Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!
Okay, here's a postie! Charlie jumped up from the floor that they were now on, and grabbed his things from the couch. He slipped on his pants and tee shirt, and tried to straighten his hair as he answered the door. Taylor gathered her clothes and ran into the kitchen to put them on. When she was out of sight, Charlie opened the door. Ginny was standing there, looking pregnant.
"Hey, Charlie," she said, taking note of his messier than usual hair, and his crooked tee shirt, "I'm guessing Taylor’s here?" she said.
"Oh...yeah," Charlie answered, he called, "Taylor! Ginny's here!"
Taylor ran out from the kitchen and smiled at the sight of Ginny.
"Hey, girl!" she said, "What's up?"
"Nothing really," Ginny replied, she rolled her eyes, "Ron's staying with us, and Harry's trying to calm him down, you'll probably get to see them next week,"
"Awesome," Taylor replied.
"So," Ginny looked around Charlie's house and took in it's surroundings, "You wanna go shopping?"
"Sure!" Taylor said, "Let me grab my things,"
She grabbed her coat from off the floor and gave Charlie a 'that won't be happening again,' look. She took her purse from the dining room table, and went to join Ginny.
"Where are we going?" Taylor asked.
"I don't know, you tell me," Ginny said, "I don't care, as long as it's shopping!"
"Same here," Taylor said.
Taylor and Ginny were so close in height, that you could place a board on their heads and put a marble on it, and it wouldn't roll. They turned a corner and walked up to the muggle mall. They entered it and looked for the perfect outfit and accessories. After they shopped for near three hours, they looked for something else to do.
"You wanna get something to eat?" Ginny asked.
"Sure, but let's not go to the food court, let's go to somewhere else, I don't really like food court food," Taylor said.
"No!" Ginny said, "We, uh, we have to the food court. It, uh, let's just get cream, or, or something, okay?"
"Okay," Taylor said, suspiciously.
When they got to the food court, they went over to the ice cream stand, and ordered. As they ate their ice cream, Ginny seemed else where. She kept glancing around as if looking for someone. Finally Taylor wanted in.
"Ginny? What are you looking for? Seriously,"
"No one," she muttered a curse under her breath and stood, "Just, uh, looking for a cute outfit in the shop windows,"
"Kay," Taylor said, unconvinced.
Suddenly, Taylor felt a hand on her shoulder. She whipped around to see who it was, hair flying. Fred was standing behind her smiling.
Taylor let out a small scream and jumped on him. She kissed him and whispered things in his ear. After five minutes went by, she turned to Ginny.
"Gin," she said, "Did you know he was going to be here?"
"Maybe, maybe not... either way, we all win," she said. Taylor grinned at her and turned back to Fred. She kissed him again; tears covered her eyes.
Taylor and Fred said good bye to Ginny. and apparated to Charlie's house.
They explained to him what happened, and got Celestine. Even though he said he was happy for them, Taylor could tell he was upset. Taylor thanked him for housing her, and promised she would repay him some day.
Then, they went out, and looked for a house, since they currently, didn't have one.
A couple years later, everything was normal. Celestine was five years old and the most beautiful child you could imagine. Lena was in her sixth year, and Sam in his fifth. It was Christmas time; Christmas was in a week, and the kids were from school on break. It was dinner time and they were all eating in the dining room.
After Fred's return, they had bought a three story house, right near their old one. Though it was bigger than their old house, they all agreed it wasn't the same.
"And, I was thinking," Lena was saying, "If he could stay for just, like, a week? Please, Mum?”
She had grown a lot since her third year, and was even more beautiful. Her long red hair still flowed down by her waist, and her green eyes sparkled. She was begging her parents to let her boyfriend, Jeffrey Wockslaile, stay for break.
“Um,” Taylor said, she looked at Fred, “Your father and I will talk about it and tell you tonight, sound good?”
Lena groaned, “Fine,” she sighed, “But I need to know by tonight, ‘cause he’s gotta be home for Christmas Eve night, okay?”
Taylor nodded with a smile.
“If she gets to have someone come over, then can Brian come over too?” Sam asked.
“No,” Fred said, “Harry, Ginny, and Ron will bring their kids, and they have kids your age, got it?”
“Why?” Same started to argue but his dad gave him a look that he didn’t want to mess with.
“I want a friend to come too!” Celestine whined, “Hmm, who should I pick?”
“Your friends already come everyday, sweetie, Lena and Sam go to school, so they miss their friends,” Taylor said, “and Xavier’s coming anyhow,”
Xavier was the name Ginny had picked for her baby boy, who was a year younger than Celestine, but bigger and almost as mature. He was four and she was five.
“Yeah! Zaver’s coming!” she exclaimed, “I’ve got to clean up my toys because I can’t find my broomstick!”
“Ok,” Taylor said, “Everybody done eating? Lena and Sam, could you go help your father with the Christmas ornaments? While I put Celestine to bed,”
Lena nodded, angry at her mother, and she and Sam went outside with Fred.
After Celestine was sleeping, Fred, Taylor, Lena, and Sam sat down to watch a movie.
“What do you want to watch?” Taylor asked.
“How about ‘The Lord of the Rings’?” Sam asked, it was his favorite movie.
“No!” Lena said, “We just watched that! I’m not a girly-girl that won’t watch it, but everyday?”
“Lena’s right, Sam,” Fred said, though he also enjoyed the movies. He winked at Sam and told him they’d watch it tomorrow when Taylor and Lena went shopping, “How about… ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’?”
They all agreed and put it in.
