Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 07-30-2007, 01:10 AM   #17 (permalink)
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This is a short chapter so I'm updating now.
The next chapter is a bit more interesting, so I'll wait a bit longer to post that.
The 'shadow' is important too...
So yeah, enjoy

Chapter 4
Ginny, Hermione, and the Shadow

“So all she said was ‘hm’?” Ginny clarified as she pushed away a tree branch to walk around an oak tree, Hermione following close behind.

“Yeah. I don’t get her at all... I mean, first she asks about him, then she sits across from him in the Great Hall, and I swear I heard her flirting with him. Who the hell does she think she is?” Hermione exclaimed as she threw a rock into the Black Lake. She and Ginny sat inches away from the ebbing tide.

“A pretty girl that thinks she can get what she wants... I mean someone trying to make friends,” Ginny added quickly upon Hermione’s escalating expression.

“Friends with Harry Potter...” Hermione said scathingly. “No surprise there. Ever since 6th year he’s been ‘The Chosen One’ and even more famous because of the battle in the Ministry. Is she just seeking attention or something of that sort?” Hermione asked as she played with the sand between her fingers.

“I haven’t a clue. I’ve seen her with him a few times...”

“WHAT?!” Hermione yelled. Groups sitting near by looked at her with raised eyebrows.

“Sh,” Ginny said quietly. “Yes, the two have been walking around together, and frankly...”

“Why haven’t you told me?” Hermione whispered.

“You never asked,” Ginny responded with a shrug. Hermione glared at her coldly. “What?”

Rolling her eyes, Hermione responded, “I don’t know why I’m so uptight about this...”

“He’s your boyfriend; you have a right to be considering how she’s acting,” Ginny pointed out slowly.

Hermione snapped her attention to Ginny and asked, “How has she been acting?”

“Ok, now you’re paranoid...” Ginny started to get up.

“You said I have a right to be,” Hermione pointed out before Ginny could take a step. Ginny sighed and turned around to look down at Hermione.

“I said you can be uptight, not paranoid,” Ginny responded simply as she helped pull Hermione to her feet.

They walked slowly down the shoreline, occasionally talking. As the air filled with further silence, Hermione saw a shadow in the forest ahead. She stopped and tried to look closer, but the shadow moved away.

“Something wrong, Mione?” Ginny asked when she noticed Hermione had disappeared behind here.

“Uh... no, nothing,” she responded, eyes glued to the trees as she followed Ginny into the castle.

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 07-30-2007 at 01:11 AM.
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