” Hermione mimicked Jaimie’s accent. “Because you’re the biggest change we’ve all ever had. We ‘at least were’ friends before you came along!”

“Don’t you dare talk to her like that!” Harry yelled at Hermione.

In a split second, flashing lights of spells broke into the early morning radiance – four of the five were fighting someone. Within 5 seconds, four of the five were in a full Body-Bind. Everyone who was frozen on the ground tried to look up to see who cursed them.

“For goodness sake, you’re all pathetic!” Ginny exclaimed. “Hermione and Harry, you both started this, and don’t you even try to argue with me!” she snapped when she heard a series of incoherent noises come from Harry. “Look, you two started this... circle of lies! Harry, you’re to controlling, Hermione, for goodness sake, you’re smart! You should’ve realized he was just controlling what you do, not that he ‘cared a lot’ or any other bull like that.” Ginny saw the rage burn in Harry’s eyes. “This is why I stayed away from you, Harry! Ever since you came back from your ‘Horcrux Hunt’ you’ve been acting like you’ve been Imperiused by a Death Eater or something!

“And Harry, think of it this way – if you hadn’t have left Hermione hanging and been hanging around with What’s-Her-Oh-So-Perfect-French-Face here more than being with Hermione, you two wouldn’t have gotten into this mess, using another to make each other jealous...”

Hermione started to move. She stretched her jaw, and then said, “You supported it!”

Ginny shot another Body-Bind curse at Hermione. Hermione’s mouth clamped shut and her body went rigid – her eyes were the only things moving.

“I said it was a good idea at the time - I didn’t think it would stretch out this long. Harry,” Ginny turned to face him. “I didn’t think you were this stubborn, especially about a girl.” Ginny smiled evilly and then said, “And Ron...” she faced him and saw the scowl frozen on his face. “You just wanted to know, you didn’t have to jump into the fight.

“Now, I will let you all free, but if you start fighting again, I haven’t done a Bat-Bogey Hex in awhile...”

A terrified look appeared in Ron’s eyes.


Silence. Ginny then removed the Body Bind spells and every got up, brushing dirt off of their clothes.


Hermione turned to look at Harry, eyes narrowed.

“What?” she snapped.

“Is it true you were just using Malfoy?”

Hermione scowled and pushed past Harry silently. She ran down the dark staircase as fast as she could, and then found her way through the pitch black hall until she ran into the tapestry. She pushed it off to the side just as she heard voices yelling from above again, but getting closer...

“For goodness sake, Harry! What does it matter?” Jaimie snapped as she followed Harry down the staircase.

“It might actually mean something to him, you French tart!” Ginny yelled back, her voice echoing around the hall.

“Shut up, all of you!” Ron exclaimed, his voice loudest.

Hermione walked quickly down the corridor leading to the Gryffindor common room.

“Oi, Mione!”

Hermione ran the last stretch of corridor and skidded to a stop in front of the Fat Lady.

“F... F... fire whiskey.”

“The password has changed,” the Fat Lady responded.

“But... when?” Hermione looked over her shoulder and saw the other four fling the tapestry out of the way and look at her for a moment (weel, Harry was at least).

“Just an hour ago.”

“I wasn’t informed!”

“Everyone should’ve been... where have you been at?”

“In a hidden hall that leads to a balcony, but please, what’s the new password? I’m kind of in a rush...”

Hermione looked over her shoulder again and saw that Harry, Ron, and Ginny were racing towards Hermione – Ginny trying to get a hold of Ron and Ron trying to get a hold of Harry angrily. Harry was in the lead, trying to reach Hermione as fast as possible. Jaimie had decided it was pointless to run and wasn’t even around the first bend, she was walking so casually, as if she didn’t really care what was going on.

“I can’t say, once the students are informed...”

“I’m not informed!” Hermione snapped.

“Well you should’ve been here.”

Hermione screamed in annoyance. She looked over her shoulder and saw the three nearing her. Thinking quickly, she took off going down the next corridor and down the stairs, heading anywhere that was away from Harry. She was still running when she made it to the Great Hall.

“Hermione... what’s going on?”

Hermione skidded to a stop; she nearly ran into Draco. She panted for breath for a few moments, and then said, “Harry... chase... me... Ron... Ginny... after each other... after Harry... all after me...”

The echoing sound of feet running down the steps rang through their ears. Hermione hid behind Draco. She peered around his shoulder and saw Harry skid to a stop in front of Draco, and then Ron ran into Harry, and Ginny ran into Ron and they all toppled over, attempting to take each other out.

“Well... they don’t seem all that threatening,” Draco commented casually. “But...”

He walked forwards and into the tangled three and pulled Ginny off the top of the pile. Once she was standing, Ginny said, “Thanks.” She then grabbed Ron’s earlobe – he gave in really quick and got off of Harry.

Harry dusted himself off and saw Hermione beyond Draco. Harry tried to walk around Draco, but he blocked the way. Harry looked up at Draco and snapped, “Could you move?”

“Why should I, Potter?” Draco responded with a smirk.

“I’d like to talk to Hermione,” Harry snarled as he pulled out his wand and pointed it at Draco.

“And tell her why you shouldn’t be running around like a baboon?” Draco countered as he pulled out his wand and pointed it back at Harry threateningly. “Leave her alone.”

“Funny, coming from you,” Harry snapped. “Now-get-out-of-my-way,” he snarled, jabbing Draco with his wand tip with each word.

Without warning, a bright light shot out from Draco’s wand and hit Harry. He was flung backwards 30 feet, and boils started to take over his face.

“No,” Draco said as Harry stood up. Harry readied himself to send off a spell at Draco, but Draco raised his wand and another spell came from it; now Harry’s boils were growing and popping at an alarmingly fast rate and he was tap-dancing. Ginny snickered.

Once again, Harry raised his wand. Draco yawned and another spell shot from his wand. Harry tipped backwards, frozen.

“Any more you need me to do to you so that you get the point, Potter?” Draco asked plainly. He heard a series of angry grunts in response. “No? Ok then, I would suggest you go to the hospital wing but it appears you’ve frozen up.”

“Ron, can you carry Harry to the hospital wing?” Ginny asked, rolling her eyes and shaking her head at Draco’s lame pun.

“No way am I doing that!”

“Oh, come on, Ron. Just drop him off and leave. Say you were on your way down to lunch and saw him lying frozen and boil-covered in the middle of the hallway while going to lunch, and since you two are ‘in a fight’ and you’re hungry, just leave him. It’s not like his precious Jaimie will be dragging him there and waiting until he’s all better.”

“Fine,” Ron grumbled. He picked up Harry and threw him over his shoulder and walked away.

“So what happened exactly...?” Draco asked Ginny, who stood in front of him.

Ginny shrugged and walked away. Draco’s eyebrow rose, and he turned to Hermione.

“I think Harry knows...”

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 08-31-2007 at 06:54 PM. Reason: forgot to center the title
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