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Old 12-14-2006, 02:32 AM   #124 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 27

Draco felt himself being hurled down onto the floor. She winced in pain, but refused to cry out. Even though he was still a cane, he could still feel the dampness of the floor, and he assumed he was in a dungeon. He heard his father's voice say the counter-charm, and Draco felt like himself again. He rushed at his father, but his father blocked the attack.

"Tsk tsk Draco...wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your wife and child, hm?"

Draco paled, and collapsed onto the floor in defeat.

"That's better now...Severus!"

Snape entered. He looked greasier than ever, and he sneered as he saw Draco.

"Ahh...our final weapon."

Draco looked confusingly at them.

"Weapon? I..don't understand."

"Stupid boy, you're the only one who can stop our enemy! We are going to use you to kill...Cara Malfoy."

Draco gritted his teeth, and, bellowing, rushed at his father. Lucius levitated Draco in the air, and Draco managed to punch his father.Blood poured out of Lucius's nose, and Draco was freed. He swung a round-house at Snape, who dodged it and held Draco at bay.

"Temper temper Draco..."

Draco was hit with a blinding spell that paralyzed him from the hips down. He crawled away, crying out in wonder and frustration.

Lucius stood up straight, wiping blood from his face.


The girl stepped out of the shadows, grinning. Draco crawled backwards in horror. Pansy looked like hell. Her clothes were rags, and her face was streaked with tears and dirt. She looked starved. All the weight she had when she attended Hogwarts was gone. Her eyes were like gaping holes on her face. She looked at Draco sorrowfully.

"Draco...Draco...why did you come back?"

Draco shifted his weight as Pansy moved foward. She collapsed at Lucius's feet. Lucius kicked at her body, and she emitted a moan of pain and humiliation. Lucius smiled, and clapped his hands.

Veronica appeared. Her body was full and ripe, and her clothes were of aristocracy. She looked at Draco in contempt, and walked away. Lucius turned to follow Veronica. Snape hesitated, and went over to Draco.

"I'll let you two...catch up with each other."

He dropped a wink, and slammed the door shut.


Cara and Hermione walked through Hogsmeade, trying not to draw attention to themselves. They reached the edge of the town, and looked up at the cave. Memories flooded back to Hermione, and she staggered. Cara caught her, and both started up.

Hermione gasped when she saw the old cave. It had rooms! Someone had renovated it into some kind of...torture chamber.

Manacles were hanging off the walls. Iron Maidens were leaning by the entrances. One wall had spikes and broken glass embedded in it's surface. Hermione shuddered, and Cara closed her eyes. But she snapped them open again. Cara was glowing again, and she looked at the spiked wall.

"There mommy."

"'s a wall."

"No." Cara pulled out her wand. She waved it, and a door appeared by the wall. They walked through it.

It led to another room. And another. Hermione felt lost in an endless sea of rooms. Only Cara seemed to know the way, and Hermione was afraid to lose her. Suddenly, Cara stopped.



"Daddy's over there...with another woman. I can sense another presence...a woman's presence."

Hermione's face darkened. She pulled out her own wand. Her face was drawn back in anger, and she made a violent gesture with her wand. The wall exploded, and Hermione was staring into the face of her husband.

"Hermione!" Draco ran to her, and Hermione locked him in an embrace. Cara looked past him to Pansy. Pansy ran past them.

"Mommy, stop her!" Hermione turned, but Pansy Apparated. Draco swore.

"But Draco, why didn't you apparate?"

"Hermy, dear, I couldn't. Snape put a spell around the room. We couldn't. But...oh my God...Cara."

He swept Cara into a hug so hard she gasped.


Draco started to cry. "Cara...I'll never hurt you...never never NEVER!"

Hermione looked around. "How do we get out?"

"We don't. We stop" Cara began to glow again, and Draco let go of her. He looked at Hermione.

"Since when does she do this?"

"Sigh...Since the Quiddich match."

Cara walked out of the room, ready to finish it...once and for all.

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole
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