Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 08-18-2007, 04:18 AM   #90 (permalink)
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I added an extra part in here cause of an idea. Not exactly as it was mentioned but it's close enough. Hope you enjoy that scene
*catches up on HSM2 cause ish missed the first 30 mins*
Enjoy! Update tomorrow most likely.

Chapter 9
Harry’s Anger

The next day, Hermione pushed open the door to the Potions class just as the minute hand on her watch moved from the time of 11:14 to 11:15. She sat down in at an empty desk, waiting for Professor Slughorn to scorn her for being late, but got nothing. She shrugged and placed her book onto the desk.

“Ms. Granger, you must sit with someone,” Slughorn said.

“I can easily...” Hermione stopped herself when she saw the look on Slughorn’s face.

“It’s either Potter or Malfoy.”

Hermione took her books and moved across the room and next to Draco. She saw Harry glare at her for her choice, but he said nothing.

“Hey gorgeous,” Draco said with a seductive smirk.

Instinctively, Hermione spun around in her chair and slapped him. She bit the inside her lip to not go wide-eyed in shock.

“Oi, what was that for?” Draco snapped with a grimace as a faint, yet conspicuous, handprint to form on his cheek.

All eyes were on the two. Hermione saw Harry’s raised eyebrow out of the corner of her eyes, and thought fast.

“I told you to lay off on saying that!” she responded with a hard tone.

“When?” Draco asked, appalled.

“Merlin, there you go – you don’t listen to me half the time!” she exclaimed.

“Oi, Malfoy, you’re lucky it’s a slap you got. We all know that you know from personal experience how Hermione can be when she’s angry, so quit complaining and fighting about it!” Ron snapped.

“No need for fighting in here, whether verbal or not! Now, today we’re going to...”

“Sorry I’m late, professor,” a girl panted as she slammed the dungeon door shut. Hermione scoffed when she recognized the faint French accent of Jaimie.

Slughorn sighed and said, “Five points from Gryffindor for tardiness, Ms. Dupuis. Take a seat next to Potter.”

Hermione’s narrowed eyes followed Jaimie suspiciously as she sat down next to Harry. She said something, and Harry chuckled. Harry noticed Hermione’s stare and he matched it, a silent anger competition started to grow between the two.

“Now, today we’re going to learn how to brew Felix Felicis. You may recall I showed a bottle of it and gave it to Mr. Potter last year...”

At the end of the class, Hermione was quick to leave. She left Draco behind and tried to get a quick getaway from seeing Harry or Jaimie - she couldn’t hate them more than she did now. The entire time, the two were flirting - they made their good luck as rotten as it could get because they were so off-task.

“Oi, Hermione!”

Hermione picked up her pace when she heard Harry’s voice.


Hermione started running. She heard Harry pick up his pace a distance behind her. She ran around the corridor corners, trying her best to get to the common room before Harry could get her. She heard a spell behind her, and she stopped dead - Hermione was frozen to the spot.

“You can’t run from me, darling,” Harry said coolly behind Hermione. “Now what the hell are you thinking? Malfoy?”

Hermione didn’t respond.

“I asked you a question. Answer.”

A series of noises came from Hermione; her mouth was frozen along with the rest of her body. Harry rolled his eyes and unfroze her entirely. As soon as she was free, she whipped out her wand and wordlessly cast the Impedimenta charm. Harry’s legs wobbled like jelly beneath him, and Hermione walked around him simply, and then picked up into a run once more. She ran up the flights of stairs and finally found her way to the Fat Lady.

“Fi... fire whi... whisky,” Hermione panted.

The Fat Lady had a questioning look on her face, but she opened the door anyways. Hermione charged in and up the stairs to her dormitory. Halfway up, she heard the portrait hole open up again.

“HERMIONE!” Harry yelled. Ginny, who sat on the couch in front of the fire, spun around and looked over the couch.

“Some of us are trying to work here!” she snapped in annoyance.

“Can you...?”

“I’m not an owl!” Ginny cut in.


“No!” Ginny got up and gathered her things.

“You’re already...”

“Who said I was going to see Hermione on my way up, hm?” Ginny cut in once more. She glared at Harry and started to head to the staircase.

“What’s up with Malfoy and Mione?”

Ginny stopped dead. She tried her best not to laugh; she succeeded. Turning around, she looked at Harry and said, “What about them?”

“They were snogging!” Harry exclaimed.

“Don’t get your wand in a knot,” Ginny responded simply.

“It’s MALFOY!” Harry yelled.

“SHUT UP DOWN THERE!” someone from the boys’ dormitories yelled.

“Yeah, so?” Ginny asked with a shrug. Inwardly, she was enjoying every second of Harry’s torture. “I thought you had precious Jaimie, Harry. What happened to her? She dump you once she realized what a controlling idiot you are?”

“I’m not controlling! Take that back now!”

Ginny started to laugh. “Wow, I honestly expected more from you, Harry Potter.”

With that said, Ginny left Harry alone in the common room, stunned.

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