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Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Thanks so much Mich for the Avvie and the Siggy!! You Rock my Socks!!
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Athena Evans (A twin) Third | You are the sweetness, Mich...... so just for you, here's another post Chapter 26: Flight of the Phoenix The group appeared in an alley near Grimmuald Place and quickly made their way inside. At their appearance the hurried talking that had been going on ceased as if on cue. Molly marched up to them, the look on her face suggesting she was going to tell them off for following. “It is ok, Molly.” Minerva interjected. Molly stopped instantly and turned towards Minerva, a look of panic on her face as Minerva approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “We can’t protect them for ever, Molly. And they have already been through and seen so much. They have earned every right to be here.” She silently, but firmly led a dejected Molly away. With a nod from Moody, the group moved into the meeting room. An impatient wave of the wand from Moody caused the door shut soundly directly behind the stragglers, causing them to jump forward to avoid getting hit. “Sit down everyone, let’s begin.” He said gruffly. He performed a complicated bit of spell work, sealing the door fast and soundproofing the room. “Because of us!” Fred mouthed across the room Harry and the group that came with him looked around and took some seats at a motion from Minerva near the front of the room. Harry could not shake the feeling that he was somewhere that he was not supposed to be. Looking at the rest of his group, he was sure that he was not alone in that feeling. They had spent so long trying to eavesdrop, now that they were allowed they felt out of place. Harry heard a gasp from his left, and turned to see Hermione pointing up to the front of the room. The middle of the wall at the front of the room appeared be to be moving and becoming distorted. After a few moments, whispered conversations burst around the room, as people gave exclamations. Glancing back at the wall, Harry realized what was causing the commotion. The portrait of Dumbledore had appeared. “I wondered where they were putting that.” He said under his breath as he gave Dumbledore a small wave and received a small smile and a nod in return. “Thank you all for coming, I do apologize to Mr. Potter and Mr. Longbottom for spoiling their birthday festivities.” Dumbledore began with a wave to both boys. Harry shrugged as if to say, “What can you do, it happens.” Neville on the other hand, turned a bright shade of red, embarrassed with the sudden attention. “As most of you know, a group of Order members as well as the children in this room,” Minerva began, ignoring the irate looks coming from the group at the front of the room, “raided and searched the Malfoy Manor prior to final battle with Voldemort, in search of one of the Horcruxes that he made in order to help insure his immortality. "What some of you might not know is that the Order retained control of the Manor and has been diligently searching it. Malfoy Manor has many secrets rooms, tunnels, floors, wings even, that have been exceptionally difficult locating with out any assistance. "With the death of both Narcissa and of Lucius, the only other person who might be able to assist us in this endeavor is Draco, and he has been missing…up till now.” She stopped talking as if she knew the how the people in the room would react to the implications of her statement. “What?!” Harry said jumping to his feet, not realizing that so did Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Neville. He had a look of pure loathing in his eyes and was smashing his fist in his hand in a manner that would have made Dudley proud. “Sit down Mr. Potter.” Minerva said forcefully. Reluctantly, Harry sat back down, sulking. “We are not sure if we have found him.” Minerva said once the commotion had died down. “We have reached a part in the Manor that we can not seem to get through. It is uncertain, but we think that we can detect some sort of life, and use of magic from inside the room; that is what led us there to begin with. It is entirely possible that Draco was being held their as a captive. We need some assistance and a fresh outlook on things if we are going to be able to get in. Time, is not our friend in this instance.” Harry suddenly sat forward, a look of excitement on his face. He quickly shot his hand into the air, to the amusement of the adults around him. “There is no need to raise your hand Mr. Potter, what is it?” Minerva asked him with a slight smile on her face and laughter in her voice. “What about Dobby?” Harry asked simply. Dumbledore began nodding in approval and at the slight nod from Minerva, he stood and continued, noticing the look of confusion on most of the members faces. “Dobby was the Malfoy family house elf. He tried to warn me not to return to Hogwarts in my second year because he had overheard the Malfoy’s plans re-open the Chamber of Secrets.” Harry finished a triumphant look on his face. “And where would we find this disloyal little house elf.” Sneered a man that Harry did not recognize. He was a short man, with a slight scar across the left side of his face. Harry made a mental note to ask who he was. Harry’s face grew hard, “He asked to serve me, and my family.” His blood began boiling at the pompousness of this unknown man. Moody seeing that Harry was about to lose his temper, spoke up, “That is a right good idea, when we finish here, why don’t you go ahead and call him. We need to do this right away.” Nodding, Harry sat back down, starring at the back of the man’s head. Harry hadn’t been the only person angry with the man’s outburst; other people were shooting him looks, and shaking their heads. “Serves him right!” Harry thought to himself. After a few more moments of discussion, an agreement was made that Harry and his group of friends along with Dobby would be the next group to go in and attempt to break into the room and that they would leave first