No fun tag! | Haha, Zombie! | Nyeaarr! Quote:
Originally Posted by gem James.. he was just trying to help though..  *hopes Ke forgives him* Forgive him? Ha!!! *mutters under her breath* Right now, I wouldn't make her forgive him, but then the story wouldn't go the way I want it to.. So I have to get Ke to forgive him...
*starts writing out a list* #1. Ignore Kyler for a week. Which is actually possible since we're not in the same class and my math help clashes with wresting Only one day out of 4 I have to walk with him.. But I won't since we're not.. *stops talking*
Anyway.. Onto the story!!! *flees*
Eeep!!! I have nothing!! Hows about. I skip right to the summer bit.. You'll find out what happens later, yo 
~*~*~*~ I paced my room impatiently, waitig for Lily to arrive. My door suddenly opened and I turned around to see Lily standing in the doorway. "Lily!" There you are!! I was waiting for you!!"
Lily smiled. "Sorry. My sister was being.. her usual self and so my parents wouldn't let me leave for some odd strange reason." Lily frowned and then laughed. "So, where's our dresses?"
I shrugged. "Remus should've dropped them.. Oh! That was my job." I hit my head and wandered out of the room and into the spare one. I picked up the five hangers and made my way to Remus's room first.
I opened the door without knocking and lifted my head, holding out three of the hangers. I instantly turned red.
"I'm so sorry!!!" I said apolegeticly, turning towards Remus. I shoved three of the coat hangers into his arms and ran out, hearing laughter from behind me.
I shut my door behind me as I entered my room.
"What happened to you?" Lily asked, as she reached out and took her dress.
"Just.. Saw.. James.. Sirius.." I stopped and looked up at Lily.
"Uh... You saw James and Sirius.. in what exactly?" Lily asked, eying me.
I dropped to the floor and started giggling. After a few minutes, I composed myself and opened the cover to get out and my dress... To see it was a tux.
"Noooooooooooooo way.. You have got to be kidding me." I stood up and left my room, heading back to Remus's room. Just before on knocked on the door, it opened, revealing James holding my dress.
"I'm not wearing this," he said, holding back laughter. I scowled and took my dress from him, shoving his tux into his arms.
~*~*~ Ok.. Now ..That's it for now.. I'm mad at someone right now... *mutters* Men.. *walks away* |