DA News Officer Puffskein
Join Date: May 2006 Location: Just being me!
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Sylvannas Quickspeed Sixth | Chapter 21
Hermione escorted the two children past the Hogwarts gates, and together they entered Hogsmeade. Cara and Tony eyed the shops in wonder. Hermione smiled. She remembered her first trip into Hogsmeade. Cara looked up at her mother.
"Mom, what are you thinking about?"
Hermione smiled.
"Oh, just thinking about my first Hogsmeade trip." And Hermione was off, telling about how she went with Ron, and they brought Harry home candy, because he couldn't come that day. Cara rolled hr eyes. Another stroll down Memory Lane. Tony hid his smile behind his hand. Hermione noticed, and smirked.
Cara led the way into the first store she saw, which happened to be Honeydukes. Tony gasped at the wonders inside, and even Hermione gaped, having long forgotten. Cara was all over it, pulling Droobles off shelves, dragging Tony to look at the new caramel crunches, which glued your teeth together when you crunched, and Hermione got out her wallet when she saw Tony eyeing some Chocolate Frogs. Cara and Tony squealed when Hermione took out the money, and Hermione was attacked by 2 eleven year olds.
"Thank you Thank you Thank you!" Cara and Tony yelled as they were walking down Hogsmeade's main street.
"Well, I brought money for a reason, I'm sure." Tony wandered into the post office, and Hermione explained to him all the different owls, and their sizes. Cara begged to take one home, but Hermione reminded her of Leper. As they left, Cara stole a glance at a cute little dwarf owl.
Hermione led the trio into The Three Broomsticks, and introduced the two to butterbeer. Their eyes widened at the taste, and Madam Rosmerta smiled.
"On the house darlings," She said, placing three more bottles on the table. Cara and Tony said thank you, and Hermione gave Rosmerta a very good tip. Hermione looked at her watch.
"We have just enough time to go to the Shrieking Shack. Does anybody want to visit?" Cara paled, but Tony was excited.
"C'mon Cara! This will be fun! Think, it's the most haunted dwelling in all of Britain!" Tony couldn't believe that Cara didn't want to go.
"But Tony..." Hermione cut in.
"Now Cara...I know that nothing will happen. We're just going to take a look at it. We're not going inside, okay?" Cara hesitated, then nodded. Tony punched the air with his fist.
"YAA!!" Hermione led the way out of the pub.
Cara held onto Tony as they approached the Shrieking Shack. Tony only stayed for aminute. It was getting chilly, and Cara was scared. Tony let go of Cara, and went quietly behind her.
Cara screamed, and started running towards the Shrieking Shack. Hermione ran after her, and Tony, white as a sheet, tried to keep up. Hermione grabbed the pair of them and Apparated. They landed right outside of Hogsmeade. Hermione turned to face Tony.
"Tony...don't do that again, alright? Because if you do, I'm not chaperoning you guys anymore, and if I decide to tell your parents, they won't either, ok?" Tony nodded. "Alright then, let's get up to the castle. You guys had a big day."
OK Taylor, just for you!
__________________ And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole |