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Old 10-30-2006, 09:17 PM   #55 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Okey pokey! Here ya go!

Over the next month, everything seemed to be back to normal. George, always being the more careful twin, was always calling to make sure Fred and Taylor were okay. Fred, being the more risky twin, would always reply with the same comeback: "No, I'm dead. Goodbye George." Harry and Ginny would stop over from time to time for dinner, and Ron and Hermione would invite them over.

One night, Fred and Taylor were sitting in bed. Taylor was reading a book, and Fred was staring at the ceiling.
"Do you remember when you first found out you were pregnant with Lena?" he asked.
"Of course I do," she replied, not looking up.
"It was kind of funny," he retorted.
Taylor looked up, "What are you talking about?"
"Well- think about it," he said.
"Maybe we're remembering it differently," she said defensivly.
"Oh really?" he smiled at her, "This is how I remember it:
"It was your seventh year, you were almost eighteen, I was nineteen. It was the end of your last year at Hogwarts and you were going out with Charlie Swindler. When I was at school, you had been going back and forth between me and Charlie. After I left, it was all Charlie. He broke up with you at dinner the night before and you were upset." he paused, "anyway, you were getting ready for your graduation ball. Since you didn't have a date, you weren't planning on going. I showed up, dropping off Ron's new -thank god- dress robes and you asked me to stay. I did of course, you being the sexy little you, and we went to the ball. Halfway through the ball, we went up to the Gryffndor common room. We sat on the couch and you fell asleep. So I, being the nice me, woke you up, and took you up to the seventh year boys' dormitory. I layed you on Harry's bed and started to leave-"

"Started to leave?!" Taylor exclaimed, "Far from it my friend! You're the one that tried to get me to take my clothes off!"
"You listened..." Fred said smiling, "Anyway, Yes so maybe I did, but, you weren't complaining! So- well... we, um, continued with whatever we were doing and well, that's how Lena was made!"
"That's funny to you?" Taylor asked, "It's not to me, I was still in school! We weren't old enough to be married let alone that!"
"No, true, that's not funny, but the next part is! So, the next week, I recieve an owl, at my shop, saying that you need to talk to me. I come see you and you pull me into a broom closet.
'Um, Fred'" he mimicked her, "'I'm, uh, pr-pregnant,' so I ask you why I need to know that, and you tell me it was my fault. Of course, I understood after that! Anyway, you couldn't face your parents! So, you asked me what you should do, and I gave you the most practical answer...I asked you to marry me. You said yes, we honey-mooned in Jamaica, and came back telling your parents you were pregnant,"

"You know," Taylor said, "That's still not funny. What would you've told your mum?"
"Nothing," Fred said, "You know, normally, men don't get pregnant," he smiled.
Taylor pretended to slap him, "You know what I meant!" she said.
"Was that your first time know?" he said.
"No..." she shook her head, "I did it once with Charlie, in the fifth year," she pulled her hair out of a bun, "You wanna take a shower?" she asked.
“Would I ever say ‘no’ to a hot shower?” he replied.
“You smell like it!” Taylor laughed. She kissed Fred and grabbed two towels. She stood up and walked into the bathroom. She pulled her shirt over her head and undressed. She stepped into the shower, and Fred followed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. They let the water run over them and kissed under it.
“I love you,” Fred said. But instead of an answer, Taylor grabbed her stomach and almost fell over. Fred jumped out of the shower, and grabbed some clothes for them both. Then he ran back into the bathroom and picked Taylor up.
Ron was sitting on the couch playing with Patrick, while Ginny made dinner. Just then, the phone rang.
“Hello?” Ginny answered the phone, “Oh hey, what? Oh my God! Alright! Bye!”
Ron looked up at Ginny, who ran into the room.
“Taylor’s in labor!” she squealed.

Alrighty, then! Oh yeah! Sorry for the cliffhanger but, I couldn't post that part too! It would've been entirely too long!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?

Last edited by Fire Eyes*Tayzer*; 11-01-2006 at 01:52 PM.
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