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Old 12-11-2006, 06:07 AM   #113 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Kay! I lied, here’s a post!

Next week, Taylor awoke to find Fred already up. She yawned and swung her legs out of bed, hearing loud voices from the kitchen. She put on a hoodie and jeans, since she was freezing, and brushed her teeth and hair, and then looked to see what the noise was. She looked over the banister on the stairs, and Fred and Celestine in the kitchen, cooking.

She smiled and went downstairs.
“’Morning,” she said, kissing Fred’s cheek.
“Goooood morning,” Fred said in a sing-song voice.
“We’re making you breakfast Mommy!” Celestine said, from her position on the counter.
“It smells wonderful,” Taylor said, “Whatchya making?” she peered over Fred’s shoulder, “Eggs and bacon? My favourite!”
“And toast Mommy!” Celestine exclaimed.
“And toast,” Taylor repeated, picking her up, “You never cook- what’s the occasion?”
“You’re leaving today,” Fred said.
Taylor looked up, “So, you’re throwing a party for- Oh!” she said, “Oh my gosh! I totally forgot!”
“Hmm,” Fred said, making toast float onto a plate.

Taylor sat Celestine down on the floor, and sat down on a bar stool, pouring herself some juice.
“I want juice Mommy!” Celestine said.
Taylor poured Celestine some juice, and handed it to her, in a spill-proof cup.
“So,” Fred said, putting a plate in front of her, and sliding onto a stool next to her, “What are you planning to do today?”
“I don’t know,” she said, “I guess just hang with you guys, until I have to leave… you’re okay with taking Lena and Sam to King’s Cross on Wednesday right? They have to be back for school,”
“Yes,” Fred said, “I’m fine,” he said, taking a bite of her toast.
“Hey!” she said.
“Sorry,” Fred said, piling eggs onto it to make a sandwich.
“I thought you were making breakfast for me?” she asked.
“Fine,” Fred said.
“I was just kidding,” Taylor said, taking the toast from Fred’s hand and taking a bite out of it.

After they ate, Taylor went to wake Lena and Sam. When she walked into Lena’s room, she was sleeping with the blanket twisted around her legs.
“Lena?” she said, “Lene, honey, wake up,”
Lena stirred and looked up.
“Hey, we’re going to get ready and go over to Harry’s and Ginny’s okay?”
Lena nodded and sat up, “Hey, Mum?” she asked.
“What time is it?”
“10:30” Taylor replied.

Then she went to Sam’s room, and Sam was sleeping with his feet up against the wall, and his sandy hair covering his face. Taylor sighed, “Sam?” she said, “Wake up,”
Sam didn’t move, “Sam, wake up,”
After much work, Sam finally awoke, and they went to Harry’s and Ginny’s.

That night, Harry, Taylor, Ron, and Draco apparated to the ministry. When they got there, Charlie was waiting outside for them.
“Hey guys,” he said, “We can go now… they already locked the ministry,”
“So we just…go?” Taylor asked.
“Pretty much,” Charlie nodded.
“One question,” Ron said, “When this is all done, will we get to stay aurors?”
“Yes,” Charlie said, “All of you were qualified to be aurors in the first place.
“Okay then,” Harry said smiling.
Taylor looked at Draco, who hadn’t spoken a word.
“Huh?” he said.
“You okay?”
“Yeah…fine,” he said, “Just… have a weird feeling in my gut… guess it’s ‘cause we’re going after my father,” he shrugged.
“Alright,” Taylor said.
“So, what do we do?” Taylor asked.
“Basically, we just go out, and start looking for death eaters, staying at inns and apartments along the way,”
Taylor screwed up her face, “…okay,”
Charlie laughed slightly, “Okay, let’s go,”
And they set off.

Fred was sitting on the couch with Celestine, whose latest favourite subject was ‘muggles.’
“How do they get to places, Daddy?”
“The mubbles!”
“The muggles? They drive in cars, fly airplanes, that sort of thing,” Fred said.
“Oh, do they use the teley-phone?”
At that exact moment, a phone rang.
“I wanna get it!” Celestine said.
“Okay,” Fred said.

