Originally Posted by
Wow great chapter!!
Cant wait for more!!
You are fantastic!! How have things been, we need to chat, PM me
and lookie here, you wait is so almost over 
you are so sweet, you make me blush!! 
*hides milk, cookies, and two comfy recliners in the secret Lair for Mich and Zephan*
Originally Posted by
Wow!! Harry is really mad and I agree, now Malfoy is getting all the attention that Harry is used to getting! lol
Great post but one question, what does the word 'protegee' mean?
POst when you can, 
-*~ Shirel ~*- Quote:
Originally Posted by
Straight from an online dictionary.... In other words I think it means Snape taught Draco everything that he knew about occlumency and Legilimency. Hope that helps, and if im wrong Julie can correct me 
You are one hundred percent right Mich *gives Mich balloon for being so smart*
And now for the post:
“I…I…I didn’t mean any…anything by it.” Harry stuttered, feeling slightly stupid, “I’m sorry.” He ended abruptly.
“Thank you Mr. Potter, for you concern.” Minerva said softly, her anger gone; she sighed, and slightly shook her head.
“As I was saying,” Minerva began again with a light glance to Harry, “Draco underwent rigorous training from Snape in Occlumens, and has become quite proficient. Draco,” She said turning to the boy, “Would you like to tell the group what happened?” She held out her hand, and although she had posed it in the form of a question, her tone left little doubt in anyone’s mind that her request had been an order, not an option.
“Sure.” Draco said clearing his throat as he reluctantly took Minerva’s place in front of the group.
“Snape realized last year that I had discovered his secret, that he was a double agent working for his own betterment against not only the Order but also Voldemort. He had quite effectively fooled everyone.” Draco shook his head in what seemed to be amused amazement while Minerva shot Dumbledore a look of reproach that was lost on almost everyone.
“After Snape discovered that I knew, he realized that he had to do something about it. Thankfully he decided that murdering me would not be a good idea, so he decided to pretend that he didn’t know that I knew.” He ignored the looks of confusion and continued. “He had discovered that I knew, by reading my mind with Legilimens. So he just pretended that he didn’t know and came to me telling me that I need to protect myself so that Dumbledore would not know the truth of my return to school.”
“Why would he dutifully teach you, when he all but refused to teach me under a direct order?” Harry asked stubbornly, “If he was so concerned about keeping up appearances he should have worked to teach me.”
“Don’t you get it Potter?” Draco sneered, “Snape had his own agenda, and he did keep his orders, he just passed it off that you were too stupid to get it.” Draco laughed cruelly. “Although,” he continued, a thoughtful expression on his face as he stared at Harry, “he did let it slip once that towards the end it became increasingly difficult for him to penetrate into your mind. He might have said that though to make me work harder.” He laughed again.
Harry sat in his chair grinding his teeth, struggling to keep his temper at bay.
Draco, disappointed with Harry’s lack of outburst sulked back to his chair as Minerva stood up.
“Thank you Draco,” she said glaring at the boy for trying to bait Harry, “I think it would be prudent to have individual sessions with Draco, the “at risk” people should have them more frequent, the others can practice with me.” Minerva looked around the room at the bleary faces. “I want you all to go back to bed.” She said firmly, we will begin tomorrow.” She watched as people slowly got up and began filing out of the room. “Harry,” she said stalling him as he walked past her. “I want you to work with Draco everyday. I am not blind towards the bad feelings you two boys share for each other, but you can really learn something from each other, and I would like you to make a real effort to do this. Just think of it this way, the sooner you can complete this task, the less time you have to spend together.” She turned then and walked out of the room, leaving the two boys behind.
“Oh Harry,” she said poking her head back in as the boys who had been staring at each other, turned to begin walking out the door, “I want you to take a sleeping draught before you go back to sleep, we don’t need any more visits tonight.”