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Join Date: Jul 2006 Location: Thanks so much Mich for the Avvie and the Siggy!! You Rock my Socks!!
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Athena Evans (A twin) Third | This post is dedicated to Mich, 'cause she is the sweetness! Chapter 15: A Birthday Surprise “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you.” Singing voices were surrounding his bed, pulling him out of sleep. “Whas-goin-on?” Harry mumbled, still lost in sleep. “Happy Birthday dear Harry, Happy Birthday to you!” Harry opened his eyes as the song ended to see almost everyone he knew crammed into his bedroom. Realizing this, he suddenly pulled the covers up to his neck, a panicked expression on his face. “Come on everyone, let’s wait for him downstairs.” Lily said as she ushered everyone out of the room, looking over her shoulder one last time and smiling at her son. Harry dropped his head back on the pillow as the door closed. Suddenly he remembered his dream, thankful that it was a good memory instead of a nightmare. He smiled as he jumped out of bed, this was the first birthday that Harry would remember with his parents. The only thing that could make it better was if Sirius could be here. His smile fell off his face. Looking down Harry realized he was in pajamas. His face turned bright red when he remembered that he had not changed, meaning that someone, probably his mother, had changed him. Pulling on some clean clothes, he wondered if Dumbledore would have news for them. Suddenly remembering their meeting with Dumbledore He opened the door to his room and headed downstairs, taking a detour from the kitchen where he could smell good food cooking and headed to the back study. “Good morning, sir.” Harry said as he opened the door. “Good morning Harry, and Happy Birthday. Why are you not out with your guests?” “You told us that you wanted to meet with us at nine in the morning.” Harry said, slightly confused noticing that it was almost ten. “Ah, I see, how very observant of you. I however must confess that I was part of this little plan by your parents, and made that suggestion so that you would not suspect their plans.” Dumbledore said grinning. “Now, I suggest that you no longer keep your guests waiting. I will meet with you afterward.” Dumbledore said smiling as he motioned Harry out of the room. Smiling, Harry left the room, shaking his head slightly, and made his way to the kitchen where his friends and loved ones waited. “There’s the birthday boy!” His mother said, tears in her eyes and a huge grin on her face, as she spotted him. “Glad to see your dressed, mate.” Ron snickered from behind a copy of the daily prophet. “It’s not like we haven’t seen you in less, Ronald.” Hermione said reproachfully. Seeing all of the eyebrows in the room raise questioningly, she realized the implications of that statement. “That’s not what I….what I mean to say… it…that came out wrong, didn’t it.” She muttered, her face as red as a tomato. Harry smiled and looked around at the people in the room. There were Molly and Arthur, the twins, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and her mother, Lupin and Tonks, Minerva and Hagrid, Neville and Luna, and of course his parents. He looked from face to face, thankful that his friends were here to spend this day with him. His smile started to droop as he though of the friends that weren’t here and would never be able to laugh, or smile, a just spend time with him again. His mother, seeing the sadness in his eyes walked over to put her arm around him. “Constant vigilance!” rang out suddenly through the house, causing several people to jump. “Moody! Get in here! What are you doing?!” Lily bellowed toward the front door that had swung open on its own accord. The sunlight that poured in through the open door was blocked by the huge figure of Mad-Eye Moody as he came lumbering into the room holding a much smaller, shrieking person by the ear lobe. “I caught this little thief sneaking around out front! WHO are you working for?!” Moody bellowed into the crying boy’s face. Trying desperately not to laugh, Harry reached over and grabbed Moody’s hand, forcing him to let go of the boy’s ear, “Professor Moody, this is Seamus Finnegan; he is here for my party.” Looking around as though the first time, seeing a kitchen packed full of people, Moody looked down and said, “Yes, well, I see, I was just proving a point to the boy.” He muttered as he gruffly patted Seamus’ back, causing the boy to stumble across the kitchen, falling into Hermione’s lap. “Sorry ‘Mione.” Seamus muttered as he righted himself, completely missing the look of utter loathing and jealously shot his way from Ron. Ginny, who did not miss the look, promptly kicked her brother under the table. |