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Old 03-20-2007, 10:01 PM   #14 (permalink)
Come What May
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: California, Palmdale
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jacqueline Marie Granger
Sixth Year
Run, Emma, Run!

Well I took the first part today and it was really easy!!!!!!
And it has been a while since I last posted...

Chapter 2:

“ Hermione you’re late! The minister is going crazy!” Jennifer said to Hermione

as she entered the department of mysteries. Jennifer was the one who had

stolen Ron’s heart in their last year at Hogwarts. But over time Jennifer went

from being Ron’s girlfriend to being his fiancé. Their wedding was in five


“ Sorry Jennifer” Hermione said.

Hermione got to work. She was the one in charge of all the files that had to

be organized. And when she wasn’t organizing files she was going room to

room checking that everything was okay. Hermione being the strong girl she

was didn’t mind at all. But she always tried to avoid one room. It was the

room filled with prophecies. But one day when the Minister of Magic had

forced her in there she had to face all the horrible memories from the past.

“ Hermione!” Jennifer yelled.

Hermione jumped. “ What?”

“ Let’s go to lunch”.

“ Lunch?”

“ Yes Hermione. Lunch.”

“ I barely got here.”

“ No… you got here 8 hours ago. It’s two”.

Hermione was shocked. But she still got up and followed Jennifer out the door.

They went to a little café located at the end of Diagon Alley.

“ Hello. What can I get you dears today?” the waitress said.

“ Two salads and two ice teas please” Jennifer said.

“ Coming right up” the waitress said and walked away.

Jennifer turned to Hermione.

“ Hermione guess what?”

“ What?”

“ Ron and I have decided to change the wedding date to next month”.

“ Next month?”

“ Yes. And well since you’re one of my maids of honor and since you have no

partner…” Jennifer trailed off.

“ What’s the matter Jennifer?”

“ Umm… Ron said that… that we should get you partner so you wouldn’t have

to worry about it anymore”.

“ Oh… sure. It’s okay with me”.

“ Oh good”.

Just then their food arrived and the two girls began to eat. After awhile…

“ Do you have any idea who you guys are going to pair me up with?”

Hermione asked.

“ Ron said he found you someone, he’s just waiting for him to reply”.

“ Who is it?”

“ He wouldn’t tell me”.

Jennifer was lying though. She new perfectly well who it was. She just didn’t

want to tell Hermione because she didn’t want Hermione to drop out of

her wedding.


“ Harry you’re late.”

“ Sorry Brian”.

“ It’s cool”.

Harry worked at the Ministry of New York. He was an auror and was one of

the best.

“ So what held you up this time?” Brian asked, smiling.

“ Stupid memories” Harry replied.

An owl flew into Harry’s office. It dropped a letter onto his desk and flew

away. Harry picked up the letter and tore it open. Brian came over to read

the letter with Harry.

Dear Harry,
How are you mate? I’m good and I have good news. Jennifer and I have decided to change our wedding date. Our wedding is next month. And no Harry… we’re not rushing into this. And well… I also need you to do me a favor. I know you didn’t want to come to my wedding in the fist place because you didn’t want to see Hermione again but well she’s not coming and well I need you to be the partner of one of Jen’s maids of honor.
Please Harry! Jen is going crazy! Send me a reply ASAP.

Yours truly,

Harry dropped the letter. Hermione wasn’t going?

“ Are you going to do it?” Brian asked.

“ Well I guess so. I can’t leave my mate hanging”.

Harry picked up a quill and wrote his reply.

Dear Ron,
Of course! I’d do anything for you on your special day. When should I get there? What should I wear? Who is this girl? And… why isn’t Hermione going? Anyways… I’ll see you later.


Harry rolled up the letter and tied it to Hedwigs leg.

“ Go on girl. And if you see a special someone tell her I said hi”.

Hedwig blinked her eyes once to show that she had understood and flew off.

“ You’re owl is way too smart Harry” Brian said.

Harry laughed.

Hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Love Always,

A very big thank you to Cassirin at Anna and Ern's Box of Every Flavor Beans for this wonderful siggy!
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