Ok, I'm going to camp later today (it's 2:45am here and I leave for camp some time around... 5pm or something), and I won't be back until late Friday, and depending on how I feel I might post then. If not, SATURDAY AT LATEST!
Here's an update. Hope you guys like the D/Hr I implanted...
And Harry's stupidity but you all hate him at the moment, right?

Enjoy. Leaving... *goes against morals and writes word anyways* y'all with a little cliffie here. You'll find out what happens in about 5-6 days.
P.S: I have two one-shot ideas, and so far one is working (another I had to ask... someone about for some help

). The one I'm already half-done now will be called Broken and definitely a Dramione (Broken as in the song Broken feat. Amy Lee).
Chapter 8
A Meeting in the Library
At dinner, Hermione tried to stay a fair distance away from Harry, but he ended up sitting in front of her with Jaimie. She swore he knew it was eating her alive, but Hermione wasn’t about to break. Throughout the meal, she kept noticing Draco looking at her intensely. By the fourth time she looked up, Harry decided to turn around and look at whatever was catching her attention. He saw the look in Malfoy’s eyes and where they were at. He spun around and said, “What the hell is up with you two?”
Hermione quickly snapped her attention from Draco to Harry. “What?”
“Have you seen the look on his face?
All day?”
Hermione chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” Jaimie asked, jumping into the conversation.
“Nothing’s funny about you and Malfoy!” Harry snapped.
Hermione saw Draco smirking at the sight going on before him across the room out of the corner of her eye. She then heard Jaimie sigh, get up, and leave.
“And nothing’s funny about you and ‘Dupuis’,” Hermione snapped back.
“At least it’s true.”
“Just because you’re such a jerk...”
Everyone turned their gaze onto Harry.
“I don’t think it’s
me that’s overreacting,” Hermione responded calmly. She finished her remaining dinner and got up.
“Where’re you going? We’re not done with this!” Harry demanded.
“You might not be, but I am!” Hermione called back to him, not even looking back.
“GET BACK HERE!” Harry yelled as Hermione left his sight.
The Great Hall echoed with laughter at his futile attempts. Some people started to get up and leave - Malfoy joined the crowd. Harry saw this and got up as well, following Malfoy at a distance. He pursued Malfoy around corridor corners until he had entered the library. He waited behind shelves and slowly made his way through, winding around the maze of book laden shelves.
“That was brilliant.”
What’s so brilliant? Harry mentally snapped.
He looked through two books and saw Malfoy sitting across from Hermione at a table. He glared when he saw Hermione smile, and then ducked down when she looked over her shoulder in his direction.
Hermione saw messy, spiky black hair disappear below the shelves of books. She looked at the space between the books and the next shelf up and recognized the pants Harry had worn all day. She grabbed a piece of parchment and quickly scrawled, Harry is behind the book shelf watching and listening.
Follow my lead - improv. She slid it to Draco, who scanned it and had a knowing look in his eyes.
“Thanks,” she responded. “So how’s Pansy?”
Anger flooded into Draco’s pale grey eyes. “As much of a cow on the inside as she appears on the out. At least she’s gone though.”
“Gone? Are her parents taking her away from here?”
“I wish,” Draco scoffed, leaning back in the chair comfortably. “Nott told me he had his eyes on her. Hopefully those big huge things of hers find him instead of following me.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Draco saw Harry’s eyes on them again.
“Yeah, she better leave us alone or I’ll be sending her to St. Mungo’s next.”
Draco saw the questioning look on what he could see on Harry’s face.
“She doesn’t know what love truly is; she’ll never understand what we have.”
“I never knew you were so deep, Draco,” Hermione said with a flirtatious smile, making sure Harry could see it.
“You’ll be seeing a lot more of it, love,” Draco said with a smile. His smile was warm, yet hidden behind the tenderness was the rich satisfaction of seeing Harry angrier than ever before.
“I can’t wait,” Hermione responded with a smirk. She could almost see the reflection of Harry in Draco’s eyes.
Thinking, Hermione pulled out another piece of parchment. Hating herself for it, she started writing. She slid it to Draco, and he read it. She saw the veiled surprise his expression held.
“Didn’t you say you lost your Potions book?” Hermione asked.
“Oh yeah... well it’s not like I use it much, but it’d be a waste to not look for.”
“Need help?”
“No, it’s probably in my dormitory somewhere. See you soon, love.”
Draco and Hermione leaned over the table and kissed. Hermione was surprised at how great a kisser Draco really was; he was more passionate and gentle than she could’ve ever known (this is Draco Malfoy after all!).
Draco pulled away and got up. Walking away, he passed by the section where Harry hid. He looked down the way - it was empty. He smirked and left Hermione alone in the library.
“That... that bloody...!” Harry muttered a continuous flow of swears as he angrily pushed the books down that barricaded him from sight. “I’ll get him, I swear...”