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Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Thanks so much Mich for the Avvie and the Siggy!! You Rock my Socks!!
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Athena Evans (A twin) Third | Sorry it is a short one... AN: I just discovered that I am posting way to much way too fast, so unfortunately I need to slow done on my posting a smidgen until a can create a bigger buffer. Don't worry that doesn't mean that I am not going to post at all, just not as much as I have been Don't worry though, I am going to write like crazy the next few days and this weekend, so everything should be fine again by next week! Chapter 29: The Closed Ward Minerva and Harry appeared in the alley next to the run down department store that Harry knew hid St. Mungus Hospital for Magical Maladies. Minerva quickly waved her wand over Sirius and he transformed into a small baby which she handed to Harry. She then did the same over both her and Harry. Harry watched in amazement as Minerva’s features began to change. She appeared to be going back in time. He gasped at the beautiful girl of about 20 standing in front of him. She was tall but very slender. She had long chesnut hair that was held out of her face in a loose knot at the nape of her neck. She pushed a few strands out of her face and behind her small ears. Her slender fingers brushing against her flawless skin. Harry's moth hit the floor as he stood mesmerized by this beautiful creature before him. "She puts Fluer to shame!" Harry thought to himself. He looked into her deep blue eyes and saw so much misheviness and humore there that he frowned, snapping himself out of his worship of the beautiful goddess before him. Muttering darkly to himself, Harry followed Minerva awkwardly holding the infant, which was still bound and stiff as a board. He conjured a blanket and wrapped it around the child so as to not appear too out of the ordinary. “What is this?” Harry hissed at Minerva when he saw his reflection in the glass as they waited for St. Mungos to open for them. Standing where he should have been was a tall muscular tanned man. He had long wavy dark brown hair and looked like he should feel comfortable on a beach. His frown deepened as he noticed his angular features, and the prominence of his clenched jaw. His gaze reached his own green eyes, and then to the faint outline of a scar on his forhead, "Gawd!" He exclaimed, "Tell me this isn't what I am going to look like in 10 years, I look like Lockhart!" He mimed gagging. Minerva giggled coyly at him while twirling a strand of long chesnut hair that had worked its way out of her loose pony tail at the nape of her neck, but did not offer an explanation. Muttering darkly to himself he followed behind her. As they entered the building, a motherly looking Witch bustled up to them. Since her unjust imprisonment for the assassination of Broderick Bode, Miriam Stout had lost her faith in the government being able to properly protect and serve the people. She had become one of the many secret members of the Order of the Phoenix and maintained her position at St. Mungo’s to insure proper care for any injured Order members. “What have we here?” She asked in a concerned voice. She knew full well who they had with them, but for appearances, Minerva recited how the infant was a muggle relation and had gotten into some Bulbadox Powder. Sure enough, when the healer pulled back the blankets, the child was covered in horrible looking blisters. “We put him into a deep sleep so that he would not feel the pain.” Minerva said, noticing several curious looks, explaining why the child was not screaming in agony. “I know just what to do for him.” Miriam said soothingly taking the child from Minerva. As the followed the Healer into the hospital and toward the closed ward, Harry looked around searching the crowded room for Tonks. He saw an old hunched crone of a woman wink at him and mouth the words, “Wotcher Harry.” He nodded back to her as she hobbled out of the hospital, her back bent so far as she leaned over her cane that for a moment he was afraid that her rather large hooked nose would scrape on the floor. He shook his head in wonderment. As Miriam led them through the hospital, Harry remembered the few times that he had been here in the past. He frowned as the motherly witch led them through the doors of the closed ward. He was curiouse as to why she was taking them there, but then realized that it would be far more private and less of a chance that they would be overheard. They finally found an empty private room. Miriam closed the door and locked it. They walked to the bed and she drew the curtain around it. Minerva waved her wand and the three of them returned to normal. She nodded to Harry and he lifted the spell off of Sirius, but left him bound. He instantly began screaming and trying to kick his leg as if kicking off the creature. Just as suddenly as he started he stopped, realizing that he was no longer even in the Ministry of Magic. “Thank Merlin, you saved me.” He gave a great sigh of relief as Miriam began to examine him. “I am fine.” He assured her. “Just a precaution, Mr. Black. For our safety as much as yours.” She told him, not pausing in her examination. He chuckled bitterly. “Well,” He said to her, “like the dementors, the evil of the veil can not sense animals, only humans. They bothered me for the first five minutes I was there and as Harry were pulling me out.” He said motioning gratefully to Harry. Harry breathed a sigh of relief. His Godfather was whole, sound and intact. He had not been contaminated. “You mean you stayed in your dog form the entire time you were in the veil?” Minerva asked in awe. “Yeah.” Sirius said nonchalantly. “Except for the fleas, I actually prefer it.” He said laughing. “For not being able to do anything at all, the time actually went by fairly fast. Speaking of which, I am famished!” He said enthusiastically, even going as far as to lick his chops. Laughing, Miriam shook her head. “I think he is no worse for wear, however I would like to observe him for a while, but not here.” She looked around as if she expected assailants to jump out behind the curtains at any moment. Minerva had heard what she needed to hear. She again pulled out her wand and waved it over the three of them. The surfer Harry again picked up the baby this time awake and giggling, kicking his little legs. He wrapped him in the blanket and headed back outside. “I will come by and check on him, I have some time off coming to me, I think I just might go on vacation.” Miriam whispered out of the corner of her mouth. “See you tonight!” She whispered smiling at Harry and Minerva. She gave the baby one last pat on the head before heading back inside. Although neither spoke, they both knew that the decision had been made to first apparate to the Burrow, and then use the floo network to get back to Grimmuald Place.
Last edited by JulieAnn; 03-08-2007 at 07:54 PM.