No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! I laughed. "Why can't you just like somebody else for a change? What do you see in Lily anyway?"
He shrugged, lifting his head to look at me. "She's just.." He trailed off, leaving me on the edge.
"She's.. what, exactly?" I urged, poking him in the side.
James shook his head and growled when I poked him. "Sorry," I replied, slightly sarcastic.
He turned his head back to me and sighed. "Don't have to be. I'm sorry. It's just-"
I smiled. "I know, I know. Just don't take it out on me. Take it out on..." I paused, thinking of who he should. "Peter," I stated, grinning.
James laughed and shook his head. He poked me in the side as someone knocked on the door.
It opened to show Remus. "There's food outside now, if you're hungry," he said, eying James. Psst.. James is mine.. Mine I tell you.. Rawr.. |