Thread: Harry Potter: Everything I'm Not - Sa16+
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Old 07-27-2007, 10:00 PM   #10 (permalink)
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I'm bored and it's been 4 days...
Here's an update

Chapter 3
The New Girl

Hermione sat through the first day on the DADA class, reading the same line over continually. She didn’t understand why, but her mind had been constantly drifting throughout the class. A knock on the door broke the silence. Professor Cabrera, the new DADA teacher, went to the door. Half of the class that looked saw Professor McGonagall, the new headmistress.

“Excuse me for a minute,” Professor Cabrera said to the class as he closed the door.

Everyone jumped out of their desks and piled in front of the door. Hermione sat in her desk and watched, scoffing - even Harry was one of the people that was at the door. As the professor opened the door slowly, everyone ran back to their desks and appeared to be reading when Professor Cabrera came back into the classroom.

“Everyone, a new student just came to Hogwarts this morning...”

“How’d this one get here without the train?” someone in the back blurted out.

“What house is this person in?”

“Have they even been sorted yet?”

“Stop acting like 1st years and listen! Everyone, this is our newest Gryffindor...”

Half of the class, the Slytherins, groaned. Professor Cabrera cleared his throat with a threatening expression.

“Our newest Gryffindor Jaimie Dupuis all the way from Lyon, France,” he announced with his best attempt at pronouncing the city and the girl’s last name in a French accent.

A slim girl with lightly curled chestnut brown hair quietly stepped into the room. Hermione saw all the guys ogling her and rolled her eyes with disgust. You could tell the girl was born French and made to be a model because of her tall body and long, trim legs. From what could be seen, she had perfectly corded arms that held up her books.

Hermione looked at Harry and she glared; he was looking at the girl the same way as all the other guys. She elbowed him sharply and he went back to his work with a slight scowl in response to Hermione’s jab.

“You can take any open desk,” Professor Cabrera said simply.

The new girl, Jaimie, did as she was told and took the open seat behind Harry, who was already angry enough at the thought of her being in the room.

“Ok, now that you all hopefully read what you were told, we’re going to start...”

Hermione quickly gathered her things quickly. She rushed out of the classroom, hoping ‘Jaimie’ wouldn’t be in it.


She stopped short, recognizing a female voice. She turned around and saw Jaimie walking up to her with an extra book.

“You dropped it,” Jaimie said as she passed Hermione the textbook. There was a faint French accent in how she spoke, almost like a mix of a French and English accent. Hermione shook off the feeling of how she liked the girl’s unique accent.

“Thanks,” she said curtly, taking the book from the French girl’s hands.

“And... do you know where the Muggle studies room is?”

A horrified thought of Jaimie being in Muggle studies class with her hit Hermione.

“Is that your next class?”

“Yeah...” Jaimie responded, sounding slightly flustered.

“Well... I’m going there anyways...”

“Good,” Jaimie said with a bright smile.

The two walked through the halls in what felt like an silence to Hermione. When it seemed the silence would never end, Jaimie said, “So... where’re you from?”

“Just outside of London.”

“What made you interested in muggle studies?”

“My parents are muggles. What about you?”

“My aunt married a muggle, so I figured I may as well see what this class has to say about how they live in comparison to how he does. He’s always been odd whenever I’ve seen him, so I was never sure.”

“So what brings you to Hogwarts anyways? I can only assume you were at Beauxbatons before...”

“Actually, I didn’t go there,” Jaimie cut in as she followed Hermione up another set of stairs. “I went to a private Russian wizarding school.”

“Really? Sounds far from where you live.”

“It was, I had to get on trains three days earlier just to make it to their school’s train. It was worth it though.”

“How so?” Hermione asked as she took another corner.

“Well... you know how Durmstrang specializes in Dark Arts... supposedly? Well, this school specialized more around Transfiguration. We could turn humans into rats by 4th year.”

“That’s amazing!” Hermione exclaimed, astounded. “I had to teach myself that by the end of 6th year since I wasn’t learning it yet.”

Another awkward silence filled the air as Hermione went up the final flight of stairs, Jaimie following beside her.

“So what made you want to come here?” Hermione finally asked, letting free the question that had badgered her since Jaimie had first walked into the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

“Many things... but it was mainly daddy wanting me to get a rounded education, since my previous school was mainly Transfiguration. He heard of Hogwarts, and despite... what has happened, he believed it is a great place to learn...”

Hermione opened the door to the Muggle Studies room. The inside was empty - even the teacher had not appeared. Looking at her watch, she realized she was at least ten minutes early.

“Does everyone hate this class?” Jaimie joked as she put her books down.

“No, we’re just ten minutes early. I forgot the schedules shifted more for final year - more free time to get to and from classes...”

“Unlike first year where it could’ve really helped?” Jaimie finished with a smirk. “So tell me, who else do you know in Gryffindor takes this class?”

“I think Leah Thompson does...”

“What about Harry Potter?”

Hermione was taken aback.


“Really?” Jaimie sounded surprised.

“What’s so shocking about it? He’s never been too fond of Muggles since living with the worst of the bunch.”

“I was hoping...” Jaimie muttered under her breath.

“Why were you hoping?” Hermione asked with a hard tone.

“I wanted to... get to know him.”

“He is my boyfriend you know,” Hermione said with a hard tone.

“Hm,” was all Jaimie responded as she left the classroom. Hermione stood behind her desk, rooted to the spot. Why was this new girl so interested in Harry?

Siggy from Lissy and Anna's Shop of Super Frazzling Graphics

Last edited by MalfoyzBeloved; 07-27-2007 at 10:41 PM. Reason: missed a space between a paragraph
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