thing in the morning. “Everyone is dismissed.” Minerva said, “Except you.” She said pointing to the group in the front of the room. Harry and his friends sat waiting, each lost in their own thoughts, waiting for the rest of the order members to leave, and the select few to return in secrecy. Ron and Hermione sat next to each other, holding hands. Hermione nervously kept crossing and uncrossing her legs while Ron stared open mouthed into space. Neville, every few minutes, what sneak a glance at Luna, while she, in her own world swayed back and forth to some imaginary rhythm. Harry sat next to Ron, and he too was lost in his his thoughts. “Who knew that he was communicating with Lucius and the other death eaters.” Hermione asked bewildered, tears streaming down her face. Harry raised his eyebrow, baffled that Hermione was have so much faith and would feel so much pain at the death of that horrible House Elf. “Kreacher was an evil git, Hermione.” Ron said as if talking to a small child. “He was compromising the Order and betraying us all. He could have gotten us all killed.” “He couldn’t have told them where we were.” Hermione said, putting her face in her hands. “Hermione! They would have known, they ALL knew who his Master was. It just would take a little bit of common sense to figure it out, shoot, even Crabbe and Goyle could have figured that out!” Ron slammed his hand against the table in frustration. “No you pull yourself together!” He demanded. Jumping in surprise, Hermione looked up at him nodding obediently as she wiped her face off, her tears stopped. Shaking his head, Harry walked out of the kitchen, leaving the weird scene behind. He stepped into the entry way and began to make his way upstairs passing several witches and wizards struggling to remove the heads of the previous House Elves who had served the Black family. Harry had, a little reluctantly, agreed to move the disgusting things into the room with Mrs. Black’s portrait, although all he really wanted to do was destroy them all, including her. “A promise is a promise.” The man in a portrait in the hallway said laughing, reading Harry’s mind. Harry gave Phineas a dirty look. “I should move you back into your room, or better yet, in with her.” He threatened, effectively wiping the smirk off of the previous Head Masters face. “No respect.” He mumbled as he stormed out of his portrait. Harry, smiling continued on. He made his way to a special room, the door well hidden, “Lemon Gumdrops.” He said, smiling at the password worthy of Dumbledore. He entered the small circular room and stared at the objects it contained. Set around the room were seven small round accent tables that stood about waist high. On each table was a glass dome that covered an object of interest. Harry began walking around the room, inspecting each object. Under the fist dome was a ink stained completely ruined, leather bond diary, propped up on a glass stand. They had found the diary after raiding the Malfoy’s manor. Harry had been surprised that Lucius had been so capable of sentimental value. The second table held a ring, suspended in air. The ring was rotating slowly. Although Dumbledore had originally told him the ring was destroyed, he had eventually told Harry were to find it. The magic might have been destroyed, but the ring itself was intact. The third object was a heavy gold locket. “We were lucky to find this one.” Harry said chuckling to himself. Like the ring, the magic was gone, but the object was whole. The fourth dome covered a beautifully ornate cup with two golden handles, on one side was engraved the image of a badger. The cup had also been in Lucius’ position, much to Harry’s amazement. The fifth object was a beautiful brooch, encrusted with jewels. It had once belonged to Rowena Ravenclaw. To not only Harry’s, but everyone else’s disbelief, Lucius also had this little artifact as well. Harry had thanked his lucky stars at Lucius’ apparent lack of common sense. These plus his previous actions had guaranteed him the Kiss of Death. Harry shuddered at the thought. He thought about the invitation he had recieved to witness the kiss, emmensly thankful that he had declined. The sixth table was empty, and Harry sighed as he passed it and onto the seventh, which held a small lifelike figurine of Lord Voldemort. It was created with the same magic that made the dragons that the champions had pulled out of bags during the Triwizard cup and the figure of Krum that Ron used to carry around. Harry shook his head as he thought about the broken arms of the figure after Ron had released his frustrations on it. Hermione suddenly burst into the room, knowing where he would be, “Harry! Harry! We have a serious problem!” She skidded to a stop next to him, nearly turning over two tables in the process. As if she couldn’t get the words out, instead of telling him what was wrong, Hermione grabbed his arm dragged him back down the stairs to the window near the front door, where a group of people were crowding around. Harry pushed his way to the front and looked out the window, unsure of what he expected to find. He was not prepared however, for the sight that met his eyes. Standing on the street, staring at the house, or the location the house should be anyway, where not only several Death Eaters, but Lord Voldemort himself. “Harry Potter!” He shrieked, creating a scene. “Come out here and face me!” “See Hermione?” Ron said, referring to Kreacher and earning himself a slap. Harry could see several muggles staring at Voldemort like he was crazy, to them, he was yelling at the alley way between two houses, but since Bellatrix knew where the house should be, they were standing out front. Harry could see two people laying on the ground, staring blankly. From their dress, he knew they were muggles, and from their position he knew they were dead, more than likely curious, unsuspecting neighbors. Harry could feel his blood begin to boil, and made to open the front door. Several people however pulled him backwards, blocking the door from view. “No, Harry. Don’t. We need to get word to the