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Old 10-11-2006, 05:22 PM   #21 (permalink)
Fire Eyes*Tayzer*
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jack Fletcher
Fourth Year
Gryffindor Part 11
Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle!

Fine! I can't take it! Here's the next part! HEEEEYYYYY, Lizziness! PIRATES, AHOY!!! There are pirates in this post! YES!!! "What was that for?" Ron screamed at Hermione.
"You know bloody well what!" Hermione yelled back, "You kissed Taylor!"
"Oh, um..." Ron didn't know what to say.
"Oh, um...what?!" Hermione was furious, "You weren't even going to tell me! How could you!!!"
Ron wanted to say that he didn't mean to, but... he had. He had been reliving the kiss in his mind over and over again in his mind. He was still baffled at the fact that his brother that, according to his mother, wouldn't amount to anything, was married and happy to the most beautiful witch in the wizarding world. Guess Molly Weasly had been wrong. Fred was married with two beautiful children and a gorgeous expecting wife, and had a well paying job. Ron, sure, had four kids and a wife but, he had no job. Hermione made the money. He sat at home, and the kids weren't as successful as Fred's. His kids had nothing. No good grades, no sport talent, and he couldn't even keep a good relationship with his wife! Lena and Sam were perfect. Sam was going to be on the quidditch team and only in his second year! No one had done that good since Harry was in school! Lena was really smart, pretty, and popular. Guess that's what you get when you put together a gorgeous Taylor and a successful Fred.
Just then, the phone rang. Hermione slapped Ron again and answered the phone.
"Hello?" she said irratably.
"Hello," said Fred, "Did you tell Ron?"
"Hey, Fred," she replied, "Yeah,"
"Well... we know what's wrong,"
"What do you mean?" Hermione was confused.
"Well, Malfoy's jinx? Yeah, it's still on. She has that heart still. Harry snogged her, too. Taylor just told me."
"Oh," Hermione felt sorry.
"Well, uh, bye," Fred said, "We're on our airplane to the Caribbean right now."
"OK," Hermione said, "Have fun on vacation."
Hermione hung up the phone and thought for a minute. Then, she stood up to her full height. She ran into the sitting room, and jumped on Ron. She kissed him, and he didn't care what he had done. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed him. Then she broke away and said soory to him. Then she told him what Fred had said and kissed him some more. Then, they went upstairs to their room and weren't seen the rest of the night.
Fred, Taylor, Lena, and Sam were getting off the airplane and stepping into the hot, Caribbean sun. They were outside an airport next to the hotel. They went inside to get their bags. When they got to the luggage retreival, Sam jumped up on to it.
"Honey, I don't think we're supposed to do that," Taylor said ushering Sam down.
Thay grabbed Lena and Sam's red bags and Taylor's pink bag. Fred's bag was rolling around on the floor, where it had fallen off. They picked up the black bag and set out. When they got outside, they went next door to a hotel. They checked in and went upstairs. The hotel clerk had told them about a day camp that was going on for kids ages 10-15. Lena and Sam were going to be going to that in a few hours.
They had gotten two suites, one for the kids and one for Fred and Taylor. When thay got upstairs and Lena and Sam had gone into their room, Taylor and Fred went into their room.
"Do you wanna go to the beach?" Fred asked Taylor.
"Sure," Taylor said.
She pulled out a bright blue tankini.
"No.." Fred announced.
"What?" Taylor asked.
"Where this one," he said, "It will be a long time before you can where it again with the baby."
He had pulled out a brown bakini with light pink trim. He was smiling at her. She gave him a small smirk and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him and took the bathing suit from his hands.
When thay were both changed (Fred in brown and green swim trunks) they went into the hall and knocked on the kids door.
Sam opened the door.
"Mum!" Lena said, looking at what her mother was wearing.
"We are going to the beach," Taylor told them, "We'll be back at five o'clock to get you from daycamp. Make sure you don't tell muggles about magic."
"Ok, mum," said Sam.
Taylor kissed both children on the cheek and went outside. When they got outside, they layed their towels done on the warm sand and sat down. Taylor put on her big black sunglasses with rhinestones and kicked off her flip-flops, letting the waves wash over her feet.
She kissed Fred and he felt her warm, tan stomach. She stroked his hair and he wrapped his arms around her waist. He rolled over on top of her and pushed himself up by his hands. Suddenly, he felt a push a strong wind coming from the sea. He sat up, kissed Taylor's forehead, and looked out over the ocean. There, coming towards them at full speed, was a ship. Not just an ordinairy ship... a ship flying the Jolly Roger. A pirate ship. On the side of the ship, were the words in painted in chipping red paint The Death Oyster.

Have at thee!
But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?

Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word?
Who do you carry the torch for, my young man?
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