Chapter 21: Rights of Passage-Final part Part C: The Riddles He opened the door and stepped in to a magnificent room. The walls were lined with gold. There were all manners of treasures and riches stacked from floor to ceiling. Harry looked around in awe, wondering for a split second if he was still in the dreamscape. In the center of the room sat the most regal Sphinx that Harry had ever seen, looking deceivingly serene. Cautiously he approached the Sphinx and looked up at it, bowing slightly. “May we pass?” he asked the Sphinx. The Sphinx regarded him for a moment before returning the slight bow and replied, “Until you answer my riddles three, I can not grant you sanctuary. Answer wisely, or suffer an untimely demise.” Harry nodded. “I was afraid of that.” He said sighing. “May I hear them?” Nodding, the Sphinx began to speak, in an almost song like manner: You do this when something is lost And you need to recover it at all cost The next part is simple It is at the beginning of an era and the ending of under Harry waited for the Sphinx to finish. When It became apparent that the riddle was complete, Harry sighed and began mulling over the clues, walking around, making sure to work silently, least the Sphinx mistakes his mulling for an answer. After a few moments, he began to laugh. “Is the answer ‘Founder’?” He asked. At the nod from the Sphinx, he smiled and said, “Ok, what’s the next one?” A creature that is often thought of as dirty Its can be called by a name that starts with an S and rhymes with fine This is coupled with a thing that is despised A bump that won’t go away Often caused by touching a toad Again, Harry walked around talking to himself trying to work out the second puzzle. It seemed so obvious, but he wasn’t sure. Finally coming up with nothing else, he sighed, closed his eyes and whispered, “Is it ‘Hogwarts’.” He waited for the blow, finally he opened one of his eyes to see the Sphinx nodding slightly to him. Breathing a sigh of relief, Harry asked, “And the third riddle?” These two riddles combine together To give you the answer for the final riddle “That’s it?” Harry asked incredulously. At the nod of the Sphinx, he sighed and once again began to walk around the room working out the riddle. “Well, the answers to the other riddles were ‘Founder’ and ‘Hogwarts.’ Harry said to himself, paceing across the room. “Is that the answer or is it more in depth.” Smiling suddenly, he asked, “Is it Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, Godric Gryffindor, and Salazar Slytherin?” He asked confidently deciding the answer to the third riddle would be more in depth, “The Hogwarts Founders?” With a nod, the Sphinx stepped aside, granting access to the door behind it. |