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Old 05-02-2007, 09:40 PM   #145 (permalink)
Come What May
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Join Date: Jul 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

Okay everyone! Here are two chapters to Lady in Red ! Enjoy my wonderful readers!

Chapter 12:
Weeks passed and Harry and Hermione remained close friends…only close

friends. Harry still loved Hermione with all his heart but he didn’t want to rush

her into anything so he decided to wait patiently for her. Hermione however

was starting to have mixed feelings. Living with Draco for the last month had

caused Hermione to become attached to the Slytherin bad boy. And Draco

felt the same way. But both of them kept their feelings hidden because Draco

for one didn’t want to come between Hermione and Harry and Hermione just

thought Draco would never accept her. But all that changed a week before

Jennifer’s and Ron’s wedding…

“Draco?” Hermione asked shyly as she interrupted him from his reading.


“I was wondering if…well Jen’s wedding is a week away and well…it’s quite

embarrassing for a girl to go alone…and well…”

Draco smiled and said, “Hermione you are very bad at asking someone out”.

“I wasn’t asking you out!” Hermione protested “I was asking you to

accompany me to a wedding that’s all!”

“Sure…and yes, I will go with you”.

Hermione smiled.

“Thank you Draco!”

Hermione’s goal after that was to give Draco a hug but Draco had a different

plan. As Hermione moved closer Draco made his move and gently kissed her.

Hermione who was startled by his sudden move just went along with it. After

all…it’s what she wanted to happen all along.

That night Hermione and Draco talked the night away outside on Hermione’s

porch. They talked about how their feelings started for each other and how

they wanted to be together.

“Draco I want to be with you too but…” Hermione said after a while.

“But your scared Harry will go all crazy”.

Hermione nodded.

“Hermione for once will you take a chance and risk everything you have just

to get what you want”.

“Draco I would but I’m scared”.

“Don’t be…just do it”.

Hermione smiled, “Fine! I’ll take a risk!”

Draco kissed Hermione again. Both of them were happy. But what they did

not know was that there was someone who was dying inside. Harry Potter

walked away with the flowers he had bought for Hermione that night. He had

arrived at Hermione’s house hoping to win her heart back and he left her

house without it. Harry threw the flowers away as he walked by a trash can

and along with the flowers he threw away his hopes and dreams of having

Hermione in his life again. For Harry, he had lost everything.

And here is the next chapter...

Chapter 13:
The day when Ron and Jen would unite as one arrived and everyone was

rushing to get ready.

Harry was having trouble tying his tie when he heard a knock on his door.

“Come in”.

The door opened, it was Hermione. Harry smiled at her. Harry and Hermione

were still on talking terms because Harry never mentioned to Hermione that

he had over heard her and Draco’s conversation. And when Hermione

announced that her and Draco were dating Harry had pretended to be happy

for her when he was actually dying inside.

“You look handsome” Hermione said as she walked into the room.

“I know I do”.

Hermione hit Harry on the arm.

“I’m kidding…you look beautiful”.

“Thank you!”

Hermione was dressed in a silver gown that fitted her slim body very well. Her

hair was long and smooth and it fell down her back in cascading curls. To

Harry she looked like a goddess.

“Harry you still can’t tie your own tie?”


“Come here, let me do it”.

Hermione helped Harry and when she was done she said, “You look perfect”.

“Thanks Mione”.

Hermione smiled but Harry turned away. He couldn’t look at her because if he

did he would tell her three words that would ruin the only thing they had...

their friendship.

“It’s a good thing the wedding is today huh?” Harry asked wanting to break

the silence.

“Yeah. We could all go back to our daily lives”.


“Are…are you going back to New York?”

“Yes, I have too”.

“You don’t have too Harry”.

Harry turned to look at Hermione and realized that she was crying.

“Hermione what’s wrong?”

“Harry you can’t leave! What happened to us? What happened to the trio we

use to be? Ron is getting married and will be with Jen all the time and you…

you live in a place I hardly know about! What ever happened to being

together until the end?”

“Hermione we grew up…that’s what happened…we grew up”.

“Well then I hate growing up!”

Hermione was crying out of control now. Harry didn’t know what to do.

“Hermione stop you’ll ruin your make up. And you look so pretty”.

Hermione stopped and smiled at Harry.

“There we go. I like my Hermione to be smiling”.

Just the an owl flew in through Harry’s opened window and dropped a letter

on to his bed…it was from Dumbledore.

Dear Harry and Hermione,
The Death Eaters have been defeated all thanks to Draco and your help as well. I would like to thank you both for helping me and I hope you have an excellent time at the wedding! Behave now!
Yours Truly,

Hermione screamed and hugged Harry.

“Harry everything is fine now!”

“Yeah…” Harry said.

Harry inhaled Hermione’s perfume. It was the perfume she wore when they

started dating.He remembered that perfume so well because he had given it

to her for Christmas.

“Harry what’s wrong?”

“Nothing…come on let’s go or Jen will kill us if we’re late”.

Harry walked out of the room, Hermione close behind.

Ron appeared in the hallway, a nervous wreck.

“Harry! What if she changes her mind?” Ron said.

“Mate I told you already…she loves you to much to leave you”.

“How do you know that!?”

“Professor Trelawney taught me how to read minds”.

Hermione laughed and was about to say something when Draco appeared at

the front door.

“Hermione? You ready?” Draco asked.

“Yeah, just let me get my purse”.

Hermione ran into Harry’s room again and came out with her purse.

Harry cursed Draco silently for ruining their little trio moment.

“See you two there! And Ron calm down!” Hermione said as she walked out

the door.

Harry turned his gaze away from Hermione only when he felt Ron pulling his

tux and saying, “Damn it Harry! I want to get married today!”

By eight o’clock that morning, Ron and Jen had become husband and wife and

everyone was now awaiting the party. And at five everyone headed towards

the hall were the party was being held. After about seven hours of partying

Harry decided that he should say his good byes.

“Ron congratulations once again mate! I wish I could stay longer but I have

to go back home. I’ve been away too long”.

“No worries Harry. I’m just glad you were here to help me celebrate this

wonderful night”.

The two friends hugged each other and Harry moved on to Jennifer.

“I told you everything would work out!” Harry teased.

Jen smiled and hugged Harry.

“Thank you for everything” she whispered as she let go of Harry.

“No thank you. You put up with me for a long time in your house! And that’s


After talking for a few more minutes to the married couple Harry moved on to

the person who he had hoped would have been leaving with him tonight.

Tada! There you go my loyal readers! Enough to last you a month don't you think? LOL! I'm kidding!
I hope you all enjoyed the two chapters!



A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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