Join Date: Sep 2006 Location: Dharmaville™
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jack Fletcher Fourth Year | part 10 Dumbledore's Licorice Snaps Chipotle! Hello lovelies! Here is the next part, dahling! Hermione Weasly walked down the halls of Hogwarts. It felt good to be back in those corridors. The last time she had been in them, she had been worried sick about what marks she had received on her N.E.W.T.s. Now, she was nervous for a different reason. Today was her first year of teaching Transfiguration at the school. She walked up to the third floor and went over to a stone gargoyle.
She looked down at a piece of paper she had received from the Headmaster, Professor Hondlune. It read:
Dear Mrs. Hermione Weasly,
On the first day of school, August 1, meet me in my office at twelve o’clock, noon.
Yours truly,
Headmaster, Jacklos Hondlune
P.S. I know an “animagus”.
Hermione looked up at the stone gargoyle.
“Animagus,” she said.
The stone gargoyle leapt aside and revealed a set of stairs. She climbed the stairs and knocked on the door of the office. Professor Hondlune opened the door. He was a tall, thin man with a red beard and hair that was noticeably turning grey.
“Ah,” he said with a chuckle, “Hermione Weasly, come on in,”
Hermione walked into the room and sat down at a chair he was gesturing at. She had told him that she would take the job, if she was allowed to live at home with her family. So, every night, she would now go outside the Hogwarts gates (as you can’t apparate inside them) and go home to Ron and Patrick. (The other kids were in school, anyway.)
“Good afternoon, sir,” she said.
“And to you, as well!” laughed Professor Hondlune, “You know, we have to go get ready to greet the first years and make sure the rest know where they are going… I was an old friend of Albus Dumbledore, and when you were in school he said you were great, you’ll be fine! Meeting ends! Come on now, miss!”
He led Hermione outside to the Hogwarts gates. She crossed her fingers tightly and hoped for the best.
Ron stood up off the couch where he had playing with a toy broom with Patrick and went to answer the door, where someone was knocking. He opened the door and saw Taylor and Fred.
“Hi!” Taylor said, “Do you mind if we come in? Hermione told us to help you out; she said she’ll be home tomorrow night.”
“Uhhh… sure,” Ron said, he looked at Fred and Fred shrugged.
“Hey,” Fred said to his wife and brother, “I’m gonna go get some drinks and snacks from my place. I’ll be right back.”
“OK,” Taylor said, kissing his cheek.
“Come on in,” Ron said to Taylor.
“Thanks,” Taylor said politely.
She was quite pretty. Her neat brown hair that was usually straight was very curly today. She had on a flowing brown skirt with sequins on the rims, and a white sweater. She was wearing a pink blazer with rhinestones on it overtop. Ron helped her take off her jacket, and hung it up in the closet.
“Thank you,” she said.
How did someone as mean and weird as my brother get married to someone so nice? Ron thought to himself.
Taylor walked over to Patrick.
“Hi, Patrick!” she said, “Oh…” she turned and looked at Ron, “He’s asleep!”
“Oh,” said Ron. He turned and looked at Taylor, who was stroking Patrick’s bushy brown hair that matched his mother’s. Ron walked over to Taylor and Patrick. He picked Patrick up, and carried him to his room.
When he returned, Taylor was sitting on the couch with hear head in her hands. He went and sat next to her.
“So…” he asked her, “What’s up?”
“Nothing much,” she said lifting her head up, “How’re you?”
“Pretty good,” he said moving around in his seat.
They both stood up at the same time and bumped into each other. Ron chuckled and couldn’t think of what to say. Suddenly, he felt himself thrusting himself at her and he was kissing her.
Taylor immediately broke away.
“What are you doing!?” she exclaimed.
Ron was shocked at himself, “Sorry, I…”
Suddenly he was kissing her again. He had wanted to do this for a long time. Taylor was pushing at his chest trying to get him off but, he didn’t budge. He just kept kissing her. She tried to stand up but he pushed her back down. She was flabbergasted, how did this keep happening to her? This just wasn’t her week.
Fred was walking back up to Ron’s door, when he noticed a movement through the window. He looked closer and saw that Ron was kissing his wife. She was pushing at his chest but Ron was just too strong. Fred felt his anger rising. He felt his face turning as red as his hair. He dropped the drinks where he was standing, and ran towards the door. When he burst through the door, he was now angrier than he had ever been at his brother.
