Hello everyone!! No I didn't leave you forever, I wouldn't dream of doing that!! I really apologize for my lack of posting, as Mich said, I was having a very hard time signing on to SS. I am not sure if it is SS or my computer, but from the sounds of some of the posts and bulletins, I am not the only one.
As you may remember, I set the goal for myself to finish this fic before the 7th book is released, since that happens in exactly 10 days, I really don't see that happening, but I will definitely try!
I have missed you all so much, and computer allowing, I won't leave again
you all. Continuing Chapter 39: Rehabilitation
Harry rose slowly, and made his way out of the room, intent on finding someone, anyone really, who could relieve the throbbing in his nose.
As he exited the room he crashed into something hard, causing him to slam back against the wall before dropping to the floor. Tears of pain came to his eyes, and threatened to overflow as he struggled to raise himself to his knees.
He looked up to see what had blocked his path and met the troubled eyes of Hagrid.
As Hagrid began stammering an apology, he felt arms lift him up. He looked into the laughing eyes of both Sirius and Lupin and his mood grew even worse. He had to struggle to resist the urge to hex them both.
“Dout laugh at be!!” He yelled at them, causing the twins who had been shielded from his view by Hargid’s large frame to burst into giggles.
“Leeb be alone!” He yelled stomping away.
Because his head was tilted back to help stop the blood flow, Harry missed a step and crashed on to the floor, unable to continue to control his tears.
A soft touch on his arms caused him to almost lose his temper, when he realized it was Ginny, who threw the others a scowling look that gave the promise of bat bogey hexes to any who continued laughing.
“Come on Harry.” She gently helped him off the floor and led him into a room, where she conjured a couch. She helped him lay down and handed him a towel to hold over his nose.
“I will be right back, Harry.” She said softly, her hand lingering on his.
“Thank you.” He whispered, not realizing that she had already left the room.
A few minutes later he heard her return, “Dank you, Ginny.” He began as he struggled to sit up, he was gently shushed and pushed back down.
He opened his eyes as the towel covering his face was removed, surprised to be looking into the face of his mother.
“Who did this to you?” She asked softly, her voice low and angry. She held his face in her hands as she examined his crushed nose and black eyes.
“Draco Malfoy.” Harry said darkly, scowling.
“Episkey” Lily muttered, pointing her wand at Harry’s bloody face.
Harry felt a strange sensation as he felt the cartilage in his nose knit back together. “I am going to have to remember that one.” He thought to himself wiggling his nose to see if it still caused him pain. He looked up at Ginny’s laughter, and held her gaze for several seconds.
Lily, noticing the look, excused herself and backed out of the room, a pleased smile on her face.
“Thanks mum.” Harry said absently as quickly walked over to were Ginny was standing.
He slowly took her hands in his, “Thank you, Ginny.” He said softly, leaning into the girl.
“For what?” She asked, looking up at him.
“ For not laughing at me.” He responded truthfully, “and for getting my mom.” He added.
“Of course.” Ginny said, blushing slightly, “what else would you have excepted –“ Harry interrupted her by pressing his lips against hers.
Ginny, caught off guard stood there for a moment before wrapping her arms around his neck and returning his kiss with fervor.
Harry felt like the sun had burst upon his head and the world spun as he held Ginny in his arms, she his only thought.
“hem hem.” A voice coughed from the door, so similar to Umbridge that both he and Ginny instantly jumped away from each other, explanations on their lips, until they heard the laughter from the hallway.
“What are you doing with my sister?” Ron asked his face red.
“Oh shove off Ron!” Hermione exclaimed, shoving him out of the way as she made her way into the room and embraced her two friends. “I am so glad you have made up!” She whispered as she led them out of the room, past the stammering Ron.
“Hate to interrupt.” Sirius began, the smirk on his face said the exact opposite “But Minerva needs you all to go down to the meeting room.
Harry, remembering his last encounter with her, grudgingly and muttering under his breath followed the others down the stairs.