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Old 08-10-2007, 08:52 PM   #17 (permalink)

Technical Assistance
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Technically technical all the time Bookaholic

Originally Posted by hermi886 View Post
Amelia entered the charms classroom and noticed that all the tables have been pushed against the walls. She guessed that this must be a more practical lesson, and thus she placed her bag off to the side of the room and withdrew her wand. Recalling the previous lesson, she tried hard to remember the correct movements. She moved her wand hand in a clockwise motion, circling her wand twice and then flicked it three times, before pausing. After the pause, she gave two quick flicks and then raised the wand slowly up until it came back to rest.

"Did I do it right, Professor?" Amelia asked nervously.
"Not quite," he smiled encouragingly and repeated the motion while he explained. "Three turns clockwise, then two slow flicks, pause, and one long flick."

Originally Posted by SeerCassandraTrelawney View Post
Cassandra raised her hand "It's to keep your Diary secret, by password and thumbprint."
Originally Posted by Thump0427 View Post
Willing to try though he raised his hand "To make your diary unable to be opend by anyone but yourself" he attempted.
"Yes, both of those are correct. The diary can only be opened by speaking the correct password," Professor Doyle confirmed. "And only the person who cast the password charm should be able to turn the pages. A sort of double security measure. However, it should be noted that this charm can be broken so, if you have something you want to keep absolutely secret, you either need to purchase a special diary with added, unbreakable, security measures or keep those thoughts in your head. For every day use, this charm should suffice since students and most other witches and wizards would not know the counter-charms necessary to break it. So, make sure you remember the password you've chosen."

Professor Doyle wandered around the class a bit more before coming to stand in front of his desk. "Now we will learn the incantation. Clausaltus Obfirmo. It spoken during the pause between the two flicks and the long flick. Practice saying the words without your wand. Then, practice the timing of the incantation by moving your wrist but, without a wand.

"Clow-sal-tus Ob-firm-o," he enunciated.

Blast from the past!

Last edited by Biochemkris; 08-10-2007 at 08:53 PM.
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