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Old 12-26-2006, 06:48 AM   #122 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmavilleâ„¢
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Ok... a day late, but... here's your present! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! *gives you a postie* Here ya go!

The next day, Taylor was walking down the street. She saw her house come into view, and sped up a little faster. She had left the others at the Ministry, and had apparated to their street. She grinned and walked up to the door. She stepped onto the porch, and slung her bag over her bag so she could open the door. She turned the handle, and couldn't help but smile. She pushed the door, open, and expected to see her family sitting in the living room, but saw no one, nor did she hear anything. She lowered her eyebrows, and looked around, dropping her bag onto the steps.

"Hello?" she said, "Fred? Celestine?"
She sighed and looked in the kittchen, but no one was there, she walked back into the living room, "What are you two playing at?" she mumbled.

Suddenly, she heard a quiet, but cruel laugh come from a chair.
"They're not playing anything... unfortunatley for you, it is I, who is playing,"

Taylor walked over to the chair, and saw Lucius Malfoy sitting in the chair, tapping his fingers on the side. "Welcome home," he said sarcastically.
She scowled, "Where're Fred and Celestine?" she asked, her voice quiet and cracking.

"They're perfectly safe," Lucius replied, running a hand through his long blonde hair, "For now,"

She pulled her wand from her pocket, and pointed it directly at him, "Take me to them," she said, "Now,"
Lucius smiled and said, "Fortunatley for you, that is why I'm here... unfortunatley, I'm not sure you will want to whence we arrive,"

She took a step backward, her wand tip digging into his chest still, "Do it," she said, not caring where he would take her.

Lucius shrugged and grabbed her by the arm. She twisted around and pointed her wand at him again.
"I wouldn't do that," he said, "Because if I'm harmed, you will never see them,"
Taylor tightened her jaw, and lowered her wand in the slightest bit. He smiled and grabbed her arm again, and apparated.

They arrived at an old house. Taylor looked up at it, and scowled at it's mere presence. Anyone could tell that seriously dark wizards lived here, and that no one in their right mind would go there willingly. Unfortunatley for Taylor, she hadn't a choice.

Lucius practically dragged her towards the house. Inside smelt of mothballs, and looked as if no one had inhabbited it for years. It reminded Taylor vaugly of Grimauld Place. There was a man sitting at a table, he was carving little crevices in the wood with a small dagger. Taylro scowled at him, and Lucius dragged her upstairs. There were doors all along the walls, all red but one, there was one that attracted Taylor's attention. A big purple door with brass knob. Lucius pulled her toward a thin door to it's right, and showed her the inside. Taylor raised her jaw at him, and stood as straight as possible, trying to look him in the eye. She glared at him, and looked in the room. Celestine was inside, she was sitting in a corner crying. She had her head in her hands and her dress was all dirty. There was a tray with a small piece of bread and cheese on a plate, and that was it.

Lucius gestured for her to go in, but before he could, Taylor had run in. She wrapped her arms around Celestine and hugged her.
"Mommy?" she sobbed.
"Yes, honey," Taylro replied, putting her head in her hair.
"Where's Daddy?" Celestine asked quietly.
"I don't know..." Taylro said, "What did they do to you?"
"Nothing," Celsetine replied, "They just put me in here... but they had Daddy with a wand and..."
Before Celetine could finish, Lucius had strutted into the room, and pulled Taylor up her arm.

"That's enough," Lucius said urgently. He pulled Taylor out of the room and shut the door, just as Taylor saw Celestine give her a terrified look.
Taylro turned as much as Lucius would allow, and glared with hatred.
"Where's Fred?" she asked.
"That's what we were going to ask you," Lucius said.
"What? We?"
Lucius nodded, and pulled open the purple door. Taylor looked around, and clutched her wand tightly. He pulled her inside and she she clutched her wand so hard, she thought her knuckles were going to bleed.
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?

Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 12-26-2006 at 07:01 AM.
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