No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! I looked over at Remus and nodded my head. "All right, we'll be down in a minute or two."
Remus turned and left and I stared over at James. "Hungry?" I questioned.
He shrugged. "Sure," James replied.
I sighed and took him by the hand. "Come on. Just forget about Lily and enjoy the rest of the night."
James stared at me angrily. "Fine!"
"Don't need to yell at me, James. Go yell at Sirius."
I heard a shout coming from downstairs, demanding I get the extra plates. I frowned and glanced at James. "Stay here... Please!"
I snuck into the spare bedroom, making sure I was quiet. Sirius and Lily were in a heated conversation. I grabbed the porcelin(sp?) plates quickly and made my way to the door. Suddenly, Lily practically launched herself at Sirius, and began kissing him. I dropped the plates in shock and ran right out of the room.
~*~*~ Lily likes Sirius? Say what? Is that right....? |