“WHAT THE BLOODY-!” he screamed at Ron.
“Fred,” Ron mumbled.
“Fred, I just-,” Ron stuttered.
“NO! FORGET IT! Come on, Taylor,” he said, much politer to his wife.
Taylor gave Ron a look of anger and disappointment, and then she flipped her hair, and walked over to Fred where he put his arm around her.
Fred said something very nasty to Ron, and he and Taylor left. Taylor was very glad she’d decided she shouldn’t tell Fred about Harry.
“Are you okay?” Fred asked her.
“Y-yes,” she said.
She was shaking in his arms. He stopped and turned to Taylor.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“Pretty sure,” she said.
He gave her a hug and squeezed her tightly. He had always known his brother to be an idiot, but this?
“Nothing’s going your way. This week is it?” he asked, still hugging her.
“You have no idea,” she said.
“Well, now we really have to go on vacation… to get away from my brother.” He said.
Taylor stopped shaking; she really did need this trip to the Caribbean, now. When they got there, they would forget everything else, and be together with their kids.
The next day, Hermione was sitting at her desk, waiting for her first class to come in.
She remembered when Minerva McGonagall had sat there. She also remembered where she had sat: On the left side in the front, right next to Professor McGonagall, with Harry and Ron behind her.
Just then, her class came in, they were a group of second years.
“Good morning, class!” she said, “Please take a seat!”
She stood up and walked over to the chalkboard, when her phone rang.
“Hold on one minute class,” she said.
She went and answered the phone.
“Hello?” she said into the phone.
“Hello,” came Fred’s voice.
“Fred, I just started my first class, can this wait?” she said, he always had had horrible timing.
“No, Hermione,” he said, he sounded anxious.
“Ok… what?”
“Ron’s cheated on you,” he said with a sigh.
Hermione gasped, “That- hold on,” she turned to her class, “One minute class,”
She went outside the door, “That foul git! What happened?”
“Well… here, I’ll start at the beginning. Yesterday, when you called me and Taylor to help Ron, we went over at like, 8:30. I decided to go home and get drinks. When I got back, I looked in the window, and he was all over Taylor!” Fred said.
“Taylor!” Hermione said, shocked.
“Don’t blame her, she was trying to push him off,” Fred said, defensively.
“Ok,” Hermione said, getting angrier by the minute.
“So, I burst in and told him off, and left with Taylor. Just thought you should know.”
“Thanks, Fred,” she said, sadly, “Don’t tell him you told me, I want to see if he tells me.”
“Um, alright,” he said, “Bye,”
“Bye,” she hung up the phone.
She walked back into the classroom, putting on a smile, where they were all talking quietly.
“Okay class, Welcome to Transfiguration!”
She went back to the chalkboard and wrote ‘Hermione,’ she thought about writing ‘Granger’ but looked around the room and saw her son, John, sitting there, so she wrote ‘Weasly’.
“My name is Hermione Weasly! I will be your Transfiguration teacher this year! I am John’s mom, and Sam, back there’s aunt! This year you will be learning to transfigure bigger animals! Like rats and kittens.” She said smiling.
She had a good group of kids in this class, but… then again, these were just the second year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. But she still was glad to do it.
That night she went home and stood at the door for a while, if Ron was going to believe she didn’t know, she was going to have to be perfect. She hid her anger, put on a smile, and opened the door.
“I’m home!” she called.
“Hey, Miney! How was work, sweetie?” Ron said.
“Good,” she said smirking; she could tell he was trying to impress her. “I love my classes! All the kids are great! How was you day?”
“Lovely!” he said, standing up and walking over to her.
She faked her smiles, this was it… he had to believe it.
He kissed her and she kissed him back. She loved him so much. He really was a good kisser… She almost forgot what she was supposed to be doing. She broke away and smacked him, right across the face. Well, here it is! Fred finally found something out! Temper! LOL Well, I'm not exactly sure when we are leaving for those 2 weeks, so I might get another post in!!! Well, don't forget to tell me when you post more in 'Tangle'! It rocks!!! TTFN!
__________________ Have at thee! But who's that ghost who keeps walking by my door?  Tell me, how long could you hang on to a word? Who do you carry the torch for, my young man? |