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Old 08-02-2007, 09:23 PM   #344 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Thanks so much Mich for the Avvie and the Siggy!! You Rock my Socks!!
Posts: 2,545

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Athena Evans (A twin)
heart You are all awesomeness *squeeee*

Originally Posted by Sharguar View Post
still great!!! I haven't been able to catch up yet, because I've been working on my three fan fics, or well, I've been trying too lol. The second two haven't been "approved yet, so I have to wait before updating those, but my An Empire, A Dragon one I've been working fairly hard on. Well, I hope to definately catch up on your wonderful story.

OOhhh!!! i started reading you fic, An Empire, A Dragon, and I really enjoyed it, I am not caught up either i don't think so I guess we are even

Originally Posted by shirelbb View Post
Malfoy teachong them occlumency?!????????!!!!!
That's crazy!
teriffiv post!!
I'm soo sorry I haven't been reading lately, i was in camp, then I worked... but now i am FREE!
I love LOVE your posts! The just get better and better!
Funny, at one point the site was also extremly slow for me but that was only for a couple of days...!
Love you, you awsome writer!!!
-*~ Shirel ~*-
Isn't it though I hope you are having a good summer, it sounds like it, with camp and all I guess a lot of people have been having problems with the site, it took me almost 15 minutes just to get to this page You are so fantastically sweet!!

Before I post the first part of this next chapter, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am NOT letting my story be influenced by the 7th book (unless that was already my idea to begin with ) So you don't have to worry about being spoiled for the 7th book if you havn't read it already!! I just wanted to make that announcment, and let everyone know.

also, this entire post and most of this chapter is a dream (actually a memory-for the most part)

Chapter 40: Nightmares and Dreamscapes

It was a dark and cold night marred only by the swift series of cracks that to the trained ear announced the arrival of several witches and wizards. To the muggles of the small town, it sounded more like the rapid firing of a silenced gun.

Harry could see Moody standing in front of him, hunkered down low his magically eye whirling about his head trying to detect if they had been detected. After several tense moments Moody motioned that the cost was clear and the group silently slid up the dark road.

The clouds in the night sky allowed for no light from the stars or the moon to shine through. As the group silently made their way through the empty streets of Little Hangelton, Harry couldn’t help but wonder what the muggles sleeping unawares in their homes would do if they knew about the battle that was about to take place.

As the derelict Riddle House rose out of the darkness before them a light drizzle began.

“Why is it,” Harry mused quietly to himself, “that every time something bad happens, nature decides to let loose and rain, as if this situation needed anything to make it worse.”
“Right you are mate” Ron murmured in response.

“Come on!” Harry said, raising his face to the sky, “Either rain or don’t rain, but don’t do this in between drizzle! Let the rain come down!!”

As if in response to Harry’s plea, the sky opened up in earnest, soaking the crouching figures within a matter of moments.

Hermione turned and gave Harry a dirty look, who shrugged in response.

“Impervius.” Harry took off his glasses and cast the spell on them, pausing for a moment from his forward advances. He quickened his pace to catch up.

They were almost to the front door of the old mansion when Moody stopped the group. “Harry, get in the back of the group.” He gruffly whispered.

Harry began to protest but realized the validity of his argument. He sighed, slumped his shoulders, hating the feeling of being protected and made his way to the back of the group.

He pulled his wand to the ready, and tried to mentally prepare his mind for the ensuing battle. He was slightly surprised that the Dark Lord had not sensed their arrival. He suddenly panicked, thinking that it might be a possible trap. He was about to raise his point to the group when the door was quietly opened and the Order silently slinked into the old house.

Harry could feel the hairs standing up on the back of his neck with anticipation, and knew that most of the others in this group felt the same. He wondered what the outcome would be, but quickly but those thoughts to the back of his mind, realizing the need to focus on the now.

They had reached the landing and still remained undetected. Harry marveled at their luck, hoping it would last.

He could hear voices in the room up ahead and knew that no trap had been set. These voices were calm and confident, not strained with deceit.

He hung back from the group and stayed near the top of the stairs, and began, as he had been instructed, to attempt to fill Voldemort’s mind with random images, mostly from muggle movies and TV shows: Die Hard, Monty Python, Survivor, Love Boat, MASH. He increased the intensity until he could hear the voice of the Dark Lord become strained. Gone with the Wind, Dances with Wolves, Bonanza, Dr. Quinn Medicine woman. Voldemort still hadn’t mentioned anything, but Harry could imagine his long pointy fingers rubbing the top of his slimy bald snakelike head. He tried to think of every Horror movie he had ever sneaked a peak at through Dudley’s room. Anaconda, Arachnophobia, Chucky, Jason, Friday the Thirteenth, Children of the Corn, Poltergeist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Finally Harry heard a chair slide back hard and fast.

“What, is the meaning of this?!” He heard the exasperated voice of Tom Riddle. At a motion from Moody he shut down the images as quickly as he had begun.

“Which…one of you, dares, to think of filthy muggle movies while I am talking to you?” He could hear the stammering of the Death Eaters

At that moment, the door to the room was thrown wide and the members of the Order swarmed in.

Ron, Hermione, the Twins, Ginny, Neville and Luna hung back against all of Harry’s protestations, and began throwing spells at Death Eaters that made it past the order.

Harry slid back against the wall in the corner, as far in the shadows as he could, hoping to avoid detection.

He watched as his classmates and Order member’s chased Death Eaters down the stairs and into the night.

He looked up as a smug Voldemort walked past him, completely unawares of his presence.

“Hello Tom.” Harry said stepping out of the shadows as Voldemort began his decent down the stairs.

The Dark Lord paused, he back to Harry, and then turned slowly to face him. Harry was surprised at how drawn he looked, and realized that the chore of recruiting alleys was obviously as difficult for him as it had been for the Order.

“You look awfully tired.” Harry began, unable to stop himself, “why don’t you sit done.”

Voldermort stared at him for a moment before giving him a half bow and sitting on the step.

Harry, his wand still at the ready, assumed a more comfortable stance. “It looks like recruiting was hard on you as well.” Harry began, “However it looks like you had a harder time of it than we did, then again, people don’t want to ally themselves with someone who was defeated by a mere baby.” He smirked slightly.
He could see Voldermort’s face lose it’s knowing smile, and jumped back in fear as he leapt of the stairs.

How dare you attempt to bate me boy!” he roared, rushing Harry.

Harry slipped out under his arm and ran down the stairs, weaving in attempts to dodge the tirade of curses being thrown at him.

“Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!” He said to himself as he ran into the night. He could hear shouts and yells, and could see flashes of light from other battles going on throughout the graveyard. He couldn’t help but think that there couldn’t be a more fitting place than this for the final battle. At least he hoped it was the Final Battle.

He ran blindly, until he heard cold laughter behind him. He stopped suddenly and turned around, instantly realizing where he had run to.

He turned back around, desperately searching for an escape, but realizing that he was backed into the same corner he had been three years prior

Unbidden, the image of Cedric’s lifeless face flashed before his eyes. Over come with grief Harry dropped to his knees.

Some where behind him he heard a laugh; a cold hard laugh that gave no indication of happiness or even amusement.

“How quant,” The Dark Lord began, the sarcasm apparent in his voice, “that you lead us here Harry. Here of all places.” He slowly pulled his wand out of his robes.

Harry could here him moving about, but just didn’t care. He remained on his hands and knees, he forehead buried in the mud, the rain refusing to no showing any signs of mercy, chilled him to the bone.

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