Ok Im back
With a post!!!
Chapter 9
It was dark outside and Ron and Hermione hadn’t come back down. Harry and Ginny played a couple games of wizard chess. They were finally pushing past the awkward stage and just talking normal to each other. Harry was glad. The first couple of days had been so uncomfortable. But now it felt like they were just friends again. No guilt attached.
“I wonder what happened to Ron and Hermione.” Harry said as Ginny’s castle was moving in on his pawn.
“She probably killed him.” Ginny said watching the castle take the now empty space. Harry chuckled as Mrs. Weasley walked in.
“Do you guys want some supper?” she asked wearing a multicolored apron.
“Of course! I’m starved.” Ginny said, stretching.
Harry tried not to look at her as she stretched. It gave him the sudden urge to grab hold of her and kiss her. Instead, he got up and followed Ginny into the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley was carrying food to the table when he walked in. Bill and Fluer had left for the day to go to her parents’ house. So it was only the three of them eating dinner at the table.
“Where is Ron and Hermione? Don’t they want something to eat?” Mrs. Weasley asked.
“Er-“ Harry said looking at Ginny.
“I don’t think they are very hungry.” Ginny replied coolly, serving herself some mashed potatoes.
“Well when you see them, tell them to put out their clothes so I can wash. You two put out your clothes too.” Mrs. Weasley said very motherly.
“Yes mum.” Ginny said, rolling her eyes at Harry. Luckily Mrs. Weasley hadn’t seen her. Harry stifled a laugh and took a drink from his cup.
“I also think you all should start packing soon. Because before you know it, you all will be going back to school.”
Ginny put her hand up and mockingly flapped it up and down, making it “talk”, behind her mother’s back. Harry kicked out his leg and hit hers playfully. He didn’t want her to get caught. She giggled and kept eating.
He had grown steadily tired as he ate. Talking to Ginny and Mrs. Weasley was great. He felt like he was just part of the family, talking about everything and anything. Their talking ranged from Bill and Fluer’s wedding to Fred and George’s shop. They talked and laughed at stupid jokes they told each other, for hours. It was like everything was fine and normal. The constant worries of where Voldermort was and what he was doing, was squashed as he sat there at the table with the two girls. One being like a mother figure for him, and the other, more than a best friend. He wanted to stay in this moment forever.
When the clock chimed 11 o’clock, Harry bid them goodnight and walked up the stairs to Ron’s room. His eyes itched with sleepiness. When he walked in Ron’s bed was empty. Harry wondered if he was still with Hermione. He smiled, as he thought what Ginny had said. “Maybe she did kill him.” He thought with a chuckle. He took off his pants and put on some pajama bottoms. Then, he climbed into his bed and fell asleep, with Ginny’s beautiful face on his mind. Bringing smiles to his face.
Sorry this chapter came out short
Ill post more tomorrow to make up for it.
Hope you all like the new chapter. Its still going kind of slow, but I promise it will get better soon. 