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Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Thanks so much Mich for the Avvie and the Siggy!! You Rock my Socks!!
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Athena Evans (A twin) Third | Chapter 21: Rights of Passage AN: In this part, the italicized in not a memory or a dream of a memory, it is a dream of a sense, but it is not real. It is like a nightmare that you have where you are in one place, and you turn the corner, and somehow you are in another place in another time. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if it doesn't, and I will explain it better Part B: Truth and Lies After traveling what seemed to be many more kilometers under ground, they came to another room, and again Dumbledore appeared in a frame across the room. This time however, Fawkes stayed near the door they had come through, much to Harry’s confusion. Seeing nothing in the room to block the way, Harry started out warily. From out of no where, he hit an invisible barrier. A table and lounge sofa instantly appeared out of no where, as rubbing his nose, he picked himself off of the floor. On the table was a single goblet filled with some sort of steaming liquid and the card with writing on it. Picking up the card, Harry read allowed for Dumbledore’s benefit, although he suspect that the older man had already been clued into what Harry would be facing: To get through this deceptive wall One must drink this potion all And then discern the truth from lies From behind those dreaming eyes. With a sigh, Harry sat down on the lounge, pickup the goblet, and emptied its contents. He sat there for a minute staring at Fawkes, and abruptly fell back in a deep sleep. He opened his eyes and saw the dank ceiling in dungeon that he was in. “Hmm...” He said out loud, “It must not have worked.” He sat up and looked over at his parents, who looked strangely odd, although he could not quite put his finger on it. Shaking his head, trying to get rid of the feeling that something was not quite right he got up and walked to the other side of the room. “Maybe it did work.” He said realizing that he had not been stopped by the wall. He was about to reach for the door handle when he realized that both Fawkes and Dumbledore’s Portrait where gone. “That’s not right.” He said, “They were just here.” “Wait a minute!” Harry said, comprehension dawning on his face. “You are not supposed to be down here, why did you follow us?” He turned around to reprimand his parents, but they had vanished as well. “Maybe it did work.” Harry said as he shrugged, unable to shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Dumbledore had become quite anxious when he had seen Harry fall back on to the lounge. Knowing that there was nothing that he could do for Harry, even if he had been able, he began to talk to Fawkes, he had flown over and was now circling the sleeping boy. “He has taken a potion that has put him in a dream like state. It will take him back through some of his, probably more painful, memories and force him to re-experience them. It is meant to be not only a test, but a way to learn from past experiences and mistakes. They will throw in little things that are not accurate. He has to correctly identify each of the inaccuracies and possibly learn certain lessons before they will let him out and allow him to pass. It is up to him as to how long he is in this state, it all depends on how observant he is and was.” Dumbledore said, sitting down. He knew that Fawkes had understood everything that Dumbledore had said. The Phoenix gave a sad hoot before settling down on the edge of the lounge, waiting for Harry to awaken. He opened the door and stepped into daylight. “Well this is a nice change.” Harry said to himself smiling as he walked along the grass barefoot. He looked over and realized that he was in the park by the Dursley’s house. “How did I get here, this isn’t possible!” Harry exclaimed as he adjusted his swim trunks. He glanced toward the lake and saw his cousin and his friends bearing down on him, backing up he began to run and slammed straight into Umbridge. “There’s someone after me, you have to help me.” Harry began until he realized who it was. “Little boys should not tell lies!” She squealed like the pig she was and dragged him down the hallway towards her office “Let go of me you pig faced monster, you are not real!” he shrieked. Still the pig like Umbridge dragged him into her room and threw him into a chair pulling out her special quill. “Not real am I?” She asked raising the quill she plunged it into his arm, causing him close his eyes and cry out in pain. “Blood of the enemy, forcefully taken” He slammed open his eyes as he heard this in time to see Peter Pettigrew dropping his blood into the open cauldron. He looked around, whimpering silently and saw Cedric’s lifeless body just feet away. “What is this place?” He muttered. “Your worse nightmare.” Replied the repulsive body of Voldemort as he was reborn from the cauldron. “This is your fault.” A voice said to his left. Unable to look away, he watched the lifeless body of Cedirc rise on it’s own and walk toward him. “No.” Harry whimpered again, much to the enjoyment of the on looking Slytherins who were now closing in. “Give him a kiss, Cedric.” Jeered Draco, his arm loosely over Ginny’s shoulder. They turned to each other, and laughing began to kiss. He looked away, and