No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! *nods* Yupperdoodles! My middle name ish Blake. Oh goodieness, you're right. The torture of having Pentunia for a name O.o
~*~*~ "Huh?" I asked, confused. There were a lot of 'he' in this world.
"Sirius," James replied. All of sudden he started coughing.
"James? Are you alright?" I questioned, lifting my head.
He turned his head to look at me and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, still coughing.
I slid off the bench to sit beside him. "You don't sound all right. That cough came out of nowhere. What-"
He cut me off by suddenly kissing me. My eyes went wide and I put my hands on his chest, pushing him away.
"Are you mental?!?!!?" I shouted, trying really hard not to.
"What?" he asked, looking confused.
"You know what! You can't do that!! You two are-"
He cut me off again. "No. He kissed Lily and he knows that I like her."
"Lily kissed him! And..." I sighed. "I do not want to get into a fight with you. I wouldn't be able to live."
~*~*~ I have to go find what I had written down.. Excuse me a moment... |