Run, Emma, Run! Okay all my loyal readers! Here is the moment you have all been waiting for... dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!! A new chapter to Lady in Red!
Chapter 11:
Harry’s head spun as he traveled trough all the fireplaces. Then all of a
sudden, he fell straightforward and onto his knees. He heard a girl scream.
“Harry! What the heck! Do you want to give me a heart attack?” Hermione
Harry got up, “No! Ron sent me over here to…”
“To what?”
“To…to come and beg you to rejoin their wedding thing”.
“Well I’m not going to”.
“I haven’t begged yet!”
“Well don’t bother! Because I am not going to give in!”
Hermione turned away and went into the kitchen. Harry followed. Hermione
was preparing dinner.
“What?” Hermione snapped.
“I’m…I’m sorry”.
Hermione looked up from cutting a tomato and looked at Harry.
“Harry you have nothing to be sorry about” Hermione said, now more calmly.
“Yes I do. I have been nothing but a jerk to you ever since the day I got
here. And after not seeing you for what… 4 years? Being a jerk is not the
way I should be acting”.
Hermione’s eyes filled up with tears.
“Harry I’m the one who should be sorry. And not just for being a jerk. Also for
not explaining things to you before we left Hogwarts. For letting the memory
of Peter get in the way of…us”.
Harry looked at Hermione. Was she really sorry? Or was she just fooling
Hermione went back to cutting up the tomato when Draco walked into the
kitchen. He saw Harry and an almost crying Hermione and said, “Am I
interrupting something?”
Hermione smiled and said, “No Draco”.
Harry just stayed quite shook his head.
Draco still however, walked out of the room.
Hermione turned to Harry. “Are you going to stay for dinner?”
“Um…I don’t think so. But thanks for the offer”.
Hermione smiled and said, “ My cooking is not that bad you know!”
“I never said it was! But still I should go… See you Mione”.
“Mione…you haven’t called me that since our 6th year”.
“Yea well, I need to pick up some of my old habits”.
Hermione laughed, “Sure Harry!”
“Bye Hermione!”
“Awww…I like Mione better!” Hermione whined.
“To bad! Hermione is your name!”
“Fine!” Hermione said as she stuck out her tongue at Harry.
Harry did the same and then turned on the spot and was gone.
Hermione smiled to herself… finally they were acting like they use to…like
Short chapter I know, but there is a reason!
I still hope though that you all enjoyed it!
__________________  A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy! |