Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
Posts: 9,334
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Heh-heh, Thanks! You just saved me from having to get in the car and go over there! LOL, seriously, I didn’t think I’d have time today since, obviously I have tons of boxes to unpack, but, Thank goodness for parents! Anywho, my trusty laptop never lets me down! So here ya go! Lena rubbed her eyes and rolled over. She pulled the blanket up over her shoulders and yawned. She looked at the pink alarm clock on her dresser and saw that it read: 9:30. She jumped up and out of bed; Jeffrey was supposed to come at nine! She threw open her closet and looked for an outfit. She looked down at her legs. She had on dark blue pajama pants, with rubber ducks on them, and a white tank top. She tossed outfits onto her bed until she found the right one. She pulled on a blue long-sleeved shirt with a matching scarf, and tan corduroys, that Taylor had bought her for her birthday. She slipped on some white socks, and opened the window, looking for Jeffrey’s car. Immediately, she closed it again. White snow swirled into her room. She smiled to herself and ran out of the room.
Downstairs, Taylor and Fred were drinking hot chocolate and reading the Daily Prophet together. Lena hugged her mother and asked, “Where’s…everybody?” Taylor looked up from a picture of six aurors waving, and smiled.
“Sam and John are outside, trying to figure out how to use a snow board, and Ron said he’d be back, he took Elizabeth with him, and Patrick and Little Ronnie are at Aunt Ginny’s house.”
“Well,” Lena scoffed, “So… Elizabeth’s coming back?” Taylor nodded, “Where’s Jeffrey?” she shrieked.
“Calm down,” Fred said, not looking up, “He’s outside ‘supervising’ John and Sam.”
Lena squealed and ran outside.
Sam was laying face first in the snow, and John was laughing, holding a snowboard.
“Hey Lena,” John said.
“Hi, John,” she said, “Where’s Jeffrey?”
Sam’s head popped out of the snow, “He said something about leaving because you haven’t plucked your mustache in two months,”
Lena stomped on Sam’s back, and he rolled over, sandy hair covered in snow.
“Where is he?!” Lena said.
John shrugged. Suddenly, Lena felt a snowball on her back. She whipped around and smiled. Jeffrey was standing there with a huge grin on his face. She ran into his arms and hugged him. She leaned in for a kiss, but saw something out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head to find Taylor peaking through the window. Lena rolled her eyes, and turned to Jeffrey, picking a piece of snow from his brown hair, “Let’s go on a walk!” she said, and ran from the house. They walked down near the trees, holding hands.
“What’s this sudden fascination with walks?” Jeffrey asked.
Lena rolled her eyes again, “My mum,” she said, “She so over protective! You’d think she was one of those mothers who never kissed a guy other than my dad…” she smirked, “Far from it. If I had a sickle for every guy she snogged in school, I’d be able to buy one hundred new of the finest racing brooms out,”
“Your mum?” Jeffrey said, “Man, my mum’s lame, she-.”
Lena cut him off, “I think we’re out of sight now,” she said, and she turned to Jeffrey. She leaned up and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her, snow falling on them. Suddenly, they heard laughing and gagging. They turned around and saw Sam and John standing there rolling in the snow, laughing.
“Ha,” Sam said, “That…” he could barely talk, “is the sickest thing I’ve ever seen!”
Lena ran towards him, “Hilary wouldn’t mind, coming to do the same thing to you, would she!?” she turned on her heel, and went back to Jeffrey.
“You wanna go inside?” he asked, “I’m cold,”
“Sure,” she said.
When they got back inside, Taylor was cooking breakfast.
“Lena, honey, do you want some eggs?” she asked.
“No thanks mom,” she said.
“Jeffrey?” Taylor said.
“No thank you, Mrs. Weasly,” he said, following Lena upstairs.
Fred laughed from the couch, “Ha,” he said, “Mrs. Weasly! I haven’t heard that since we were kids…you used to call my mum that!” he said to Taylor.
“Fred’s right, Jeffrey,” she said, “You can call me Taylor,”
“Ok, Taylor,” Jeffrey said.
When he got upstairs, he had to find where Lena had gone. She wasn’t in her room, and she wasn’t in the game room. He turned around and looked in the guest room, where he would be staying. Lena was sitting on the bed smiling.
“Took you long enough,” she said.
“Yeah, your mom…Ah, never mind,” he walked over to the bed, and shut the door, as Lena stood up. He leaned down to her and kissed her. She put her arms around his neck and ruffled his hair. She leaned back onto the bed, so that he fell with her and landed on top of her. He unfastened the belt at her waist. She pulled back.
“Jeffrey,” she shook her head, “I may not always agree with my mom, but, this… I know she’s right… we can’t…at least not right now,” she said, with a smile at the last part.
“Perfectly understandable,” he said, “But…we don’t have to go stop completely do we?” he asked.
“Of course not,” she said. She kissed him again, and pulled him down onto the bed again. She kissed him and he put his arms around her small waist. They heard a creak, and sat up. Fred and Taylor were standing in the doorway.
“Lena!” Taylor said, “I…hmm, we came up here to tell you two, that we were going to go out somewhere, but…I…don’t think I trust you two enough to be here alone now,”
“Mum!” Lena said, “That’s not fair! You didn’t yell at Sam! And he’s younger!”
“That’s right,” Fred said, taking Taylor by the shoulders and walking her away. He winked at Lena and whispered, “Just not too far,” he said, and left with Taylor.
Lena turned back to Jeffrey and tried to kiss him again.
“Your dad’s awesome!” he said.
“Yeah,” Lena said, “Funnily enough, he was ten times cooler in school…he got detention every day. He and my Uncle George (his twin) were so mischievous, they had a whole drawer to themselves in Filch’s office.”
Jeffrey raised a eyebrow, and she kissed him. She fell into his arms, and heard the door open again. She whipped around, angry, but calmed a second later. Elizabeth was standing there watching them, with raised brows.
“Having fun, eh?” she asked, curly brown hair bobbing. Though she was smiling, Lena could tell, she still wasn’t back to normal. Since her mother had died, Elizabeth just hadn’t been the same, though she tried to be.
“Hey, Liz!” she said, hugging her friend.
“Hi, Elizabeth,” Jeffrey said.
Elizabeth waved, “Hey, Jeffrey the Giraffe,”
Jeffrey rolled his eyes; he couldn’t believe people still called him that.
Lena grinned, her best friend, and her boyfriend, both there to spend Christmas with her.
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |