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Old 05-08-2007, 09:44 PM   #284 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Athena Evans (A twin)

Thanks! I have finished the smaller papers and only have the bigger one to write which I will probably procrastinate on and leave till the weekend then on Monday is my final, which is ANOTHER essay, and then I am done! And don't worry, I have every hope to finish my story before July. I want to be unbiased by the happenings of the final book, and I WILL buy it the day it comes out and read it right away, so this will be done by then! Maybe I will do another one after I read the last book *shakes head to get out of daydream* must finish this one before even considering another one

Here is the next piece of the chapter, sorry it is small. Still working on the MAJOR even in this chapter, I want it to be perfect for you all! Hope you enjoy!

Continue Chapter 38: Draco Malfoy

He struggled to keep up with Minerva’s fast pace as she strode deeper into the huge house.

She finally stopped in front of a plain oak door and slowly waved her wand over the door, mumbling in audibly.
The door suddenly began to change and melt away until there was a narrow arch way that Harry had to almost turn sideways to squeeze through. As soon as he was through, the door immediately began to right itself until it was once again, a plain sold oak door.

He entered the room, looking around and all of the gadgets that lined the surgically clean room. In the middle of the large room who could see a flat table with a person laying on it. Seeing the white blond hair, Harry immediately knew this was Draco, although he suspected it before he had even reached the room.

He reached Minerva’s side as she stood next to the table, staring down at the boy it held.

“Why won’t he wake up, Professor?” He asked surprised at how much his voice echoed off the sleek walls.

“We don’t know Harry.” Minerva said quietly as though not wanting to wake the boy who looked like he could simply be slumbering. “That’s why we need your help?”

Harry frowned, “What can I do?” he asked incredulously.

Minerva sighed, “You have studied with one of the greatest Occlumens and Legilimens that our world has ever seen. You are far greater than you give yourself credit for, or even realize I suspect.” Minerva paused a moment as she conjured a chair and a stool. “I need…we need you to get into Draco’s mind and talk to him. We suspect that he has experienced a great trauma, and has locked himself into his own mind for protection. We need you to coax him out.”

“Yeah right!” Harry scoffed, “Draco hates me, there is no way if I bombard into his mind that he will willingly come out. You would have better luck with using one of his cronies.”

“That is what makes this such a difficult task.” Minerva said, her eyes boring into Harry’s, making him slightly uncomfortable. “They are not as good as you are, and they can not be controlled or trusted in a situation like this. You are the only one.” She continued to stare at him, trying to impress upon him the need for success. “He has information that could be vital for our success.”

“You are basing all of this on an uncertain ‘could’ Minerva.” Harry said staring back, no longer phased by her gaze. “But I guess it won’t hurt to try.” He said as he settled himself into the stool.
He wasn’t sure how to began, so he leaned forward and grabbed Draco’s head in his hands, his temples underneath Harry’s palms. He stared intently at the top of Draco’s head for a moment, and then suddenly his eyes rolled back into his head as they closed.

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