Chapter 5 "Candi, if Ron's my friend, he'll understand-" Harry began. Candi leaned foward in her chair and grasped Harry's shoulder.
"Listen to me Harry. I don't think you understand. They're in love. Messing with love is almost as bad as messing with time. the wrong people end up together in the end, and life is hell afterwards." Candi leaned back on her chair wearily and let go of Harry.
"I think you're right Candi." Harry admitted after a few moments. "But then...does that mean there's no hope?"
"Not exactly. There has to be dozens of situations like this every day. We'll have to go to the library to figure this out." Harry groaned.
"You're just like Hermione! Always going to the library."
"Well, maybe you should try it, it's quiet and refreshing there." Candi said, and vanished the spell around them.
"Hey! How did you do that?" Harry exclaimed. "That's a personal spell! How did you-"
"I know things. That's the bell." Candi was very good at diverting attention. Harry wasn't swayed, and stood back while she gathered her things. How much did he know about this girl? Practically nothing. How could he trust her? She knew magic he didn't.
Harry decided to be a little more cautious around her.
***** After History of Magic, where they were assigned an essay about the History of the Magic Carpet and How it was Banned and Why, Candi dragged Harry to the library.
"Aw Candi....I hate going in here." Harry grumbled. "Look, it's perfect Quiddich weather outside."
"Stop whining Harry. Do you want Hermione or not?" That shut him up. She sat him down in front of a pile of books she had already retrieved. "Start looking in here. Check the indexes. We're looking for anything involving romance crisises."
"Alright. What are you going to do?" Harry asked while flipping through one.
"I'm going into the Restricted Section. See what I can find. If I'm done before you, I'll help you. can show me how to play Quiddich." She added shyly.
"You don't know how to play Quiddich? know everything!" Harry was amazed.
"Well, not everyone's perfect. Start cracking." She disappeared behind a wall of books.
After an hour, they admitted potential defeat.
"There are too many books to look at right now. We'll look again tomorrow for an hour, then we'll break for Quiddich. Deal?"
"This will be regular?" Harry asked hopefully. Cand nodded. "Then let's go fin you a broom!"
***** Harry handed Candi a broom.
"This? This is supposed to carry my fat *ss?" Candi looked at it mistrustfully.
"You're not fat. And yes, it will. Now, mount it." Harry straddled his broomstick, and motioned for Candi to do the same. "Good. Now, kick off from the ground."
Candi kicked hard, and flew straight into the air.
"WEEEEEE!!!!" Candi shrieked as she whizzed through the air. Harry grinned to see her soar. "Wait, how do I get down?"
"Just lean foward! It'll go down on it's own."
Candi landed with little grace, but a huge grin lit up her face. "Harry, that was amazing!"
"Now, watch this." Harry mounted his Firebolt and took off. He circled around the Quiddich hoops, did a few loop-di-loops, and ended by zooming around Candi in a circle a few times.
"Wow..." That was all she could manage. Harry landed safely beside her. Before they both could think about it, they kissed.
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |