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Old 12-06-2006, 02:03 AM   #110 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*'s Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

They all jumped when the door banged.
Fred stood, letting Taylor take his seat, and went to answer it. Taylor couldn’t see who was at the door from where she was sitting, but Fred gasped. They all quietly talked, and Fred was whispering at the door. Taylor was the only one quiet. Finally, she wanted to know. She stood up, and walked over to the door. She, too, gasped at the sight she saw.

Charlie was standing in the doorway. He looked almost exactly as he had before. Except, his hair was even messier (if that was possible) and his shirt was ripped over the arm. He was breathing heavily, and panting.

“Charlie!” Taylor said.
He looked up and noticed her standing there. He gave her a crooked smile, “Hey, Taylor,” he said.
“What happened?” Taylor asked.
“I’ll tell you in a minute…can I come in?” he said.
“Uhhh,” she said, “hold on,”
She went and made sure no one was watching, and dragged Charlie upstairs to the guest room.

“Okay,” she said, “I don’t want people to get freaked out, so stay here until after the party and I come get you,” and she left.

Charlie thought she was being crazy, but laid back, glad, at least, to have somewhere to lie, at last.

Downstairs, Taylor continued the party like nothing was wrong. When everyone had left, Fred went to bed, (he had a headache) and Lena and Sam had gone to bed as well, she went back to the guest room.

“Ok,” she said, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Charlie replied.
“Well, what happened?”
“Long story,”
“I have all night,”

Charlie took a deep breath, and sighed, “Aright, I can see there’s no giving up with you…I’ll tell you what happened,” he took another breath, and began his story, “Right after you left, when Fred came back, I was pretty bored most of the time; I had nothing to do really. One night, I was coming home from Diagon Alley, and there was someone at my house. He grabbed me, and apparated to a house, I have no idea where it was. I’ve been there the whole time; locked in a room. Until last week. I had been trying to escape the whole time, but could find no way out. One day, they brought me some food, and I ran, but it took me forever to find here again…I tried to apparate, but I couldn’t; I don’t know why. They probably did something to me, so I couldn’t escape. But I can’t really do anything now. All I know, is that I saw Lucius Malfoy outside the house. I ran into the Ministry of Magic, and they’re having trouble doing anything…they need aurors,”

After he had finished, Taylor was quiet for a long time. When she finally said something, she wasn’t sure if it made sense, “So…You think…um, Lucius Malfoy…” she didn’t know what she was talking about. Finally, she said, “The ministry needs help?”
“Yeah,” Charlie said, “But I said I didn’t know anyone that would…”
“Of course you do,” Taylor said, “Harry and Ron will certainly help…and I…want to…help,”
“You what?”
“I wanna help,” she repeated, “Just because I haven’t done anything auror-like since school, doesn’t mean I can’t,”
She had taken a test for aurors, and had passed, but had completely forgotten when she got pregnant with Lena at a very young age.

“Uh, Taylor?” Charlie asked, “Are you sure you want to…”
“I’ve already made up my mind,” she said, “And you can’t change it...Are you going to be helping then?”
“Uhh,” he said, “Yeah…I guess. Yeah. Yes. Definitely,”

Taylor gave a satisfied smirk, “Great,” she said, “I’m finally getting to do the job I’ve dreamed of…”
Charlie smiled at her through the top of his eyes, “yeah…”
“Well, what do we have to do?” she asked.
“We all have to meet at the ministry in a week…those of who are helping. Will you ask Harry and Ron? Fred and George are welcome as well…anyone who will help is fine,”
Taylor nodded, “Do…do you need a place to stay?”
“Huh?” Charlie said, “Oh, my-my house is still in one…in one piece, it’s fine,” he said pointing over his shoulder.
“Well, we’d like it if you stayed,” Taylor said with a dazzling smile.
Charlie stared, “…uh…Yeah, okay…I can stay, I guess,”
“Great,” Taylor said, “You can just stay in here then,”
“Alright,” he said, “Um… I’ll be back,”
Before Taylor could respond, he was gone.

After a few minutes, he was back. He had changed his ripped shirt, and had an armful of clean clothes for the week.
“Okay,” Taylor said, nodding, “I’m gonna go to bed,”
“Alright,” he replied.
“Goodnight,” he said, watching her leave; he liked the way she walked, “and Taylor?” she turned, “Thanks,”
She nodded, “Your welcome,”

Taylor walked down the hall to her bedroom, and told Fred what was going on.
“And you’re going?” he asked, “You? As an auror?”
“Yes,” she nodded, “I was highly capable of this before you got me pregnant,”
Fred shook his head, “Not this again,”
Taylor laughed, “Fine! But… do you want to come?”
“I can’t can I?” seeing Taylor’s puzzled look he said, “I’ve got to watch Celestine,”
“Oh…right,” she said, “I called everyone up,” she said, “Harry and Ron said they’d do it… and Draco’s all for it… Neville wants to come too… but I don’t know if they’ll ‘approve’ of him,”
Fred nodded, “Guess so… so… still shocks me that you’re gonna be an auror,”
She pushed him, “I already told you! I took a test, and passed in the seventh year. I was fully committed to actually doing it; had I not gotten pregnant, Mr. It’s-All-Your-Fault,”
Fred stood from the bed, and came towards her, “Yeah, well, guess you’re gonna have to punish me now…”
She bit her lip and smiled, “I guess so,”
“Good,” he replied, “My need to be eased from that headache,”

When he reached her, he wrapped his arms around her waist, and kissed her. She grinned and kissed him back. She pushed him down on to the bed, and leaned over him, still kissing him. Fred brushed a piece of her hair from her face, and kissed her again. Taylor rolled on to the bed, until he was on top of her. Lifting, the blanket from the bed, they both got under it. Taylor pulled away.
“Head feel better?” she asked.
“Much,” he said.
“Good,” she yawned, “Cause I’m too tired to move right now,”
Fred moaned, “Ow! Oh, my head! The pain!”
Taylor looked at him; he looked pathetic. She smiled and gave him one last passionate kiss, before falling asleep with her head on his chest.
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
Fire Eyes*Tayzer* is offline