order, but we can’t leave.” Hermione said thoughtfully. Harry leapt up and ran up the stairs, Hermione and Ron hot on his heals. He reached the empty portrait of Phineas and banged on the wall screaming at the empty portrait, as if that were going to somehow bring him back. He began to turn around when he heard a gruff and indignant voice say, “If you are going to scream at me, I am going to leave and not come back.” Harry turned back towards Phineas thankful that the man had returned. “We need to get a message to the school quickly, Voldemort and other Death Eaters are just outside, they can’t get in and they can’t see the house, but they know it is here, and they are demanding to see me. We can’t leave the house to get word, we need advice and assistance.” Harry said in a rushed voice. At this news, Phineas’ normal lazy demeanor was dropped instantly and with a quick nod he was gone. Harry, Hermione and Ron returned downstairs, leaving a few Order Members upstairs waiting for Phineas to return. Although Harry sat down in a chair in the entry way, not wanting to look outside, he continued to hear Voldemort screaming outside. They death toll of muggles was now to 5 including 2 police officers. “How many people are you going to kill Harry?” Voldemort asked mockingly, from outside. “Because that is what you are doing, by not coming out, you are forcing me to kill these innocent people.” “Don’t listen to him Harry!” Hermione said suddenly. “I’m not.” Harry said sadly. “He would kill those people regardless, just because he felt like it.” His jaw was clenching and unclenching although he was trying to pretend that he wasn’t angry. “I can sense you, you know.” He heard Voldemort call from the street. “I would like to tell you all a story, a little known story.” Voldemort said suddenly after a brief pause, his tone had changed. “Once upon a time, there was a powerful man that no one liked. He didn’t mind too much, so long as no one stood in his way. Because people got jealous of his power, people began to fight this man. One family in particular was extremely jealous and tried repeatedly to beat this great man.” Voldemort paused in his story for effect. Harry, wondering if Voldemort had finally lost his mind, cautiosly made his way to the window, and fought to hold back a scream at what he saw. In the middle of the street sat Voldemort, surrounded by several Death Eaters, each with a crying child sitting in their lap. Looking up, Voldemort laughed. “Ah, I see you don’t like that, do you?” He asked as Harry fell backward, pain searing through his scar. Harry was still struggling with several people to get outside when several Order members leapt out of the fireplace. Harry paused in his struggling at their entrance. Seeing, the horrified look on Harry and Ron’s faces, Minerva said, “Don’t worry, like the location of the house, if you weren’t specifically given the information from Dumbledore you can not get here by floo powder. And why are you fighting?” She demanded. Both boys breathed a sigh of relief before returning to the struggle, while Hermione rolled her eyes slightly and motioned for Minerva to look out the window Minerva gasped audibly at the scene outside. “We have people outside that are sneaking up on the group of Death Eaters.” Minerva said, a furious look on her face, “However we didn’t know about the children. Call Fawkes wont you Harry?” Harry, finally breaking away from Ron and unsure of exactly how to call the Phoenix, said, “Uhh…Fawkes? Could you come here for a moment?” He felt a bit silly, and looked up to see Lupin roll his eyes. He gave him a shrug as a loud crack announced Fawkes arrival. Slightly surprised, he took Fawkes over the window and showed him the scene outside. “You see those children out there?” Harry asked, pointing out the window at the crying children. “Those men holding them are bad, and we need to save them, do you think that you can help us?” Harry held the Phoenix up so that they were eye level. Fawkes started singing, and with a crack he was gone. Harry looked outside and could not believe what he saw. There were several cracks and flashes of light, and before any of the Death Eaters or Voldemort could react, the children had vanished. Fawkes reappeared at Harry shoulder before he could even completely comprehend what had happened. He was about to ask were the children had been moved too when he heard a small whimper and turned around. All of the children were standing in a daze in the entry way. “I think we will need a few memory modifications.” He said sighing as he patted Fawkes head. “Thank you Fawkes.” He whispered gratefully. Fawkes bowed his head slightly flew over to the stair case and began to sing a beautiful song. The children, still sniffling, made their way over to him to listen, and soon were all contently fast asleep, much to the pleasure of the baffled adults. Hearing laughter, Harry looked back outside to see a laughing Voldemort. Based on the pain in his scar however, Voldemort was not laughing out of joy. “So I see you’ve got Dumbledore’s clever bird.” He said throwing his head back and laughing manically. “I should have known!” He began shooting curses and spells towards the house in an act of desperation. All he accomplished however was to destroy the two homes on other side as none of the spells hit the house. “It is almost time.” Minerva said, getting her wand out. “Now, when the signal comes, we will have to hurry to get out. If we leave the door open for too long they can get inside. Someone needs to stay behind to make sure that the door is securely closed and locked behind us. There were several moments of absolutely no talking. No one wanted to have to stay behind and not help. “I will do it.” Sighed a voice from the back. The group turned to see the Weasley family walking in from the kitchen where they had just arrived by floo powder. “I can watch the children too and move them if something happens.” Ginny added. Harry smiled at her gratefully, but she turned and ignored his smile. Shaking his head he turned towards the door, ready for the battle. |