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Old 02-17-2007, 10:57 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Athena Evans (A twin)

Chapter 8: Godric’s Hollow

“I can’t believe the nerve of you uncle!” Hermione exclaimed indignantly as they suddenly appeared in the middle of a clearing. She had picked up their conversation as if there had never been a break in it, and both Harry and Ron were sure that if she could have continued during the apparition that she would have.

“We know, Hermione.” Ron said sighing, looking around.

Not only had Vernon locked them in Harry’s old room, thinking that would keep them in one place, he had even had the nerve to call the muggle police in the early hours of the morning. They had awakened to the muffled sounds of voices just outside the door. “They called the police!” Hermione had exclaimed furiously as they grabbed their belongings. “How could he do this to you, you are family!” They had managed to apparate just before the door had slammed open.

It was barely five in the morning, and the sun was just beginning to peak over the mountain tops. The day looked like it would be clear, and Harry prayed it would remain so. Covering the ground was a thin layer of fog, giving the field an eerie look. Harry made his way through the field to a handmade sign posted on the side of the road.

“Godric’s Hollow ½ km.” Harry read with difficulty and headed in the direction the sign pointed. Within several minutes Harry could make out several buildings in the distance. With the exception of a few people, the inhabitants of the small village had yet to rise and begin the day.

Stopping in a small bakery Harry approached the man at the counter. Examining him, Harry thought the man looked strangely familiar, but couldn’t place him. Shaking his head to clear his sense of unease, he waited for the man to acknowledge him. “I have an unusual question for you.” He asked, not knowing how to begin.

“Aye, what is it then lad?” The man asked.

“Well,” Harry began taking a deep breath. “About 16 years ago there was an accident where a home was destroyed, and it’s occupants killed. There was a man and a woman, and a small boy.” He finished.

Raising his eyebrow, the man paused a moment before responding, “Aye, I know the house and the people ye speak of, was a tragedy alright, a terrible tragedy, the boy was never found. I knew the family well, why are you asking this?” The man asked, almost accusingly.

“They are my family.” Harry answered quickly, “I grew up hearing about it, but was never able to visit their graves to pay my respects.” Harry hoped that the man would be cooperative, if he knew his parents, he might be useful.

The man looked Harry over as if trying to decide if Harry was indeed telling the truth. “What did you say your name was again?” The man asked softly, his eyes resting finally on Harry’s scar. He drew in a quick breath“Harry Potter.” He said softly, “You’ve come home.” His entire gruff pretense had vanished, and in its place a caring man stood.

“Come with me.” He said almost dragging Harry out of the shop.

Ron looked at Hermione and shrugged the two of them forgotten.

They made their way to the outskirts of the village, and then trekked up a small hill. As they reached the top, they could see a quant two story house. “They village completely rebuilt it, exactly as it was.” The man said, “Just waiting for you to return, Harry.” The man said, leading his way down the hill to the house.

Harry examined the house as they drew nearer. It was a moderate two story house, painted an off white with dark red trim, “Gryffindor red.” Harry thought immediately. There was a picturesque white picket fence surrounding the front yard with a trellis covered in morning glories at the front gate.

“It’s beautiful.” Hermione said as she breathed in the scent of the flowers just beginning to open as the sunlight hit them.

Harry, although not aloud, had to agree with her. The sky was still dark except for directly behind the house which was turning a beautiful pink fading to purple, as though the sun that he still could not see but knew was there just behind the house, was pushing the darkness back.

“Thank you miss.” The man said, “I have kept up on the maintenance all of these years.” They had reached the front door. “Go on.” He said to Harry, “this house belongs to you, open the door.”

Harry reached for the handle, and felt a warmth spread up his arm and the door unlock, “It’s magic!” Harry burst out, surprised.

“Of course it is, what would you expect?!” The man asked laughing at the expression on Harry’s face. The inside was scarcely furnished, and what little furnishing there were, were covered in white drop clothes.

“There was not much we could save as far as furnishings go.” The man said noting Harry’s glance. “It is not much, but it is yours. There are three bedrooms upstairs, all with proper beds in them if you are planning on staying awhile.” He said, preparing to leave them.

“Wait!” Harry said realizing something, “You never told us your name!” He said looking at the man inquiringly,

“The name is Dumbledore, Aberforth Dumbledore.”

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