Sam sat on the floor, Lena and Taylor sat on the couch, and Fred sat in a chair. When they just got to the part when Elizabeth boarded the ‘Black Pearl’, Fred and Taylor said that they wanted to go in their room for a while.
“You’re not gonna watch it with us?” Lena said, “This is a family movie,”
“Do you want Jeffrey to come?” Fred asked, Lena nodded, “Well, that’s what we’re talking about,”
“Ok!” Lena said, and she turned back to the movie.
In their room, they made sure Lena wasn’t listening in, and talked.
“Do you think Jeffrey can stay?” Taylor asked.
“I’d say yeah,” Fred replied, “But, I’m not exactly the King-of-Good-Choices,”
“Is he…trustworthy?” Taylor asked, “I’ve never met the boy… what if he does something with Lena?”
“Taylor,” Fred sighed, “Look, Lena can make good choices… and if not… she’s just like her mother.” Taylor smirked at him, “You did it in fifth year!”
Taylor sighed, “I guess you’re right, but… that was different.”
“I… I don’t know,” Taylor said, “I guess I really made some bad choices too,”
“Yes,” Fred said, “But… this isn’t about you… should we let Jeffrey stay?”
“Hmm,” Taylor thought, “I guess… but watch him like a hawk!”
Fred nodded, and they went back into the living room where Lena and Sam were fighting.
“He is so!” Lena was saying.
“Not… he’s a pirate! He doesn’t brush his teeth, he-.” Sam said.
“Point taken! But I never said I was gonna make-out with him!” Lena yelled.
“Make-out with who?” Taylor said.
“Jack Sparrow,” Lena shrugged, she turned to Sam, “But Will? HE is hot!”
Sam stuck out his tongue.
“Mum,” Lena said, “What’d you figure?”
“He…Jeffrey can stay,” she said. Lena let out a shriek and Sam groaned.
“But,” he said, “Her boyfriend is so stupid!”
“So is your girlfriend!” Lena said.
“What girlfriend?” Taylor asked.
Lena grinned wickedly, “Ohh! He didn’t tell you? Sam was found snogging Hilary Kimbell last month… they’re couple of the year… well for midgets; as for the whole school, Jeffrey and I take the gold!”
Sam muttered something under his breath and pushed back his sandy hair.
“Sam,” Taylor said, “I…don’t snog anyone, okay?” she remained calm, remembering her years at Hogwarts.
“Alright,” Sam said, “Not at home anyhow,” he whispered the last part.
“Um,” Lena said, “I’m gonna go call Jeffrey! You guys are the best parents in the world!” She hugged Taylor and Fred and ran to her room.
Lena quickly dialed Jeffrey’s number and waited for him to answer.
“Hullo?” came Jeffrey’s voice.
“You can stay!” Lena said loudly.
“Awesome!” he said, “And when I get there? I’m gonna teach you how to play Quidditch…the right way!”
“Ok,” Lena said, “See you tomorrow!”
“Ok,” he said.
“Love you!” she squealed.
“You more,” he said, and hung up.
Lena kicked her legs in the air and jumped down from her pink and lime green bed. She ran down the stairs and jumped the last three. Sam was taking out the DVD and putting it away.
“I’m getting ice cream,” he said, and he ran to the kitchen.
Lena ran after him and got some too. Lena got two scoops of cookie-dough ice cream, and Sam got a mountain of triple chocolate.
“And you’re small enough to stay on your broom how?” Lena said.
“My metabolism rocks,” he shrugged.
Lena rolled her eyes and sat down, “Where’re Mum and Dad?”
“They went to bed,” Sam said, “You know what’s weird?”
“No…Mum didn’t go off on me for snogging Hillary… thought she would,” he said with his mouth full.
“No she wouldn’t,” Lena shook her head, “She feels guilty.”
Sam looked at her.
“Well,” Lena said, “She snogged tons of guys at school.”
Sam nodded and muttered, “Ew,”
“Come here,” Lena said, and they took their ice cream to the living room. Lena pulled a thick book from the bookshelf and flipped through it.
“What’s that?” Sam said, through his ice cream.
“Yearbook,” Lena said, “From when Mum and Dad were at school,”
“Oh,” Sam looked over her shoulder, “Look at Uncle Ron!” he pointed.
Ron was slumped to the side and looked as if he were going to throw up. AS the picture moved, Sam realized he was…throwing up slugs.
Lena pointed out a picture at a Quidditch game, in which Taylor and Ginny were standing there smiling, and waving. They each had sashes on that read: Miss Hogwarts.
“Mum was Miss Hogwarts?” Sam said, “She was hot,”
“Sick-o!” Lena squealed.
They looked through the rest of it finding people they knew here and there. In the “most section”, they found they following: Most brave; Harry Potter, Most cunning; Draco Malfoy, Most jokers; Fred and George Weasly, Most hungry; Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, Most friendly; Neville Longbottom, Most smart; Hermione Granger, Most talented; Charlie Swindler, Most beautiful; Taylor Thomas and Ginny Weasly, Most handsome; Harry Potter and Charlie Swindler, and Most athletic; Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint.
They sat there all night, laughing at pictures of there parents at school, dances, for instance, at the seventies dance, Taylor and Fred were wearing afros and bell-bottoms, or at the end of year exams prep., Taylor and Charlie banging they’re heads together, stressfully, Harry and Ginny at Quidditch practice, or at the end of the year feast, all of the parents, aunts, uncles, and parents friends’ were laughing and dancing around.
Okay! After this post and for a while after, it’s going to be with Lena and Sam most of the time. It will be about them over Christmas break, and what they are doing! Hope you liked it!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |