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Old 10-27-2006, 07:35 PM   #53 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Hufflepuff Part 15
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Awww... Thank you! Guess what? Stop frowning, cause the post-fairies have come to town! Har de har har! Sorry, I'm really happy, cause I got back together with my boyfriend! :pfriend: :lock2: YES!!! Well, here's the next part!

Malfoy looked at Taylor, searching for some sign of pleasure or happiness, but it didn't come.
"Draco," Taylor began, "How are we going to get out of here?"
"We're gonna sneak out, knock-out anyone that comes in our way, and jump. We can't be that far from that island, we can swim! It's really simple we-" he stopped. He was looking at Taylor's stomach. It wasn't as little as it used to be. It had the round shape of a pregnant woman. "You can't jump or swim can you?"

Taylor shook her head, there was no way the baby could survive a jump that big, plus a 100 meter swim, she didn't even know if she could...
"Alright," Malfoy continued, "We sneak out, knock-out anyone that comes in our way, steal the life boat, than row to shore. Sound good?"
"I don't know..." she said, placing her hands on her stomach. She saw the look of hope on Draco's face, and she couldn't help it, "Yes," she said, "I suppose, we either try to get out, and hope we don't die, or stay here and die indefinitely..."
"Okay, then," Malfoy said, "Let's go," while she had been talking, it had gotten dark. Malfoy supposed it should be easy. Considering half of the pirates were probably already passed-out from too much rum, or so drunk that they forgot their duty.

Malfoy took up his wand, and walked to the door. "Bloody pirates," he mumbled, "How stupid do they think we are?" He pointed his wand at the lock and whispered, "Alohamora." Nothing happened.
"Smarter than you think," Taylor said, being a girl that had always admired pirates as a Hogwarts students.
That's definatley worn off... she thought.
"No matter," Malfoy said. He turned on his heel, and picked up a metal bowl that held what looked hooribly like cockroach infested grog. He over turned the bowl, and Taylor backed away, as the gewey contents and creeoy bugs, splatered the floor. Malfoy walked back over to the door and banged the lock with the bowl.
"Shh..." Taylor warned him. Malfoy gave her the thumbs up, and banged more. The lock didn't budge. He turned and started to bang the hinges of the door. In a matter of five minutes, the heavy door had fallen with an ear-shattering bang.
"Ta," Malfoy said, and he stepped out into the cold night air.
Taylor, carefully avoiding the grog, followed, not even daring to breath. On the deck, there were pirates sprawled all over the place, like Malfoy had said, too drunk too do their duty. The pair carefully stepped around the unconscious pirates, and crept pass the only one that seemed to be awake.

"Don't think the cap'n'll appriciate to cargos escapin'" he said, "I'd gets 'em me self, if he wasn't in uh meetin'. A meetin' with a particularly wealthy man."
"Oh really?" Malfoy said, unimpressed, "I'm sure he won't be bothered by the loss of you," Malfoy raised his wand, "Stupefy!" he said, and the pirate fell among the others.
Malfoy quickly high-fived Taylor, and stepped to the life boat. He got in and lowered it a little.
"Come on," he said to Taylor, offering her his hand.
Taylor held up a finger to simbolize "Just a second," and she turned back to the pirates laying every which way on the deck. She reached to the front of her dress and tore it off, revealing her brown and pink bakini.
"Keep it," she whispered, "I'm not a thief,"
She threw down the dress and took Malfoy's hand, climbing into the small boat. Malfoy lowered it, and Taylor felt the cold water splash her arms. They rowed only about 7 meters, when Taylor heard a door open on the ship. She turned around to see Loussa stepping from his quarters, looking furious.
"Wasting my last shot..." he said. And with that, he pulled out his pistol, and shot straight at the boat. Taylor ducked and it soared right over her head and into the water.
"Move!" Taylor heard someone say, she looked up and saw Lucius Malfoy standing on the deck.
"Avada Kedavra!" he growled.
"NO!" Taylor shouted, but it was too late, the emerald green light shot out of his wand, and glowed in Taylor's eyes, matching the emerald color. It headed straight for Draco, not enough time for him to move.
"Keep rowing," Draco said, as the spell hit him. The curse hit him squarely in the chest, and Malfoy fell.
"Your own son!" Taylor screamed at the wizard, "Hoe could you!?"
She realized that she was risking her own life and began rowing towards land, crying over Draco's unmoving body.
What am I doing? she thought, They'll just catch me...
But she was wrong.
"Should we go after her?" Loussa growled.
"No," Lucius Malfoy said sternly, "She's just filth- not worth it," he said, "My son deserved it," Lucius said tonelessly.

Taylor rowed, and rowed, and rowed, until she reached the land, then she jumped out of the boat, arms aching horribly, and dragged the life-boat onto shore, just enough so that the tide would not carry Draco away.
Then, without thinking twice, she ran over to a tree, and collapsed in the leaves.

When Taylor awoke, someone was rocking her gently, cradeling her in his arms. She looked up and saw Fred's face grinning down on her. She threw herself on him and hugged him, bawling again.
"Oh," she said, "I...thought I'd... lost you..." she cried into his chest, which, was bare, he had his tee-shirt wrapped around Taylor snuggly.
"No you didn't," his smile faded, "but, apparently, we lost Malfoy."
Taylor nodded her head, and explained what had happened.
"Sounds horroble," Fred said, "his own son..." he shook his head in disapproval.
Taylor nodded again.
"Ready to apparate?" Fred asked.
"Just- just like that?" Taylor said.
"Why didn't you leave before?" she asked.
"Because, why would I leave you?"
Taylor giggled, appreciatively. Fred placed his hand on Taylor's stomach.
"Hey, baby girl," he said, "I'm your daddy," he smiled warmly.
"How do you know it's a girl?" Taylor asked.
"I can tell," Fred said, he looked back at her stomach, "You know what? Your mommy loves you very much, so do I. And your brother and sister will too." he smiled at her.
"Well,She loves you very much too, Mister," she said, kissing Fred, "Every time she hears your voice she kicks... she loves you."
"Yeah," Fred said, "Either that or she hates me," he turned back to the baby, "What's with all the kicking?" he said playfully.
"There she goes again," Taylor said, " Do you wanna feel?"
Fred placed his hand on her stomach, and immediately, felt a soft kick on his hand.
Just then, Fred's phone rang.
"Hello?" he said.
Taylor listened to his conversation intently.
"Yes...she's right here...okay...what?...really?...I knew it!...yes...of course...yes...Thank you...bye."
"Who was that?" Taylor asked.
"Your doctor," Fred said, "He said, he kept calling your phone and some kids kept answering."
"Lena and Sam," Taylor whispered, shaking her head, "What did he want?"
"Well," Fred beamed, "First of all," he said, "I am the father!"
"Thank goodness..." Taylor kissed him again.
"Secondly," he continued, "I am the master!"
"What do you mean?" Taylor asked.
"It's a girl," he said.
"Oh my gosh! Really?"
Fred nodded.
"Now let's go," he said.
"But- Malfoy?" Taylor said.
Fred looked at her. He shook his head again, in disapproval, but agreed. They buried Malfoy in a clearing in the woods. and placed flowers in the sand. In the sand, Taylor wrote.
Here lies Draco Malfoy...
A loving, caring man, who sometimes made wrong decisions. In the end, it all paid off, because, he is the reason I still stand here today.

After they finished, they apparated back to the island resort, to continue their perfect lives.

OKEY DOKEY!!! (again sorry, for the hyperness) Hope you liked it! I'm sad for Draco! How could I write that? Bad Taylor, Bad! But...I'm happy for Freddikins and Taylor!!!
Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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