turned straight into the blank stare of Cedric, close enough to feel the lack of breathe on his face. “This isn’t real!” Harry screamed in panic, “You’re dead!” “You’re right, I am because of you!” Harry shut his eyes tightly hoping that this scene would just go away. “Mum! Help me!” Harry opened his eyes and watched in disbelief as a huge snake slithered past him. “Thanks.” It hissed as it slithered at the door, playfully snapping at bystanders feet. “How could you do this?” Vernon yelled in his face, as he picked the boy up and held him, his feet not touching the floor, “You let him out of there!” The red faced Vernon bellowed. “Don’t worry about it Dad, I got it.” Dudley withdrew a wand. In an instant the glass had disappeared and Dudley stepped out, unscathed. He turned to Harry, “Now for you.” A smirk on his face, he waved his wand and Harry felt a curious sensation spread over his body. As he began to float in the air he heard a weird squeaking noise. He realized it was him, that he was a ferret. “No!” He tried to squeak, “that’s not me, that’s Draco!” Dudley launched him around the room, finally hitting him against the wall with enough force to knock him out. He came to in the Hospital Wing. “You took quite a fall, Harry.” He looked into the face of Madame Pomfrey. Looking down he realized that there were no bones in his right arm. “I’m sorry Harry, there was nothing I could do after that git removed the bones in your arm. We will just have to remove it.” The nurse said raising a katana to his floppy arm. “No!” he screamed and ran through the door, and into a dank chamber “Watch out for my snake; don’t look it in the eyes!” Harry looked over his shoulder, trying to shield his eyes while running, his arm now healed, he noticed. “To bad your pretty song bird was no match for my basilisk!” Tom Riddles voice called out taunting, just as Harry came across the mangled body of Fawkes. “You are too late! She is DEAD!” The exuberant voice cried out in triumph. A shadow turned the corner in front of him, and Harry felt his body go rigid, unable to shield his eyes in time. He looked on in terror as the shadow grew and relentlessly tried to fight as he felt his body turn into stone. He paused for a moment dumbfounded as Medusa walked out of the shadows. “What the –?” his couldn’t finish the thought, before his head turned to stone, completing the spell. Harry began gasping for breath as the stone encasing he was trapped in exploded at the force of the blow. He barely rolled over in time as the troll swung it’s club done, cracking the ground where Harry had just been. Recognising the room, Harry bellowed, “I thought Quirrell took care of you!” he had realized that he was in one of the rooms on his way to collect the Sorcerer’s stone. He ran across the room and jerked through the door, the trolls club striking the wall where Harry had been a moment before. As Harry stepped through the door, he was immediately hit with the sound of laughter. It took him a moment to realize that he was standing in Lupin’s Defense against the Dark Arts classroom. Breathing a sigh of relief he gave a small smile. Trying to figure out why everyone was pointing and laughing at him, he looked down, realizing that the students were laughing at him. He was dressed in Neville Longbottom’s Grandmother’s clothing.. “Wait, this is the bogort, this isn’t right, I’m not Snape.” Harry said looking around at the students. “Aren’t you though?” A voice asked from behind him. “No.” He said turning with a smirk on his face, that is until he realized that he was face to face with Snape. Snape was negligently leaning in a door frame, arms crossed over his face, an almost lazy smile on his face. “You know, I had a thing for your mother, that’s why your father hated me so, because she was with me first.” Snape said investigating one of his nails, a small smile on his face. “That’s a lie!” Harry said vehemently and lunged at Snape, stumbling through the door. He caught himself before he fell down the stairs. Althought the furnishings were different, he realized at once that he was in his parent’s home in Godric’s Hollow. He made his way downstairs, and looked to the left, where he could hear muffled voices. He could see his mother holding a small baby that he recognized from pictures that Hagrid had given him as himself. He could see she was smiling and talking to someone, but he couldn’t see who. He entered the kitchen in time to hear his mother say, “isn’t he beautiful?” Smiling he turned the corner as she said, “Here hold, him, he is yours, just don’t tell James.” His smile fell of his face at his mother’s words, and a look of angry disbelief crossed his face as he looked into the smiling face of Severus Snape. “NOOOOOO!!!!!!” Harry screamed and jerked himself awake. Tears streamed down his face as flailed about nearly missing Fawkes. “HARRY POTTER” Dumbledore bellowed as Fawkes began to sing softly, causing Harry to stop instantly. “You have made it out of the dream, you have succeeded, now come here.” He said gently, as Harry, tears streaming down his face walked to the portrait. “I know it was hard, but you made it. Now it is time to continue, and not lose it now.” He said gently but firmly. Nodding his head, Harry pulled himself together, knowing that he would have to recount exactly what he had seen to Dumbledore later on. He leaned his head against Fawkes who, still singing, had landed on his shoulder. |