AN: Ok guys, this one is a little short, but I wanted to at least get something up here for you! I have more that I am going to post this afternoon! This is the first part of Chapter 39!! Let me know what you think!Also, love the wonderfulness of my new FanFic art!
Chapter 39: Rehabilitation
Draco scowled and looked around, trying to find his wand.
“It is no use, Mr. Malfoy,” Minerva said examing her finger nails, not looking at the boy, “I am afraid that your wand is long gone.”
Harry, still sitting on the floor, sniggered at her comment.
Minerva shot him a look of pure anger, “Carefull Mr. Potter, or yours will join him.” She warned.
Harry instantly shut up, however, he continued to glare alternately at Minerva and Draco.
Draco looked as though he might begin yelling in her face, but suddenly his shoulder’s slumped down in defeat, and he fell backward, slamming his head against the hard table. He moaned slightly as her rubbed the back of his head.
After a few minutes of silently staring at the ceiling, he rolled his head toward Minerva.
“What do you want from me?” He asked wearily. “If you are going to kill me just do it and stop tormenting me.” He turned his head back toward the ceiling and clenched his eyes shut, waiting for the final blow.
Minerva’s hard expression softened a bit, and to Harry, she seemed hard pressed to keep the smile from her face.
“We are not going to kill you, Mr. Malfoy.” She said brusquely after a moment. She conjured a bathrobe and threw it on Draco’s face. “Put this on, your clothes are hardly appropriate to travel through a full house.”
Draco, looking at her as if she had grown an extra head, slowly pulled the robe on, tying it closed in the front.
“You have been through a lot, and need some good healing sleep.” Minerva stated, leaving no room for argument, as she motioned Draco to the door. She paused before following after the boy and said over her shoulder, “Go see someone Harry, and have them fix your nose.” With that, she was gone, leaving a baffled Harry behind.