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Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Thanks so much Mich for the Avvie and the Siggy!! You Rock my Socks!!
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Athena Evans (A twin) Third | Yes he really is! Thanks! I wasn't sure exactly how to do it, and my first cut at it was about 1/2 a page, I figured that wouldn't really cut it, so I revamped it, I am glad you like the product. As for what they found, there is a bunch of important events that are about to start happening, so he is not going to get a lot of time to 'flashback' you will learn what they found, but it will take a little while. Now, on to the post! Chapter 20: The Beginning “Enter.” The soft voice of Professor McGonagall came from inside the headmaster’s office. Harry pushed open the door and entered the office. All of the portraits except one appeared to be asleep. Harry having been in this office on many occasions, was not fooled by this pretense, and merely shook his head as he stared at one, who gave a loud snort when he realized that Harry had seen him peaking with one eye open. Minerva was sitting at the desk, a worried expression covering her face. “Are you sure about this, Albus?” She asked the man one last time in hushed tones as Harry and his parents entered the office. Not much had changed, Harry could see as he looked around the room. All of the gadgets and silver instruments were still in place, continuing to whir and blow puffs of smoke as if nothing had changed. In fact, from the looks of the room, it almost appeared that Minerva had done nothing at all to make the room her own. Minerva nodded to the new comers, and motioned for them to take seats. “Congratulations on your appointment as Hogwarts Headmistress, Professor McGonagal.” Harry said a genuine smile on his face. The news had been brought up, rather on accident it had seemed, during Harry’s birthday breakfast that morning. In all the commotion he had not been able to properly congratulate her as he had wanted. His smile was replaced a moment later with a look of concern. “Who will take your class, and become Gryffindor Head of House?” He asked suddenly as the implications of her appointment finally sunk in. She gave him a bitter sweet smile and said simply, “That information is still in the works, but I trust it will sorted through before the start of the term.” Harry nodded, feeling a sense of melancholy and looked up at the only portrait who was not pretending to sleep. Dumbledore was sitting in his chair, smiling at the new comers. “I am glad that you got my message.” He said standing up, “I spoke with the Founders and they informed me that time is of the essence.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “They have also requested to see Harry. Just Harry.” He added at the looks of anger that flashed across his mothers’ face. “Now,” Dumbledore addressed Lily and James with a look of utmost seriousness on his face. “This is something that has to be done by Harry. They have asked for him specifically. He has seen and been in much worse situations, but as you have not been in his life, you have not seen what he has gone through. The idea of the trials ahead of him might be hard for you to bear, but I must impress upon you, he must do this alone. Please do not try to follow us. While I know that you have your son’s best interest in mind and that you are both powerful wizards in your own right, this is different. Do I have your word?” He asked Harry’s parents. “Good.” He said when they both had nodded in agreement. “If you will follow me, Harry.” Without any ado he got up and started to make his way out of his portrait. “Professor!” Harry exclaimed, “How am I supposed to follow you inside your picture?” He asked smiling slightly. “Ah yes, minor detail.” Dumbledore gave a small short whistle, and instantly Fawkes appeared. “Fawkes!” Harry said fondly as the Phoenix landed on his shoulder and fondly tweaked Harry’s ear. “Fawkes can assist you by following me through the portraits; he will lead you to where you need to go. Besides the castle’s 8 floors, Hogwarts also has 5 known dungeons. We need to get to the 13th dungeon level. You remember the cave that we visited near Riddle’s orphanage, don’t you Harry?” he asked the boy. At Harry’s nod, he said, “I would imagine it is similar to that. Let’s begin.” And with that he was gone. |