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Old 11-07-2006, 02:55 AM   #32 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sylvannas Quickspeed
Ravenclaw Chapter 8

Hagrid carried Draco back up to his and Hermione's apartment. He fixed some tea, and layed Draco on his bed. Hagrid went through Draco's fridge, and found a cold pack. He layed it on Draco's head, and Draco began to stir. Moaning, he sat up.

"Uhhhhh.......Hagrid? Wh-what happened?" He turned and rolled out of bed. Draco went over to Hagrid. "Hagrid, you have to tell me where Hermione is. I have to get her back."

Hagrid started to speak, but stopped when he heard the tea go off. Mumbling to himself, he made two cups of tea. He handed a steaming mug to Draco, who accepted it, but refused to drink.

"Oh Draco, drink up and stop being subborn. We'll get Hermione back, don't you worry. But it won't do her any good if you won't get anything to eat or dink. You got ter be strong, Draco."

Draco nodded, and sipped at his tea.

"What now Hagrid? Do you know who has her?"

"I couldn' tell ya Draco. Mos' likely, yer father's got her now. So our bes' course o' action, is to go to yer old house. Malfoy Manor."

Draco spit out some of his tea, spewing all over Hagrid. Cursing, Hagrid went to get a towel.

"Now, don' be doin' that now Draco! I just took a show'r, no need fer you ta give me another one!" Hagrid sat back down. Draco got up.

"Hagrid, I'm ready to go get Hermione. Are you willing and ready to come with me?"

"Draco, Draco, sit back down fer a sec. You know that Harry and Ron would be rarin' ter go and help ya get Hermione back. Now it wouldn' be fair to just, dash off and leave those two in a rut. Go ter them Draco, an' tell em about Hermione. I'll watch the store. Good luck Draco."

Draco disapparated.


Harry and Ginny lived in Godric's Hollow. They had bought and built a house on the ground where his old family house once stood. Ginny and Sam were cooking dinner, and Harry was working on the garden. Ginny teased him about it, but growing trees was what he loved best. Giny was laughing at a joke Sam just told, when a large crack was heard in the living room. Ginny gasped, and went to investigate.

"Draco! What on earth are you doing here?" Draco gave Ginny a quick hug, and gave Sam a hug as well.

"Harry...I need to talk to Harry. Ginny...Hermione...was kidnapped by my father. I need Harry's help." Ginny stood speechless, then turned to Sam.

"Sam, go get your father. Tell him Uncle Draco's here." Sam dashed out into the garden.

Ginny lead Draco to the couch. Harry came in.

"Draco? I heard Hermione's gone. When are we leaving to get her back?" Draco was relieved when he heard the resolution in Harry's voice.

"As soon as I get Ron. Then we're off. Of course, Hagrid sent an owl to the Order, so they are on the alert. Ready?"

"Yea.Ginny, I'll be back as soon as we have Hermione." Ginny nodded, looking anxious. Harry kissed her, and gave Sam a hug. "Now you be good, and mind your mother now, ok?" Sam nodded. "Ok Draco, let's get Ron."

Draco and Harry apparated to Ron's house.


Ron had married Lavender, and they were living in Ireland. Ron had deceided to go back to his Irish roots. Lavender had opened a horse farm, and both were quite content. It was quite a suprise to them , when Harry and Draco turned up at their ranch. Ron was coming out of the stable, having just put his Thoroughbred mare, Lillian, back in her stall.

"Why Harry, Draco! Hey guys! Come on into the house! Lavender! We've got company!" Lavender bustled out. Her huge belly was apparent. 7 months pregnant with their first child.

"Well, hello boys! Wouldn't you like to come in for awhile? I was just starting dinner."

"I'm sorry Lavender, but we need Ron's help. Hermione's been kidnapped by Lucius, and we three need to get her back."

Ron's expressionwas set. He glared at the ground. He looked up.

"Let's get that son of a wench. He kissed Lavender goodbye.

"Lav, the new boy I hired, tell him to live out in the barn. He can use the extra room in it. Tell him to watch out for the horses, and keep an eye on the house. And you."

"Don't worry about me Ron. Just get Hermione back, OK? Then you all can come over, and we'll have dinner."

Draco, Harry, and now Ron, apparated, hoping to reach Hermione before Lucius could do any damage to Hermione....or Cara.

OK, all I got left! Tomorrow..No School! I can post tomorow!

And someday, when the night is over and the dawn arrives, we'll reach up to the sky withour eyes turned toward our Lord, and all will become good and whole

Last edited by Ozzy; 05-13-2007 at 10:28 AM.
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