Flying Classroom Rules
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11-01-2006, 01:57 AM
Flying Classroom Rules
Flying Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful.
Rudeness and disrespect will not be tolerated. Offenders will find the punishment will fit the crime - loss of House Points and/or Detention.
2. Do not announce that you are late to class/leaving class early.
5 points will be deducted for those who break this rule. Pretend that you've been in class the entire time the lesson has been in progress. That also goes for leaving the lesson early.
3. Follow directions.
You will be expected to follow Professor Vindictus's directions at all times. Flying can be dangerous and it is important to exercise safety at all times. Showing off can result in loss of House Points and/or detention.
4. Fly only in designated areas.
Flying is restricted to the Practice Pitch (lessons). Only those on their House Quidditch teams are permitted to post in their House Locker Rooms and Practice Pitch threads (see Quidditch Rule Book for details regarding punishment for rule breakers). Anyone caught flying anywhere on the school grounds outside of the lesson will lose 5 House Points and will serve detention.
5. Pay attention to due dates.
When assigned, all homework should be sent to demented_death_eater via PM by the set deadline (instructions are always included when homework is posted).
6. Observe SS Board Rules at all times
7. Have fun participating and earn your House some points!
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