He picked up the phone and handed it to Celestine.
“Hello?...yes…Hi!...okay…Bye bye,” she said, and handed the phone to Fred.
“Hello?” Fred said.
“Hey Fred,” came his fathers voice.
“Hey Dad,” Fred replied.
“How’re you doing?” Arthur asked.
“Pretty good,” Fred said, “Taylor’s out with a bunch of aurors looking for death eaters, Lena and Sam are upstairs, and Celestine and I are talking about your favourite subject,”
“Muggles?” Arthur asked excited.
“Yes,” Fred said, “She inherited something of my side of the family at least, and it’s not even mine,”

Celestine looked exactly like Taylor now that she had grown a little, and she acted like Taylor too. But, Arthur Weasly loved muggles, so she had inherited that from Fred’s side.

Arthur chuckled a little.
“That’s nice,”
“How’s Mum?” Fred asked.
“She’s doing good,” Arthur replied, “We’re thinking of coming to visit in a little while… use a ministry car,”

Arthur and Molly could no longer apparate, that’s why they weren’t there when Celestine was born, and at the Christmas party.

“Okay,” Fred said, “We’ll be here all day, I don’t have anything planned, except Ginny and George might come over, but other than that…”
“Alright,” Arthur replied, “See you later,”
“Bye Dad,”

“Who was that Daddy?” Celestine asked.
“Grandpa,” he replied, picking her up, “Hey, Becca,” he said, using her middle name. They did this a lot, since Celestine was so long, and hard to shorten, “I’ve got an idea. Tonight, Grandpa and Grandma might come over, but tomorrow, how about I take you, to a cinema? Just you and me,”
“What’s a cinema?”
“It’s a big giant screen that muggles watch movies on,” Fred said.
“I wanna go!” Celestine exclaimed.
“Okay,” Fred said, “Tomorrow, just you and me,”

Fred picked her up, “How about you take a little nap until Grandpa and Grandma get here?” Fred asked.
She laid her head down on a pillow and yawned, “But, I’m not tired!”
“Okay,” Fred said, “I’m going to go get a drink, I’ll be right back,” he said.
When he returned, Celestine was sound asleep. He smiled and picked her, and carried her to her room. Then, he went up to Lena’s room.
“Hey, Lene?” he asked.
“Grandpa and Grandma might come over, so get dressed,”
“I already am,” she said, opening the door, so Fred could see her grey and pink striped long sleeved tee shirt with a hood, and cords.
“Okay,” he said.
He walked to Sam’s room, where Sam was playing X-box upside down and in his boxers and a tee shirt.
“Sam, get dressed,” Fred said.
“Busy,” Sam said.
“I said so,”

Sam sighed and went to put on some clothes, emerging five minutes later with another tee shirt on, and jeans.
“Thank you,” Fred said.
“Dad, can I go to the mall tonight?” Lena asked.
“No,” Fred said, “Your Grandparents are coming,”
“But, Dad,” Lena said, “Grandma does nothing but yell at me, and Grandpa always talks about muggles,”
Fred sighed. He knew how Lena felt, his whole life, he had to get yelled at the whole time by his mom, and hear his father talk about muggles.
“Just stay for dinner and to greet them, then you can go,” he finally said.
“Yes!” Lena said.
“Well, I wanna go!” Sam said.
“Why?” Fred asked.
“I dunno,” Sam said, “Games, food…girls,”
Fred sighed, “Okay,"

I know this doesn’t have much in it, but it was need to get to the next part, so don’t abandon me! Okay, I probably won’t get another post in this week, cause I’m going out of town, but I’ll try. Sorry… I know I used to post like, everyday, now I barely do, but it’s crazy here with Christmas and birthdays, and all! So, after Christmas, I should be back no schedule!

EDIT: Wow...I just realized how long that was... Oh well! Long is better than too short!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?

Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 12-11-2006 at 06:24 AM.
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